Alien God System

Chapter 2008: Six billion

"This is... Flying Lingbao, the top level of Rank 12, at least tens of thousands of defensive formations all over the body, all of which are rank 12 or higher, even if there are tens of thousands of martial masters attacking together, it can last for more than a few months."

"More than that, its attack formation is also rank 12 or higher, at least tens of thousands.

If they started together, even tens of thousands of Wu Wang Lingsheng would be killed or injured in an instant. "

"Furthermore, the capacity of the flying Lingbao itself can at least hold tens of billions of soldiers.

It really can be attacked, retreated and defended. It can be used as a weapon for killing people, and it can also be used as a military fortress in the world.

Just such a magic weapon, who owns it? "

……call! As the terrifying air pressure of the flying Lingbao approached, all the powerful people present had shocked and inexplicable expressions, and they started discussing it swiftly.

The great worshiper kept praying in his heart: "This thing has nothing to do with the Huo family, this thing has nothing to do with the Huo family, this thing has nothing to do with the Huo family..." "That... you are the Jinyao auction house. People?"

Suddenly, the progress of the flying saucer stopped slightly, and there was a hearty and crisp laughter inside.

Dazhu's heart tightened, and he looked at it solemnly, crying.

No, we have named our Jinyao auction site, so maybe you guys are really... "Master Huo!"

The face twitched, and the Buddha and the others knew Yang Feng's voice, so scared, their hairs stiff, and their legs were almost weak.

It is said that after they accepted Yang Feng's visit to their Jinyao Auction Headquarters a month later, they knew that this was a post of war, so they hurried back to discuss countermeasures.

In the end, the headquarters decided to use all combat power to deal with this peerless powerhouse.

If you want to come to him alone, no matter how strong it is, the ants will kill the elephants, they still have a chance of winning at the auction.

But who would have thought that people did not come alone this time, they opened up their own battlestar.

It is said that in such a big fortress, if the troops are full, that person can drown the entire auction house with one spit.

In a moment, everyone present panicked, and their whole bodies trembled.

Unexpectedly, this master is not alone in the dragon gate this time, but the army is crushing the realm.

Looking at the level of the flying spirit treasure of this master, you know how terrifying the combat power stationed in it.

Unable to help, Dazhu's face turned pale, and his lips couldn't stop trembling.

At this moment, a person next to him ignorantly said: "Great worship, the other party has entered an ambush, do you want to do it?"

"Do your ass!"

Snapped! A slap on the slap caused the man to turn around twice, and the sacred sacred sacred sacred sigh: "You don't take a good look at the situation. What level of flying spirit is this?

Even if we release the spirit beast, how long will it take to break the turtle shell?

Besides, there are tens of thousands of attacking magic circles on his turtle shell, all of which are rank 12 or higher.

How much do we lose if we want to do it now?

Before he came out, we were wiped out. "

"Then what should we do?"

"Catch the thief first, catch the king, and trick him out."

A brilliant light flashed in his eyes, and the big offering immediately showed a smiling face, and he respectfully bowed to the flying saucer where Yang Feng was located: "The big offering of the old Jinyao auction house, the nickname of the river and lake, the old man Yunji, welcome Patriarch Huo.

If there is a loss, I hope to forgive the sin. "

"Everywhere, you have already greeted you a hundred miles out of the city. If this is not a far away welcome, are you going to start from Yunyang City?

Hahaha! "

Yang Feng let out a big laugh, and Yang Feng said noncommittal: "It's just that you greet me, shouldn't the gongs and drums be noisy, the firecrackers, the colorful flags, and the wind flutter?

Why are all the cats hiding in the col, looking like they don't have a face to see people? "

Suffered, the ambush was seen through.

Unable to stop his body shaking, the old man Yunji showed an awkward smile on his face. After thinking about it, he smiled brightly and said, "We...want to give you a surprise for Patriarch Huo.

I didn’t expect you to find out so soon, come, come, come out, no need to hide, Sapris! "


As soon as the words fell, the people in ambush looked at each other, they could only pretend to be the mascots in the birthday party, and jumped out suddenly, barely squeezing out a stiff smile.

It’s just that other people’s surprise was a salute, and they were banging there with spirit soldiers.

Suddenly, the sound of jingling bells all around the mountain.

Yang Feng smiled and shook his head, teasing: "Oh, it's really hard to make such a big offering to welcome me, but your English pronunciation is not standard, it's called surprise.

And, did you welcome me with a sword soldier? "

"Uh, this...this is a gift, our new batch of Lingbing Lingbao, here to give you a first look."

The Great Worship found a bad reason, and Yang Feng sneered: "Is that right, then I'm not welcome."

Come here, accept all the gifts from the big offering, don't waste other people's minds. "

Yes! With a loud shout, a guard immediately flew out from the flying spirit treasure, holding the storage ring, passing through the masters of the Jinyao auction house one by one, and confiscated all the weapons in their hands.

The crowd did not have the command to worship, nor dared to resist, they could only watch their spirit soldiers fall into the opponent's pocket and swagger back into the flying saucer.

Watching this scene, the Nether Hunter couldn't help but approach the old man Yunji's ears leisurely and said: "Great worship, these spirit soldiers are the best selected by the Chamber of Commerce, and they are used to fight the Nahuo Family Master.

The war hasn't started yet, and the guy in his hand was confiscated by the opponent first. This battle strength immediately lost most of it, and it also hurt morale..." "I know, but what can I do?

He has been in that turtle shell and can't come out, can't we just go directly?

This is not good for us.

When he comes out, we will swarm up again and take him down! "

Ok! Nodding slightly, the Nether Hunting King understood, and then looked at the huge flying fortress, and shouted: "Patriarch Huo, you have come all the way, and you have worked hard.

Please come back to Genting City to rest with us, so that I can wait for a little bit of landlord friendship. "

"Okay, you have to work, please lead the way."

call! As he said, the flying saucer started again, but Nether Hunter hurriedly waved his hand and said, "Wait, Patriarch Huo, your flying spirit treasure is too large, so it might be inconvenient to enter the city like this.

Would you please come out and fly with us, okay? "

"That's okay!"

Nodding clearly, Yang Feng said with a smile: "Old man, Hu Yan, you two will go to Jinyao auction with me.

The rest of the people stay here. "

Yes! With a loud shout, but seeing the three black shadows flying out of the flying spirit treasure, the corner of the big enshrined mouth showed an evil smile: "Everyone, prepare..." "That's right!"

Suddenly, Yang Feng turned his head and shouted loudly: "If I don't come back in one hour, the six billion army inside will immediately drive our limited edition flying spirit treasure and razing him at Genting City."


Six billion?

He really brought so many troops?

Where did it come from?

As soon as he said this, the old man Yunji shuddered immediately, and the last two words of "action" remained on his lips, and he never dared to spit it out...

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