Alien God System

Chapter 2003: How can you repay me?

"Holy Ancestor, is that you?"

Muttering in his mouth, Hu Yan Lieyang was completely stunned. After seeing the person's face, he suddenly realized that this person is not someone else, but the little brother who was knocked out by him just now.

"why you?

Why are you back again?

Danger, go! "

With a slight smile, Yang Feng was noncommittal.

Whoosh! At this time, the opponent's thousand-zhang thunder sword had already slashed in front of the two of them, and Hu Yan Lieyang's heart tightened, and he saw it fiercely.

It's over, now even if you want him to go, you can't go.

Yang Feng didn't care about the surging blade, just raised his hand and stretched out **** to gently pinch it.

Click! With a crisp sound, the violent energy was completely fixed in the void, and could no longer move forward.

Looking around, the sword of thunder rushing with its teeth and claws open before suddenly turned into a still picture.

How could it...the pupils couldn't stop shrinking together, and the Dulong Yinshe couple was stunned for a moment: "Our Yin and Yang Thunder Road was actually blocked, how could it be?

What is sacred this kid? "

"You are..." Hu Yan Lieyang also looked at Yang Feng incredible, his lips trembled slightly, and he couldn't speak.

He would never have imagined that this little brother, who in his opinion could not be cultivated as a martial artist, had such a powerful strength, it was incredible.

Ignoring the shocked eyes of everyone, Yang Feng raised the corner of his mouth and stared at each other's old couple, saying: "The Yin-Yang Dao handed down by the Devil God is no big deal, it is just one of the saint paths of the saints.

You are fortunate to have this holy way. This is an opportunity for you to practice.

Now that this Tao is a disaster for the world, after all, it is only the [新笔趣阁] generation, beware of being backlashed. "

boom! As soon as the voice fell, Yang Feng just pressed his fingers lightly, but when he heard a burst, the yin and yang thunder sword was broken into dregs.

The terrifying shock wave caused the Dulong Yinshe couple and their three hundred men to retreat backwards, almost unable to breathe, the eyes looking at Yang Feng were also full of deep fear.

There is such a terrifying master in the world, no weaker than the first leader of the Holy Fire Sect of the year, even much stronger! Gurgle! Swallowing hardly, the faces of Dulong Yinshe and Dulong Silver Snake were completely pale. After finally looking at each other, they held a fist to Yang Feng respectfully and said: "I don't know where your surname is and where you live. I am waiting to disturb you today. , I must come to my house to make amends in the future.

"No, I have a chance, let me go to the holy mountain."

Uh! Yang Feng smiled disapprovingly, but when Dulong Yinshe and his wife heard these words, their hearts became tighter.

With this person's monstrous strength, go to the holy mountain, don't you turn the whole holy mountain upside down?

But at this moment, they can't take care of that much. It's important to save their lives.

As for the killing of the remnants of the Holy Fire Cult and Hu Yan Lieyang, don't even think about it.

Obviously, with this monster-like powerhouse guarding him now, they have no chance.

So after the Dulong Yinshe couple bowed their prayers again, they humbled and said, "Then I will surely sweep the couch to welcome each other when I wait for the holy mountain, Mr. Welcome!"

"And that Huyan Lieyang, you are really lucky.

Today, this gentleman will come forward to protect you. I will let you go for the time being, but next time it won’t be so cheap, hum. "

Having said that, Dulong did not forget to put a harsh word to Hu Yan Lieyang behind Yang Feng. After regaining his face, he smiled flatteringly at Yang Feng, waved his hand, and quickly ran away with the horses and horses, and disappeared for a moment.

Looking at their fast disappearing back, Hu Yan Lieyang felt like a world away.

Originally, he must die today, but he never expected that he would go out to meet a nobleman and be rescued by such a master, but this master... Hu Yan Lieyang wants to worship Yang Feng again, thank you first, and ask about the situation. , But only at this moment, Yang Feng didn't even look at him, he was already flying towards the forest below.

"Eh, brother... uh no, grace, where are you going?

Thank you for helping me! "

"No, it's easy!"

Yang Feng ignored it, and the money fell to the corpses of the Li family guards below, raising his hand.

Back in time and space! Om...More than one hundred guards shook their bodies suddenly, and they recovered as if nothing had happened.

Opening my misty eyes, some people climbed up from the ground, some fell from the trees, and some came out of the pool, all looking inexplicable.

what happened?

What happened to us?

When they saw Yang Feng, they hurriedly gathered and bowed to Yang Feng and said, "Uncle, this is..." "It's nothing, forget about tonight, and continue on the road."

Because their cultivation base was too low, when they were just beheaded by the people on the holy mountain, they died without even having a chance to react, and now their brains are all confused.

As a result, they just wanted to inquire about the previous events, but when Yang Feng said so, they stopped talking and nodded.

Hu Yan Lieyang, who was chasing afterwards, saw this scene and was so shocked that he couldn't close his mouth.

I rub, what kind of spiritual technique is this, and it can be resurrected from the dead?

And can save more than a hundred in one go?

This kind of supernatural power, whether in the lower realm or in the spirit realm, I only saw the ancestor who lived with the old man. It is difficult for this young man to achieve... "Holy ancestor, are you back?"

His lips trembled slightly, and Hu Yan Lieyang suddenly burst into tears and shouted.

Yang Feng glanced at him obliquely: "You admitted the wrong person!"

"No, just rely on your ability, and the deity I teach the Holy Fire, only in our Holy Ancestor's body, just now I clearly felt the hot fluctuations, you are our Holy Ancestor, have you returned to the spirit world? "

Hu Yan Lieyang was so excited that Yang Feng took a deep breath, his expression unwavering: "I said you have admitted the wrong person. I am Huo Yanfeng, the head of the Huo family.

I just helped you because of your good character.

As for the hot fluctuations you mentioned, I have refined a kind of earth fire before, and it may be similar to or not necessarily the same as your holy fire.

This spiritual world is so big, and you have it in the lower realm, how can I not have it in my spiritual world? "

Uh, this... Hearing what he said, Hu Yan Lieyang hesitated, it seemed to make sense.

Could it be that he really has the same holy flame as Master Shengzu, am I wrong?

It's just... thinking like this, Hu Yan Lieyang said again: "Home Master Huo, when I saw you in the car before, your behavior was still a young man, why are you so mature now, like a different person?"

"I am schizophrenic and have a dual personality."

"Dual personality?

How can the strength be so different? "

"Each personality is equivalent to a soul. I cultivate souls, and my cultivation speed is much faster than that of the master, do you believe it?"

Uh! Hu Yanlieyang's face stiffened and he couldn't speak. Yang Feng smiled and curled his lips: "Whether you believe it or not, I will explain this anyway. Do you believe it or not.

By the way, I saved your life, how can you repay me?

Do you sell yourself as a slave, or promise by your own body? "

what? your body?

The corners of his mouth couldn't stop twitching, Hu Yan Lieyang was immediately stunned.

The deputy personality of Patriarch Huo is too abnormal, he actually wants me...Oh, is it such a heavy taste?

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