Alien God System

Chapter 1968: Jinyao Auction

An hour later, Huo Yanfeng came to Liao's house murderously, but saw that the entire family of Liao's family disappeared, and even the big yellow dog guarding the door was taken away, leaving him with no vent.

Huo Yanfeng was so angry that he jumped up and down, almost burning the whole Liao family.

Looking at this situation, Yang Feng couldn't help but sneered: "It seems that this Liao family is also a treasure place for unfilial children. The old man's body is still standing in the Huo family's ancestral hall. They slipped fast and didn't forget. Bring the belongings, just don't bring the old man's body.

Sure enough, it's useless and lost, it's really realistic. "

"Ancestor, they all ran away, what should we do?"

Huo Yanfeng turned the house upside down, but he couldn't find a personal figure, and he suddenly wilted.

Yang Feng sneered: "What else can I do?

If the enemy is gone, you can revitalize the family first.

Anyway, without the Liao family, isn't Yunyang City belonged to the Huo family? "

"Uh...well, revitalize the family.

But how to revitalize, I am penniless. "

"Why are you penniless?

You take all the real estate left by the Liao family, isn't it yours?

Does anyone dare to **** it with you? "

As soon as the eyes lighted up, Huo Yanfeng nodded hurriedly: "The ancestor was right. He used to rob my Huo family's property from the Liao family. Now that I **** it back, the property will return to the original owner.

It's just... how does this industry operate?

I do not know! "

"You are really a complete trash, which makes me think of myself."

Shaking his head and letting out a laugh, Yang Feng lightly sighed and said, "Where is the biggest trading market in Yunyang City, let's go shopping tomorrow and buy all the valuables!"

"Yes, ancestor!"

Determined to nod, Huo Yanfeng is obedient to Yang Feng and trusts more.

Early the next morning, Huo Yanfeng finished washing in the 50,000-square-meter mansion of Liao’s family, and then changed into new clothes that Liao Songxi, the eldest young master, had not had time to get before he fled. He also found a folding fan for Liao Weilong’s daily use, and immediately recovered It is the image of the noble son who dominated the entire Yunyang city circle.

Walking on the street, Huo Yanfeng stood up and raised his head, seeming to have regained the confidence of the past.

The people around also looked at him one after another.

Who is this?

Familiar and familiar... The Huo family has been removed from the aristocratic circle of Yunyang City for three years, and many people have forgotten the existence of their family.

And this time, Huo Yanfeng wanted everyone here to get to know them well.

"Stop, this is the Jinyao auction site. No famous post, no entry!"

At this time, Huo Yanfeng came to a magnificent arch with a sun sign on top.

He knew in his heart that this Jinyao auction site was the entire Yunyang City, and even the largest chain auction site in Yunzhou. The objects sold in it were all luxury goods that the entire aristocratic circle rushed to buy.

In Yunyang City, or in other cities, only by owning the famous post of this auction site can you prove that you are a nobleman and a person with identity.

In the past, Huo Yanfeng also had famous posts, but after being removed from the Liao family three years ago, his famous posts were cancelled and he was no longer eligible to enter here.

Now that he had just arrived at the door, he was stopped by the guard at the door.

Cough cough cough! After a dry cough, Huo Yanfeng looked around in front of the two guards, then smiled and said: "Two big brothers, don't you know me?

Me, Huo Yanfeng from the Huo family, three years ago, I [] took a lot of things here, the top three in the consumer list, don’t you really know me?

If you call your boss out, he must know me. "

"Famous post!"

The two guards were expressionless and said coldly.

After spitting out a long breath, Huo Yanfeng sighed and shook his head: "Two eldest brothers, you may not know something. I had a famous post three years ago, but one thing happened and the family was down, so..." "roll!"

With a loud shout, the two guards didn't listen to his miserable family background and drove away.

Huo Yanfeng couldn't help shrinking his head, sighed helplessly, turned and left, but heard Yang Feng's sullen voice suddenly sounded: "Just these two watchdogs, did you scare you away?

Are you going to have a good future? "

"No... Old ancestors, they need a famous post to enter. My famous post has been cancelled. They should not let me in. They should do their duty.

And if we want to have a famous post, we have to mix with the nobility circle and find someone to re-introduce..." "Go to the **** re-introduction, you give me the dominance of the body, I will show you how I get in. "

Huh! After shaking his body, Huo Yanfeng's head kept trembling twice, his eyes sank instantly.

At this moment, the owner of this body is Yang Feng, and Huo Yanfeng has already retreated to the second line, hiding inside the body.

Twisting his neck, Yang Feng swaggered towards the auction house again. When the two guards saw that the fake nobleman who had no famous post was coming again, he immediately stepped forward and said fiercely: "Didn’t I tell you, there is no famous post, get out? ......"Flap! Apart from anything else, Yang Feng slapped the palms directly, but there was a light cloud on the face, as if nothing was done: "Keep your mouth clean, you are just doormen, you are not qualified to talk to Lao Tzu, call your boss Come!"

"You... how dare you hit us?"

The body was shaking constantly, and the eyes of the two guards were wide open. They couldn't believe it. Someone dared to beat their Jin Yao auction house, and immediately shouted, "You **** tired of it, aren't you?"

"what did you say?"

With a chill in his eyes, Yang Feng kicked out and knocked the two guards directly out, hitting the signboard of the huge sun on the top floor of the auction house, smashing the whole signboard into pieces.

When the two guards fell to the ground feebly, they had already lost their breath.

hiss! Unable to stop taking a breath, all the people passing by looked at all this incredible, and they were shocked.

They couldn't believe that there were people in Yunyang City who dared to take the world and beat or even kill the people at the Jinyao auction site.

You know, even the Liao family of the first family in Yunyang City, they have to be polite when they see the Jinyao auction house, but this kid actually...what is sacred?

Suddenly, Yang Feng became the hot search headline of the entire Yunyang City and was talked about by the streets.

The guards of the auction house heard the movement outside, and they came out like a swarm of bees. More than fifty people blinked. After seeing the situation outside and proving that someone had been killed, it looked like the man led by the guard. Immediately glared at Yang Feng fiercely, and shouted: "Who are you?

Actually dared to kill our guard at the Jinyao auction site.

Did you know that even the Liao family of the first family in Yunyang City would not dare to do such a brainless thing, you are crazy. "

"Liao Family?"

With his lips curled in disdain, Yang Feng glared at the person and said: "Last night, I had already screwed off the head of the old fellow Liao Weilong.

All night after their Liao family was scared, the whole family ran away.

From now on, there is no Liao's house in Yunyang City, and they have been expelled.

Here, my Huo family has the final say in the future.

I am the contemporary owner of the Huo family, Huo Yanfeng, you'd better remember it for me! "

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