Alien God System

Chapter 2005: Yan Pianqian

Half a month later, the Huo family and his party flew extremely fast in the sky, forming individual characters for a while, and forming a character for a while, keeping the formation intact with the team of wild geese beside them.

Suddenly, Yang Feng, who was at the head of the line, couldn’t help cursing: “Mom, I’ve been flying for half a month. I haven’t encountered a wealthy and unkind person on the road. I finally met one three days ago. He was still a benevolent and offered us water and food, which made me embarrassed to rob them.

What about the bandits on the road?

Why are all the bad guys in this world dead?

Don't even give me a chance to fight against violence? "

"The war on the mainland has just ended, and people are living and working in peace and contentment. The bandits also want to live a peaceful life for two days. Now they basically don't do it. Now those looters in the forest are really hard to find."

Hu Yanlieyang shrugged with a smile, Yang Feng rolled his eyes reluctantly: "Forget it, don't fly, go back to sleep.

It's a change of guard, brat. "

With a twitch of his body, Yang Feng retracted into his body, and the control of the physical body fell into Huo Yanfeng's hands.

Seeing this scene, after Hu Yan Lieyang and Li Changfa looked at each other, their eyes lit up together.

"Yeah, that uncle has finally gone back, otherwise I would be afraid of all the way."

"Yes, although he makes people feel safe, but it also gives people a lot of pressure.

For fear of not being too serious, he scolded him. "

"Don't say it's you, I, the second-generation leader of the Holy Fire sect, felt nervous and stressed in front of him."

Hahaha! As soon as this statement came out, everyone around couldn't help laughing. Hu Yan Lieyang had been with everyone for so many days, and he became a heartless smile with everyone.

call out! Suddenly, there was a sound of breaking through the sky, and Hu Yan Lieyang's eyes condensed: "Be careful, empty escape!"

Sa! It was almost just a matter of time. Hu Yan Lieyang disappeared in the blink of an eye, and a thunder slammed across the void where they were just now, and immediately smashed the entire space into pieces and pitch black.

When Huyan Lieyang and the others reappeared a mile away, they looked up for nine days and saw that there was an indifferent young man standing there at this moment, staring at Huyan Lieyang below.

"Transfer so many people with spatial spirituality in one breath, Master Huyan, your strength is higher than before."

"Yan Pianqian?"

Hushing his eyes, Hu Yanlieyang's complexion instantly became solemn: "Did the holy mountain send you to kill me this time?"

"I, Yan Pianqian, have always been alone, so I don't want to listen to the old guys on the holy mountain. You look down on me too much.

No one can stop who I want to kill.

No one can force anyone who doesn't want to kill, and I am not their dog. "

Looking down at Huyan Lieyang proudly, Yan Pian said solemnly: "I am here this time to fight you, life and death are up to the sky, no regrets!"

"You are still the same!"

"Before the war on the mainland, I wanted to fight with you, but at that time your previous leader always intervened to stop it, saying that the overall situation is more important.

After the war, you are busy with the post-war peace work, and I still have no chance to fight with you.

Well now, you are wanted on the holy mountain, and I can finally fight you alive and deadly. "

choke! A purple thunder sword pierced the void, and Yan Pianqian's eyes were full of solemnity: "I have won you in this battle. I am the number one master in the mainland. Let's do it!"

With a wry smile and shook his head, Hu Yan Lieyang sighed helplessly: "If you just want the fame of No. 1 in the mainland, you shouldn't find me.

Not long ago, I was badly repaired by the Yin and Yang Dao of the Dulong Yinshe couple. Their current strength is above me. "

"They are a combination of two, it doesn't count.

There is only one, not two. "

With an indifferent light in his eyes, Yan Pianqian said word by word: "In my eyes, since your monster leader left, you are alone in this world. You are the first, and I must surpass you!"

Is it the first to go it alone?

Hearing what he said, Hu Yan Lieyang smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Sorry, I also lost this title long ago!"

"What do you mean?

Is it possible that someone can be better than you? "

"The world is so big, and a mountain is higher than the other. What's weird about this?"

"Who is that person?

I want to take a closer look, whose strength can overwhelm you before me? "

With a clenched fist in his hand, Yan Pianqian shouted.

Hu Yanlie Yang smiled, but before he had time to speak, the voice that had chilled his back for half a month came again: "Why, I met a friend on the road?"

"Uh, Patriarch, this is..." With a sharp body, Hu Yan Lieyang looked back and saw that Yang Feng's nostrils were upturned. He knew that this personality was up again, and he quickly respected.

Seeing this, Yan Pianqian was shocked: "Huyan Lieyang, what are you doing?

Why did you lower that noble head?

You have never lowered your head before, except to your holy leader, nor did you lower your head to me.

Who is he?

Why bow your head to him? "

"Who is he?

So wide? "

Yang Feng glanced at Yan Pianqian impatiently, and Hu Yan Lieyang hurriedly said: "He came to me to challenge and wants to defeat me."


Is his family rich? "

"Uh this... he is from the holy mountain!"

"That is rich!"

The corner of his mouth curled up, and Yang Feng laughed and said: "Okay, rob him."

Uh! Her heart was stagnant, Hu Yan Lieyang couldn't speak awkwardly, and at the same time felt sad for Yan Pianqian.

Brother Yan, it's really not time for you to come.

Yan Pianqian didn't know that his piece of fat had been targeted by the unscrupulous boy Yang Feng, and he still shouted, "Boy, who are you?

Why can you drive such a world-famous hero as Hu Yan Lieyang?

Are you worthy? "

"I'm not worthy of the other two, let me ask you a question first, do you have flying spirit treasure with you?"

Yang Feng showed an evil smile and roared.

Yan Pianqian was taken aback, flying Lingbao?

What did he ask this for?

However, as the second-generation leader of the Holy Fire Sect, he did not care about Yang Feng's coveting at all, and immediately admitted honestly: "I have it, what do you want to do?"

"Sorry, robbery, please leave all your valuables, including flying spirit treasures, or you will be at your own risk."

"What, robbery?

Still hit Laozi on the head?

Ha ha! "

Hearing this, Yan Pian smirked and smiled contemptuously. Then, with a long sword in her hand, she coldly shouted: "I don't know the height of the sky and the earth, don't open your dog's eyes to see clearly, grandpa, who am I?

If you want to robbery, come on, and ask about the sword in my hand..."Bump! But before he could finish his words, Yang Feng waved his hand casually, but when he heard a loud noise, Yan Pianqi hadn't reacted yet. What's going on, the whole body has been severely slapped in the mountains and forests under him by a strange supernatural power.

In an instant, the entire forest exploded, and a radius of a hundred li was razed to the ground, with smoke and dust.

After the smoke cleared, Yan Pianqian, who was still arrogant just now, was already lying on the ground convulsively, with blood on his face and foaming at the mouth, unconscious.

When everyone saw this, they opened their mouths in shock, especially the Huyan Lieyang, and saw the power of Yang Feng again, almost unable to curl their tongues.

You know, Yan Pianqian's strength is also one of the best in the holy mountain, and it is comparable to his own battle.

As a result, under the slap of the deputy personality of the Huo Patriarch, he immediately stopped cooking.

In other words...Does the dual personality repairer actually exist so fiercely?

No wonder others call them mentally ill, they are indeed different from ordinary people...

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