Alien God System

Chapter 1987: War

Wen Liang looked up to the sky and laughed so hard that he couldn't help but beckon him.

At this time, in Wen Liang's eyes, Yang Feng was his **** pill for making contributions and increasing cultivation.

Yang Feng sighed helplessly, and said with a wry smile: "I am really the intern god, a student of Sanctuary College, not the fallen god."

"Continue to make up, sophistry is to cover up, you don't have to lie to me anymore, I have already seen everything!"

With unprecedented self-confidence on the face, Wen Liangxie smiled and said: "You said you are the intern god, but why is there the **** fire of **** road?

You should know that when the interns leave the internship unit, they have to return all the equipment., hehehe. "

"Oh, this **** fire isn't mine, it's my wife's, I and her... when, she..." "Tsk tusk, bragging again.

An intern in a mere paltry, can he get the demon **** of **** as his wife?

who do you think You Are?

Do you think you are me?

The goddesses of the **** road are all rushing to hug me! "

Having said this, a smug expression flashed on Wen Liang's face inexplicably, seeing Yang Feng have the urge to step forward and beat him up.

it is good! It doesn't matter that you shrugged, Yang Feng didn't explain, and directly admitted: "I am the Fallen God, what can you do to me, come and bite me!"

"Hmph, since you are the word of the Fallen God, then I will take you back to receive the work."

"Only you?

An intern who doesn't have all the hair?

Don't forget, your hellfire can't help me! "

"Don't think I only have the fire of hell, Lao Tzu is the future **** of heaven!"

Huh huh! As he said, Wen Liang had already got the seal quickly, and he laughed happily: "I didn't expect that the intern you met today would be so good, he is actually a peerless genius who cultivates the highest law of the six realms, you It's dead this time, Jie Jie Jie."

vomit! Yang Feng felt like he couldn't help but feel nauseous. Today he finally met a man who was more narcissistic and shameless than him.

"The law of heaven, bind the gods coffin!"

Rustle! At this time, Wen Liang's seal art was finally completed, and a burst of heaven and earth energy was like a missile, shooting from Yang Feng from all directions, and even if it crisscrossed, he locked his soul in an invisible coffin.

Wen Liang glanced at it and laughed triumphantly: "You can't move, boy, now I will take you back to the gods..." Om! But it was a sudden, he hadn't finished speaking yet, as Yang Feng's figure became more and more illusory, his spirit disappeared directly under his nose.

Wen Liang was startled, but he didn't know why: "What about people?

Where did you go? "


Behind him, Yang Feng yawned boredly, and sneered: "Just this ability, and boasting that it is the six highest laws, I'm dead this time, so what kind of you are you killing me?

Stupid! "

You... your face twitched, and the whole soul was shaking with gentleness, but your eyes were full of doubts: "Impossible, how did you run out under the constraints of my law of heaven?"

"How else can I get out?

You are weak. "

It didn't matter shrugged, Yang Feng sneered and said humiliatedly: "Just your three-legged cat's skill, who can you catch?

Little friend, it's not that I underestimated you.

The level of internships is so useless, so go back and practice.

Still catching thieves for meritorious service?

Don't be caught by the thief, thank God, hahaha! "

You, you, you... You are so gentle and angry: "You dare to underestimate me?"

"I'm not underestimating you, I'm facing you, I hope you can also look at yourself with a normal heart.

In fact, you are not good, nor outstanding.

Especially your looks. When you see a handsome guy like Feng, you still dare to shamelessly praise your looks first?

Please stop deceiving yourself and others, okay?

You are just plain-looking! What's the big deal, isn't it ugly that you don't live?

Not everyone is as handsome as Feng Feng and me?

Are you right? "

"I rub, you narcissistic ghost, I won't kill you today, so my last name is Wen!"

Wen Liang's eyes almost burst into flames, and then his hands were sealed again, and as the seals in his hands continued to change, the entire nine heavens were also bursting with colorful thunder.

Looking at this scene, Huo Yanfeng and others were full of worry.

Obviously, the ancestors are fighting fiercely on it, I hope the ancestors are safe.

However, Yang Feng, who was in the center of the thundering vortex, still didn't care, relaxed, as if he didn't even look at the tricks of the kid in front of him.

"The law of heaven, heaven thunder punishes the gods!"

Boom boom boom! Countless thunders the size of small hills smashed Yang Feng like a rainstorm, and even the entire sky was about to shatter.

But Yang Feng still smiled, snapped his fingers in his hand, and muttered: "Destiny Time and Space, White Hole!"

Buzzing! However, in an instant, countless spatial fluctuations appeared around Yang Feng, rippling unceasingly, those divine thunders that can break nine days into pieces, encountering these fluctuations are like a small boat falling into a whirlpool, so steep that they are sucked. Go in and disappear in the blink of an eye.

No matter how fierce those thunders were, once they reached Yang Feng's body, they seemed to be completely non-existent and disappeared.


The pupils couldn't help but suddenly suddenly, Wen Liang saw this, and was completely stunned: "My heavenly path and divine thunder, how easy is it to be resolved?

Could it be that... he also uses heavenly magic? "

"Eh, more than that!"

Hearing what he said, Yang Feng couldn't help but sneered: "It's the heavenly forbidden technique, one level higher than your magical technique."

"What, forbidden technique?"

At this moment, Wen Liang was even more shocked.

Coming from the rich family of the gods, he knew in his heart that the saints came to the Sanctuary Academy to comprehend the six principles.

In the academy, only six divine arts can be learned. As for the forbidden arts, one must formally enter the six doctrines before they can learn it.

Moreover, not any six gods can learn the forbidden technique.

You must reach a certain level of cultivation, rise to a certain position, and become the head of the department to be qualified to learn the six forbidden arts.

However, there are so many six gods, and there are only a few seats in charge of the six gods. In addition, the old guys have a long life span, so they can live, and I don’t know when they commit crimes. There are more wolves and less meat, so how many people are lucky enough to learn. To these forbidden techniques.

But now, this fallen **** actually knows the forbidden technique of the heavens, is it possible that this person was an executive of the heavens before?

Thinking of this, a gentle heart suddenly couldn't help but pop up.

Sorry, it's an iron plate.

After all, anyone who can be a senior executive of the Six Daoists must have a spirit power of at least 190 or above. Even if they are disqualified and become a fallen god, their strength is also a leverage. How can they be compared to an intern?

But he didn't wait for him to retreat, when he suddenly saw Yang Feng stagger, his face became a little hard to look.

Hey, his realm is so high, but why is his spirit power so weak, is it possible that he is injured?

Now there is a way.

Thinking like this, Wen Liang's mouth curled up, and suddenly he dashed against Yang Feng, smirking again and again: "Smelly boy, your soul has been injured, then I will fight with you to see if you can connect. Can catch it, shock!"

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