Alien God System

Chapter 2124: resurrection

"No, your eldest brother is going to kill his father again, I'm leaving now, bye!"

Yang Feng saw Tianming's wicked look, he immediately turned around and disappeared without saying a word.

Seeing him running fast, Tianming gasped for a few breaths, but soon he smiled.

Only Brahma was still depressed and muttered: "The past, present, and future have finally formed a perfect closed loop.

Once in reincarnation, fate cannot be controlled.

Brother Tianming, Dad’s future path has been completely cut off by you. Are you so intolerant of people who catch up with you? "

"He was created by me, and all his achievements along the way are bestowed by me. Why can he be equal to me?"

The joyful smile gradually sank, Tianming patted Brahma's head lightly and said: "Besides, it is enough to have one ruler in this world. If there is more, it will be easy to get confused."

"is it?

Just like you keep trapping me in this Brahma realm and keep me from going out?

Once my physical body wakes up, it will start all over again.

People think that I am the master of the Brahma realm, high above, but my destiny is so fragile! "

"Brother, I know you have had enough of this kind of lonely life, but who made you too strong? If there is no such restriction, wouldn't the world be in chaos?

I promise you that I will come with you often. "

Xin smiled and picked up Brahma, Tianming walked away leisurely, but Brahma's face was full of helplessness and loneliness.

At the same time, Yang Feng shook his body and returned to the mourning hall of the auction house again. He raised his hand, and there was a crystal ball of light floating in his palm.

Then, Yang Feng threw the ball of light to Huo Yanfeng's body.

Hum! After Huo Yanfeng's body trembled fiercely, his complexion began to become ruddy, and his body temperature gradually warmed up.

Li Xiaolan felt his change, and her godless eyes immediately became sharp, screaming: "Yanfeng, are you alive?

speak? "

Well! Huo Yanfeng's mouth faltered, his eyelids trembled lightly, and then slowly opened his eyes, only to see that Li Xiaolan's nervous eyes were staring at her tightly, and she chuckled and muttered: "what happened?

Am I not good?

Not dead yet, why are you crying? "

"Yanfeng, you really are alive, oooooo!"

Li Xiaolan couldn't help but be overjoyed, and immediately pounced on him, couldn't help howling even harder.

Huo Yanfeng looked inexplicable, what's wrong, isn't he just seriously injured and unconscious?

Why does it feel like you have died once, why is your wife crying so sad?

But how did he know that his current soul was newly created by Tianming using part of Yang Feng’s mind and soul. After being embedded in the past reincarnation, all memories stayed at the moment when his soul flew away. He didn’t know that he was no longer the original Huo Yanfeng. , Or that he didn’t even know how many months he died.

At this moment, he still stayed in the time when he was being questioned by Tang Hao.

The people around were shocked when they saw that the boss had really come back from the dead. Hu Yan Lieyang and Yan Pianqian were even more stunned, their eyes barely protruding.

This ancestor of the Huo family is really awesome. People who have been dead for more than seven or forty-nine days can actually be saved?

Worthy of being the ancestor of the most cattle family.

Boss Huo is already powerful enough, this old ancestor is even more perverted, admire and admire! After a lot of noise, everyone told Huo Yanfeng about the latest things, Huo Yanfeng finally understood that he was dead long ago, and he was saved thanks to the return of the ancestor.

Suddenly, Huo Yanfeng came to Yang Feng with a grateful look, and knelt down and thanked him: "Thank you for saving my life. You saved my life again. I don't know how to repay you."

"Yes, ancestor, you came back in time.

If it weren't for you this time, Yanfeng wouldn't have the chance to be reborn.

Lan'er will never forget your great kindness even if she is a cow or a horse in her next life. "

Li Xiaolan was also the person who knew the gratitude and knelt down together.

Yang Feng hurriedly helped them up, and said with a smile: "Isn't this just going out? They are all in the same family, so what else do you want to repay?

Besides, it all started because of me.

Your child is also sincere. Wouldn't he just force you to ask about my whereabouts? Wouldn't it be over if you told him honestly?

If you have to resist, can you hold on to those Shura gods? "

"Ancestor, didn't you teach me?

A man standing upright, dare to dare to be, to be a hero like Qiao Feng! "

"Pull it down, Qiao Feng is invincible in the world, so he is so hardened. Can you be invincible in front of God Shura?"

Rolling his eyes, Yang Feng was noncommittal: "I also said that sometimes you have to learn from Wei Xiaobao, adapt to changes, bend and stretch, why did you forget?"

"I haven't forgotten, but even if Wei Xiaobao is in danger, he has never betrayed Master.

How can I, Huo Yanfeng, a handsome man, be inferior to the tortoise who came out of a brothel? "

"Uh...that's also true!"

After pondering a little, Yang Feng nodded faintly: "Although Wei Xiaobao usually looks soft, he immediately slapped his beard and slapped his horse when he saw it, and looked like a wall of grass, but he was still principled and stiff at the critical moment.

Hey, forget it, I don’t blame you for being strong.

I just ask you, has your grandma come back? "

After blinking big confused eyes, Huo Yanfeng was stunned: "Ancestor, I have been a dead person for the past few months, you ask me?

I don't know anything! "

"Xiao Lan, has grandma returned?"

With that, Huo Yanfeng looked at Li Xiaolan on the side, and Li Xiaolan shook her head: "Since the ancestors and grandma left, I just saw the ancestor come back today, and grandma has never come back."

Broken, is it possible to be caught by those Shura gods?

With a sigh in his heart, Yang Feng considered it carefully.

The **** Shura has eyeliners in this Genting City. If you find them nearby, grab them back to the holy mountain, it's not impossible.

Jin Ling is just a main god, who is the opponent of Shura god?

"Everyone listens!"

Thinking of this, Yang Feng immediately said to the fallen gods: "You immediately look around Yunding City, looking for the whereabouts of the main **** Jin Ling, and you must not let her fall into the hands of the **** Shura."

Yes! Determined to nod, all the fallen gods left.

Yang Feng, with the last hope, looked for Jin Ling and the others. If they can't find it, then the possibility of Jin Ling and the others being arrested will greatly increase.

Oh, I hope they are safe.

Yang Feng prayed in his heart and asked Huo Yanfeng to arrange another secluded room for him, and then he continued to enter concentration and enlightenment.

After all, if Jin Ling has been arrested, he must save people.

Then, to realize the fifth avenue of other gods, anger, it is imperative!

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