Alien God System

Chapter 1970: Supreme Member

Rumble! With the sound of the whole earth trembling slightly, the huge door of the Jin Yao auction site was suddenly opened. More than one hundred servants rushed out, each holding some decorations.

But in the blink of an eye, a bright red carpet among hundreds of flowers has already been laid, extending to the depths of the store.

A middle-aged man with a moustache and a uniform guard of honor walked out with a big smile, followed by a gray-haired old man.

As soon as he saw Yang Feng’s face, the middle-aged man immediately stretched his arms and greeted him with enthusiasm. He laughed and said, “Who am I going to visit? It turned out to be Huo Yanfeng, Huo brother. It’s been a long time since I saw you. Brother, hahaha!"

"No, this is the owner of the Yunyang City branch of the Jinyao Auction House, Yun Hang, Boss Yun. He actually came out to greet him in person, how could it be possible?"

"That is, with the power of Jinyao Auction House, even if Boss Yun is just a branch boss, is there any nobleman in the entire Yunyang City that can bother him to sweep the couch to welcome him?

This is simply unprecedented. "

"I never expected that the Huo family didn't have this status when it was in full swing before. Now that the family is in decline, when only Huo Yanfeng is the only seedling, it has received such a courtesy from Jinyao auction house. It is really incredible.

...Looking at the scene before me, all the people around me eating melons were shocked to hear from ear to ear, and discussions continued at Xixizhai.

The Leng Chengfeng leader also gave their boss Yun a strange look, incredible.

It seems that he never expected that their boss would greet this Young Master Huo with such a battle. Although this Young Master Huo’s strength is indeed much higher than himself, it is not enough compared to the power of the entire auction house. Yes... Even when the Huo Yanfeng in Yang Feng's body watched Boss Yun approaching him, he couldn't help screaming again and again, "Boss Yun, actually calling me a brother?

This this..." "This this this fart! "

Rolling his eyes, Yang Feng muttered in his heart: "Do you know this mustache?"

"It's hard to say that he is very familiar. He is the owner of the Yunyang City Branch of Jinyao Auction House, Master Yunhang.

I used to spend a lot of money in their auction houses, and he never looked at me with his straight eyes.

It's not just me, even if it's other famous princes, the boss of Yunhang didn't really take care of it.

Unexpectedly, today the ancestor you killed his two guards who guarded the gate. Not only did he not get angry, but he also greeted him by sweeping the couch and calling him brothers and sisters. How did this happen?

Shouldn't he bring a large number of people to seek revenge? "

"Because he saw that I was not easy to mess with, so he stopped the loss in time."

With a sneer, Yang Feng reprimanded: "Boy, you remember.

The merchant’s temperament is that one is profit-only, and the other is to stop losses in time.

For the average person, if you have a knot with him, he may stay entangled.

But the businessman will consider the pros and cons, and if he finds that he is entangled with you and the loss is greater, he will stop the loss in time. "

"Even if he puts all his money into it and can kill you, he won't do it.

This is the business world’s value for peace, so it’s okay to kill his two guards just now, because in the eyes of the businessman, it is only a small part of his assets, and they will not continue to lose for the loss of that small part of assets. ,Understand? "

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh nodded his head, Huo Yanfeng couldn't help but praised: "The ancestor is the ancestor, you can see it thoroughly."

"So, today I killed his two guards. Not only will he not be an enemy of us, but he will actively associate with us!"

Immediately afterwards, Yang Feng grinned, no longer paying attention to Huo Yanfeng in his body, and turned to look at the oncoming Yunhang Road: "Boss Yunhang, it's been a long time.

It's a rare three years, you still know me! "

"Where can I forget you, Brother Huo?

You are a guest of our Jinyao auction site, hahaha! "

Yang Tian laughed, Yun Hang put his arms around Yang Feng's arm very affectionately, and then took him to the auction house together, and asked as he walked, "By the way, you are here today. What's so expensive about this auction house, brother?"

"What can I do at the auction house?

Didn’t you come to do business with Boss Yun?

It's a pity, as soon as I arrived at the door, I was stopped by your two guards asking for a famous post.

You should know that my famous post was invalidated three years ago..." "You know, they are things that don't have eyes long, God of Fortune kept me out, **** it. "

Nodding his head in a hurry, Yunhang immediately took out a golden card from his arms and handed it to Yang Feng, saying, "Brother Huo, this is the permanent Jinyao Supreme Membership Card of our auction house.

You bring this thing, even if the entire Jinyao auction site branch in Yunzhou can go, it is much better than the local famous post that can only be entered at the Yunyang City auction site. "

"Really, then thank you boss Yun for the gift."

Yang Feng smiled and accepted this special statewide pass as a matter of course.

Yunhang waved his hand noncommitantly, smiled, and then asked: "You just said that you want to do business with our auction house. What kind of business do you want to do?

Do you want to buy something here or sell something? "

"Please forgive me for selling this off."

The corner of his mouth curled up, revealing a mysterious smile, Yang Feng murmured: "Boss Yun, can you let me first check out your recent high-end auctions?"

This... His heart was stagnant, Yun Hang groaned for a while, and smiled embarrassedly: "Brother, you are embarrassed by this big brother.

Our auction house has the rules of the auction house. Before the official auction, product information cannot be disclosed to prevent someone from passing through the bid and affecting the auction. So..." Nodding clearly, Yang Feng agreed: "I understand, and also I don't want to break this rule.

It's there an auction today?

Then let me go backstage to see today's lot after the auction.

In this way, the rules should not be broken. "

"Uh this... well, no problem, let me arrange it.

It just so happens that there is really an auction today, and there are still many interesting things on stage, but you are here, hahaha! "

With a big laugh, Yunhang agreed immediately.

Then, Yun Hang took him to a luxurious private room to take a seat. By noon, the auction began, and the top celebrities and wealthy members of Yunyang City were all present, along with pieces of precious pill and magic weapon. Going to the stage, a crowd of celebrities rushed to bid.

Seeing this raging fire scene, Yun Hang nodded with satisfaction on his face, but in a blink of an eye, I saw Yang Feng leaning on the seat, yawning constantly, with a dull expression on his face, and he was in a daze: "That ......Brother, these rare treasures don't seem to be in your eyes?"

"It's just a pile of rubbish, it's a waste of time to see them.

Boss Yun, when will this auction end?

I want to go backstage and watch. "

" should be coming soon."

Smiling embarrassingly, Yun Hang hurriedly turned around and whispered to the white-haired old man beside him: "Elder, is this kid really high-sighted or bragging?

In the above lot, there are 7-Rank Spirit Soldiers and 8-Rank Cultivation Techniques, but he doesn't even look at them? "

"Well... Yun Hang, don't worry, let's observe it again to see what calculations are in his stomach."

After pondering a little, the elder murmured.

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