Alien God System

Chapter 2115: Fight next time

"Director Tang Hao!"

Yang Feng's green mask more than doubled in the blink of an eye, and Yang Feng's laughter followed: "You are right, a good opponent can really benefit him a lot.

I can comprehend the greed of other gods on the Fourth Avenue, but you have a great credit, and I have to thank you very much.

But thank you, thank you, I will never release water, I will let you bury your bones here today. "

"Damn, it's a big [doudou novel] tone, then let's see who is buried here today, hum!"

Tang Hao didn't feel annoyed, but with a thought, more sword lights snapped at Yang Feng's crowd.

Yang Feng also had an open mind. He didn't worry about being hit by Tang Hao at all. He just absorbed the power of assimilating Tang Hao with endless thoughts.

As a result, after the two sides had been deadlocked for a long time, Yang Feng's green mask became bigger and stronger, but Tang Hao's giant sword retreated step by step and became scarcer.

In the end, Yang Feng has an absolute advantage.

However, Tang Hao didn't care at all, and sneered: "Don't think that you can do any good by swallowing so much power, burst!"

Boom boom boom! There was a burst of green light, which immediately made the green mask more than doubled. Yang Feng also shook his body severely, and blood came out from the corner of his mouth, but he didn't care at all and smiled evilly.

"Show me the yin and yang dualistic cut again, hum, but it doesn't matter, I don't care.

How can greed be without the slightest risk?

Since I am happy to read the door and absorb the power of your thoughts without doing any protection, then I don't care about the trauma to Laozi's thoughts caused by your little trick.

Let's compare it now and see if I exhausted your mind first, or if you hurt me badly first, hum. "

With a sneer, Yang Feng did not flinch at all, still swallowing Tang Hao's power like a whale swallowing sea water.

Tang Hao was furious: "Since you are ruthless with me, I will compare with you to the end, to see who can't hold it first, huh!"

Ever since, in this way, the two sides started desperately under a loud blast.

Yang Feng desperately sucked his mind power, trying to **** him to exhaustion; Tang Hao made some hands and feet in those powers, constantly rushing into Yang Feng's mind.

Yang Feng was shocked to vomit blood and his mind was shaking. Fortunately, he absorbed enough power to stabilize and continue to support.

Tang Hao was exhausted by the inhalation, and he could hardly stabilize his mind.

The rest of the people can only watch and cannot get in.

After all, this is a duel of master level masters, if they dared to participate in the battlefield casually, they would have been wiped out.

The two sides were in such a stalemate, and no one would let anyone score a point, until after a long time, a white light burst, and Yang Feng's green mask finally collapsed.

The leader of the Asura Gods was overjoyed: "Then old ghost Huo can't hold it anymore, it's the director who won. These people are dead!"


Venerable Withered Seal and the others were anxious and panicked, but when they were about to bite the bullet to welcome the countless huge swords, they saw that the huge swords in the air were all gone after they swayed.

Tang Hao swayed back and forth and lay down weakly.


The Asura gods were shocked and hurriedly stepped forward to hold on to them. Venerable Dry Seal and the others were overjoyed: "It seems that Tang Hao will not work anymore. We still have to save it, hahaha!"

"Quick...hohoho...kill them!"

Hearing the noise from the other side, Tang Hao's face was already pale, but still trembling with his index finger pointing to a group of fallen gods: "We must not let them run again, not one left."

"Yes, director!"

Determined to nod his head, Tang Jian immediately led his men and rushed over: "Kill, don't keep one, especially the old ghost of the Huo family, you must not let him leave alive."

"Dream, my Huo Dashen is our last amulet.

Want to kill him, pass our level first.

Brother Liang, you quickly take Huo Dashen away, we cover and kill! "

Venerable Dry Seal was very brave at this time, and with a strong chest, he rushed forward with a group of rebels.

Suddenly, when the bosses of both sides were exhausted, the younger brothers of both sides fought together again.

I have to say that this time Yang Feng really took a long-term view, and he and Tang Hao really matched each other, and both suffered.

At this time, he is in danger without the help of his younger brother.

Wen Liang didn't participate in the fight between the two sides, but hurried back to the cave. He saw Yang Feng lying weakly in a pool of blood. Without a word, he picked up his body and ran away.

Seeing that Yang Feng had been rescued, the Asura captains immediately chased them down. Unfortunately, Venerable Dry Seal and the others tried their best to stop them. Relying on the gluttony power left by Yang Feng, they immediately blocked the pace of these captains.

Tang Hao watched this scene weakly, especially when he looked at the leaving figure of Yang Feng and two of them. He was facing the same weak Yang Feng and looked at him with a grin, and suddenly sighed helplessly.

"Next time, fight again next time, alas!"

The battle lasted for three days and three nights, and both sides suffered a lot of casualties. When the war subsided, Tang Jian and the others returned to the holy mountain again with weak Tang Hao, and cultivated in the secret cave.

Cough cough cough! Tang Hao coughed violently and murmured: "Go, go and call that human."


Tang Jian bowed slightly, turned and left. After a while, Zhai Luotian cautiously walked in, bowed and said, "Great God, are you looking for me?"

Snapped! Without saying anything, Tang Hao slapped the old man around twice.

The old man kept his eyes on, and instantly stunned: "Great God, what does this mean?

Did I offend you? "

"What a good thing you did, a bad idea, cough cough!"

After two more violent coughs, Tang Hao glared at him fiercely: "You propose to let the fallen gods gather and deal with the old Huo family ghost. As cannon fodder, we will take advantage of the fisherman's profit.

The results of it?

The old ghost of the Huo family collected all the fallen gods and became his guard.

If the old ghost of the Huo family hadn't been protected by these guards this time, we would have taken him down, huh! "

No way?

Zhai Luotian blinked his big bewildered eyes: "Great God, didn't you mean that those fallen gods are selfish and courageous.

Such a weak person cannot sacrifice desperately for others. How could he become the guard of the old ghost of the Huo family?

And listening to your tone just now, then the old ghost of the Huo family should have been seriously injured and can no longer fight, so you feel that you can easily win him.

Under this circumstance, those mobs are even less likely to work hard for him. They should disperse as soon as they hit. How could..." "You ask me, who do I ask? "

Rolling his eyes, Tang Hao cursed: "Not only did they disperse without a fight, but they fought very bravely. It dragged us for three days and three nights. Then the old ghost of the Huo family didn't know where to go."

This...Zhai Luotian rubbed his chin and fell into confusion. After thinking for a while, he said leisurely: "Great God, did the old ghost of the Huo family break their life?

So they can only follow the old ghost of the Huo family all the way to the end! "

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