Alien God System

Chapter 2126: Set off

"Hey, what do you mean?

What shouldn't you find?

Are you disappointed to see that I am fine? "

Hearing what he said, Hai Lifang was furious, even if it fryed the pan.

Yang Feng smiled and waved his hand, calmly said: "No, no, I am happy, you can always be safe, I am happy, okay?"

"Did not see it."

Rolling his eyes, Hai Lifang narrowed his mouth and squinted at him, "By the way, last time Tang Hao brought someone to encircle and suppress, you leave it as cover.

I was also worried that you would be killed by him. I never thought that you could escape from his hands. It's amazing. "

"Cut, what's this?

I also severely injured him! If he hadn't had a helper at the time, I would have killed him directly. "


The brows were raised slightly, Hai Lifang stared at him in amazement, as if he couldn't believe it, but soon sneered: "Brother, come on, Tang Hao got the Kabbah True Story. Can two brushes hurt him?

Don't forget, we couldn't stop him from joining forces. "

"Isn't that the reason for teaming up with you!"

"What do you mean?"

Hai Cube's beard curled up and stared at him. Yang Feng grinned and said: "I was inevitably distracted to protect you. When I was fighting alone with him and going all out, the two of us were actually half a cat.

To put it bluntly, you dragged me back then. "

"Fart! Fart your mother's shit!"

His fist squeezed, and Hai Lifang was so angry that his hair almost didn't stand up: "The surname Huo, you are too shameless, how many catties do you have, am I still not sure?

What are you bragging about with me?

Yes, you are a great master, Brahma Seal, and Nine-Colored Glazed Glazed Light are all unique skills, and they are not comparable to the quasi-six-old Tang Hao.

If you can pick him up ten strokes, I will give your last name! "

"Well, you don't believe it, do you?

Let you believe in the future, you wait to change your surname, hehehe. "

Smiling evilly, Yang Feng hurriedly asked about the business: "By the way, when you ran away, did you meet the Lord Jin Ling and the others?"

Ok! The original unrestrained face became heavier, and Hai Lifang nodded slightly.

Yang Feng's heart sank: "Where is she now?"

"Taken away."

"Caught it?"

Yang Feng was anxious: "How can you let her be arrested?

With your strength, she should be able to keep her comprehensive, right?

Or do you leave her alone? "

"If I can guarantee it, of course.

At this time, one more person has more strength, can I not protect her?

Besides, with your relationship, our friendship must be guaranteed! "

"How come there is no guarantee?"

"Can't keep it, a bunch of captains gathered around, and there was a traitor who was in and out, how to protect it?"


I couldn't help but startled a little, Yang Feng rolled his eyes, thought about it, and then said: "Di Ablo Demon Lord, I know this kid is born with two or five sons, I shouldn't have brought him into the group!"

"Oh, it's not him, he is also a victim."


not him?

Who else is in our team?

This old man Wen Liang is with me, and he is very loyal and will never betray. "

"It's a great **** named... Jiang Chaowei!"

After thinking about it, Hai Lifang murmured.

Yang Feng was surprised: "Why is it him?

When did he get into our revolutionary ranks? "

"Hi, this is how things are, didn't we get separated back then.

According to the agreement, everyone came to meet in Genting City.

As a result, as soon as I came here, I ran into two Shura gods holding Jiang Chaowei here.

Jin Ling seemed to have some friendship with him, so he asked me to save Jiang Chaowei.

Who could have imagined that, while we were not paying attention, this girl would inform the main force of the Asura God and encircle us.

Fortunately, the old man was so good that he broke through, but the other two couldn't be saved. "

"This ex-boyfriend is really a twenty-five boy. I should have done him at the beginning to avoid future troubles."

Yang Feng jumped his feet with anger, but Hai Lifang frowned, worrying: "It doesn't matter that the twenty-fifth boy, he is a **** of heaven and has no foundation on this plane.

But Jin Ling and Di Abro are different. They are the main **** and demon **** of this plane, and they are full of their followers on this plane.

The biggest flaw in the lower realm of the Asura God and Soul is that there is no physical body to replenish the energy of heaven and earth.

But now with this main god, demon and god, they have solved the physical problem and can fight a protracted battle with us, this..." "Yes, war! "

Before Hai Lifang had finished speaking, Yang Feng nodded his head and shouted: "Old Man Guyin, immediately call all the brothers outside. Lao Tzu is going to go to war with the **** Shura on the holy mountain."

Yes! Venerable Dry Seal left immediately, while Hai Lifang was anxious: "Brother Huo, don't be impulsive. Now we are weak, and we are definitely not an opponent of the Asura God headquarters.

Even Tang Hao is not something we can handle, let alone those tens of thousands of horses? "

"I can't wait any longer. My wife has been arrested and she must be rescued immediately."

"Oh, that's just an AI, so why bother?

Our top priority now is to preserve our strength, find the right opportunity, and escape from here..." "Huo Dashen! "

At this time, Sea Cube hadn't finished speaking yet. Venerable Dry Seal ran over again and shouted, "The team is assembled, please review!"

it is good! Determined to nod, Yang Feng had already left in strides, and Haifang was stunned.

Team, where's the team?

However, he just shook his mind a little, and he immediately chased him out.

When he arrived at the square outside the auction site, he saw that the darkness was overwhelming. More than a hundred fallen gods had already been assembled, and the crowd was passionate and powerful.

Yang Feng stood in front of them, boosting morale, and preparing to march.

Unconsciously, Sea Cube was in a daze, and Kuan Kuan walked to Yang Feng and asked, "Uh... where did you get these people?"

"Do you think I am hiding like you these days?

Laozi went to pull the team, and had already fought with the main force of the Asura gods. "


The body shook, and Hai Cube's mouth almost opened into a duck egg shape: "You have already fought those Shura gods?

Wasn't it wiped out? "

"Fight, we fought with them for three days and three nights. Although our loss was not small, they were not doing well, hum!"

At this time, Venerable Dry Seal roared proudly, and Hai Lifang was completely shocked.

He couldn't believe that in such a short period of time, this Huo family had already organized such a strong team, able to block the main force of the God of Asura for three days and three nights, and had not been completely destroyed?

how is this possible?

Hai Lifang was dumbfounded. Yang Feng didn’t care about him. He only looked at Hai Lifang after assigning specific tasks to these people, and said, “Brother Hai, it’s time for you to make up for it. Let’s give you a mission that must not be lost. Save Jin Ling for me."

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