Alien God System

Chapter 2011: Get up

Uh! His heart was stagnant, Hu Yanlieyang stared at Yang Feng in a daze. He couldn't recover for a long time. He didn't seem to understand what he meant, but he soon realized what he meant, and said in surprise: "What do you mean..." "I don't have any It means that you have to understand that if you want to regain lost things, money is not the main thing, but no money is absolutely impossible.

Don't always go ahead and start from the basics. "

No longer looking at him, Yang Feng wiped his face indifferently, and went to rest in his guest room.

Only Huyan Lieyang's startled eyes were left, shaking and shaking, after a few moments, as if suddenly enlightened, he laughed and said: "I understand, thank you for your suggestion!"

At this time, Hu Yan Lieyang became more and more convinced that Huo Yanfeng's sub-personality was that their sage leader had returned to the spirit world.

It's just that for some reason, I can't recognize him.

But the fact is, Yang Feng knows him, but he doesn't know Yang Feng, what else can you recognize?

This era does not belong to Yang Feng. Yang Feng feels that in this era, he should show up as little as possible, otherwise he does not know what impact it will have on the future.

Just like now, he beats and shuts Di Abro again. Fortunately, Di Abro has never seen the state of his soul. Otherwise, one hundred thousand years later, he doesn't know this demon god, but Di Abro remembers one hundred thousand. Isn't the hatred from a few years ago bad for one hundred thousand years later?

Therefore, Yang Feng tried his best to appear as Huo Yanfeng to avoid exposure.

However, as the thirty-eighth generation of the leader of the Holy Fire Sect, when he saw the second generation of the Sect, he would be disbanded and destroyed, and he still couldn't bear it.

Therefore, he acquired the Jinyao auction site and amassed wealth, not only for Huo Jiaguang's lintel, but also for the purpose of collecting restorative funds for the second generation of hierarchs.

The sacred religion cannot collapse in this generation, otherwise, in 100,000 years, what kind of leader will he still be?

call! With a long sigh of foul breath, Yang Feng never expected that he would have returned to one hundred thousand years ago, and he would have to worry about the survival of Shengjiao. It was a hard life for a lifetime, tusk.

Thinking of this, Yang Feng gradually fell asleep.

In the early morning of the next day, the sky was just getting dark, but after hearing the loud bangs, an anxious roar sounded outside the door: "Boss, it's not good, something has happened, someone has broken the scene!"

"what happened?"

squeak! The door opened, and Hu Yan Lieyang saw that the guards from the auction house were coming outside. He couldn't help but wonder: "The Patriarch hasn't gotten up yet, what must the Patriarch himself solve?

Can others not? "

"No way, this time it's Mr. Wu of the Zhou Mu's family who is here to make trouble. He called for the highest person in charge of our auction house to come forward, otherwise it will burn our auction house."

"Really, but the Patriarch..." Hu Yan Lieyang nodded clearly, but hesitated, looking at the door of Yang Feng's sleeping room.

As soon as the young man saw him, without saying anything, he hurriedly passed through Hu Yanlieyang, opened the door and ran in, and shouted at Yang Feng who was still in a quiet dreamland: "Boss, the big thing is not good, you have to come out in person Solve it, the state shepherd is going to burn our auction floor, and we can't stand it to worship them."

"Smelly boy, go ahead, I'll sleep a little longer."

"Ancestor, I am tired too, go ahead."

"Yeah, this is for your Huo family to fight, you are not active, you deserve to fall in the way of your Huo family."

"Ancestor, you are not from the Huo family, Hululu!"

... Yang Feng muttered in his mouth, the little servant could not hear clearly, but the souls of Yang Feng and Huo Yanfeng both wanted to sleep in each other, and were urging the other to take the initiative in the body and fulfill the duties of their big boss.

But obviously, both of them were too lazy to move and ended up sleeping.

Hu Yan Lieyang slapped his lips on the side and couldn't help but smile: "This master and deputy personality can actually talk in the same body?

And there is something in common, they all like to sleep in bed, ha ha ha. "

"Boss, can't sleep in bed anymore, the army is overwhelmed!"

Xiao Si heard Hu Yan Lieyang say this. Although he didn't understand what he meant, he knew what he meant. He wanted to cry without tears, and immediately started howling louder.

Snapped! Suddenly, a loud slap made the little boy's mouth crooked to the side, and immediately fell silent.

Yang Feng straightened up suddenly, with unforgettable hatred in his eyes, gritted his teeth and said: "Go, change clothes and go to work.

I want to see, who is so ignorant of admiration and dare to disturb Lao Tzu's sleep on the first day I took office, huh! "

With that, Yang Feng got up and went out angrily, and Hu Yan Lieyang hurriedly followed.

After staying for a while, the little servant broke his crooked mouth back, and immediately followed: "Boss, wait for me!"

A quarter of an hour later, the three came to the gate of Jinyao Auction House headquarters.

At this moment, thousands of masters of the third rank and above of King Wu are already surrounded by three levels inside and outside the entire auction site. A young man with a handsome face and an evil smile on his mouth is staring straightly. The other chambers of commerce continued to worship, and the terrifying aura of the thirty strong men around made the sky above the auction house tremble slightly.

Obviously, these thirty people are different from the general third-order martial arts masters, they are all powerhouses who have refined spirit beasts.

But no matter how strong these little guys are, they are also ordinary people, and Yang Feng didn't see them at all.

With a strong anger of getting up, Yang Feng walked over with a dark face and aggressively.

"Boss, you are finally here, this..." Seeing him coming, the old man Yunji and other auction house worshippers looked happy, and immediately stepped forward to greet him, but... After more than a dozen big ear scrapers, Yang Feng slapped them first without saying anything, and cursed: "How old are you?

Is there any problem that I can't solve by myself. It's not the morning to pull me out of the bed and help you deal with this mess?

I don’t know the boss, if I don’t sleep until three in the afternoon, will I never wake up?

I don’t even have the qualifications to let the boss sleep well. What use do I want you to do? "

Well! With their heads shrunk, these old guys touched their hot cheeks one after another, and all of them couldn't hold back.

They really didn't expect that the new boss was so angry that he would get up so badly. Just because of this mess, they beat them up, not giving them any face.

The young man opposite was also taken aback, staring at Yang Feng inconceivably.

I'm going, who is this?

How can you be more stubborn than Lao Tzu?

I'm usually unreasonable and unforgivable, but I don't dare to make offerings.

How could this kid dare to even make his own offerings, and he was a strong man who refined spirit beasts.

Such a master is regarded as a guest of honor in any force in the mainland, even in the holy mountain, how dare he?

In other words, who is this person?

When did the owner of the Jinyao auction site change into such a nasty brat?

The young man was puzzled, not just him, everyone around him was confused.

Suddenly, Yang Feng, a bad-tempered dude, became the focus of everyone's attention...

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