Alien God System

Chapter 1955: Siskin behind

Boom boom boom! The mortal battle was still stalemate. After a while, there were already two dead in the wanted criminals' camp, with only three remaining.

The combat power of the True God Society has also dropped sharply to the number of seven or eight.

The fighting between the two sides can be said to be very tragic.

The soul power was also consumed enormously, and they were all in a state of exhaustion.

But their purpose, it seems that they have not been achieved at all, or they are completely forgotten.

At this moment, the two sides had already smashed their eyes, no matter how they fought.

Yang Feng still looked calm and composed, hiding in the ball of light and playing the game, still muttering in his mouth: "Go on, you must be on it.

Yes, let's go together, don't rest for one, wait in ambush, and participate in team battles at any time..." "Bahhhhhhh, this stinky kid is really free. "

The great gods of the True Gods Association looked back at him and became angry: "Does he really think that these doglegs who gave their lives to the ancient gods can save him?

That's too much to put us in the eye, hum. "

The black shadow boss glanced at Yang Feng's behavior at this time, and his brows were condensed into a pimple, and at the same time he muttered in his heart: "Bah, these people are really cheap! This stinky boy sees that they have been killed so many, a little bit. There is no caring color, these people are still so desperately protecting him, this is really cheap to the bones.

In other words, why are these people so loyal?

Have Stockholm syndrome, right? Have a tendency to abuse?

If Lao Tzu wants to protect the person who still has this attitude at this time, Lao Tzu will turn around and kill him! "

"That is, these people are so stupid and loyal, I can't stand it anymore.

What is this kid worth protecting, making them so desperate? "

Hearing this, the two remaining brothers on the side couldn't help nodding their heads in agreement.

Wow! Suddenly, a dazzling white light fell from nine days, and Tang Aotian took the three thousand Asura gods, with a grim face, and the money fell to the world.

Wherever he passed, the murmur of murderous aura made the whole world become very serious.

Are all Shura gods above level 190?

Eyelids jumped, the representatives of both sides couldn't help being overjoyed, pointing at each other smirkly and saying: "You are done, our helper is here, hahaha!"

Uh! But it was sudden, and the expressions on both sides were solidified.

"What are you talking about?

Your helper?

Director Aotian is your helper?

how is this possible? "

At this moment, both parties were dumbfounded, staring at each other in a daze, speechless.

After a little while, the two sides clamored again.

"Don't talk nonsense, how can God Shura protect you local goddesses?"

"What local goddess?

We are doing things under the order of the Shura Adjudication Office. If you dare to hinder us, you are dead this time. "

"Impossible, how could the Shura Adjudication Office let you do such a thing?

They didn't deal with the ancient Protoss either..."...The two sides made a quarrel with each other, but the more noisy they became, the more confused they became, and the more noisy they became, the more chaotic they became.

Tang Aotian's ears moved lightly, his face was as dark as a thousand years of ice, and he gritted his teeth and said: "This bunch of idiots were actually played around by that stinky boy. I haven't recalled it yet. Saved."

"Director Aotian!"

At this time, the black shadow boss hurriedly ran to Tang Aotian's side and complained: "We have done our best. If it weren't for these people to stop us, we would have taken the bastard.

Now that we have lost four brothers, we still hope that you will say something nice in front of Master Kabbah. You can put us one as you said before... "Choke! However, he hasn't finished speaking yet, but see one. Bai Hong flashed across his chest, and the black shadow boss's pupils suddenly suddenly became stiff.

"" Sa! Shaking his fingers and pointed at Tang Aotian's indifferent face, after the black shadow boss gritted his teeth unwillingly, the entire soul was immediately wiped out, completely disappearing between the world and the earth.

Where he was just now, a shimmering Shura knife was so dazzling.


When the two remaining wanted criminals saw them, they were immediately shocked and shouted: "Tang Aotian, you are not trustworthy in Shura!"

"Huh, you guys from the ancient Protoss, local goddess, what credit can you say?"

While watching this scene, the True God Society raised his head triumphantly, and laughed: "You see, God Shura is still standing on the side of my local Protoss after all to help us..." Sa! There was another flash of white light, the head **** also stiffened, stopped talking, and then looked at Tang Aotian in disbelief: "Director Aotian, you...why...could it be that you were also bought by those ancient gods? ......" "For these wanted criminals, we originally used them as chess pieces, and we must destroy them later."

Taking a contemptuous look at the remaining two black shadows, Tang Aotian turned to the people of the True God Society and said, "However, for you pig teammates who have not succeeded or failed, staying behind is even more a disaster. You must kill without mercy!"

kill! With that, Tang Aotian yelled, and the three thousand Asura gods rushed toward both sides like a tide.

Originally, the two parties had already fought inexorably before, and their soul power was exhausted, and there was not much combat power.

Now facing these vicious Asura gods, they were immediately killed like cutting melons and vegetables.

However, after a short while, whether it was the great gods of the true gods, or the wanted criminals, they were all killed in despair.

In the end, the entire mortal world returned to calm, and a leader of the Shura **** reported back to Tang Aotian: "Director Qi Aotian, all goals have been eliminated, it's just..." "Just what?"

"It's just that no trace of Yang Feng was found!"


His body shook, Tang Aotian said incredulously, "Isn't he locked in that cage?

Why is it gone?

Take me to see! "

With that said, Tang Aotian hurriedly arrived at the place where Yang Feng played the game just now, but he saw that there was no trace of Yang Feng, let alone the Caixia cage that trapped him.

The leader of the **** Shura pondered a little, and guessed: "Master, will the kid break the barrier and escape by taking advantage of the chaos?"

"how could it be possible?

Are people who really know how to be fools?

The magic arts used to trap him, can he escape so easily? "

After giving him a stern look, Tang Aotian thought about it again, and suddenly became a little worried: "But... with these pig teammates, this is not impossible.

Relying on his large number of people, he was determined to eat that kid, so he didn't spend much effort on this enchantment.

Alas, if that's the case, they would really be dead. "

"Then Director Aotian, what should we do next?"

"How to do?

Is this for me? "

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and Tang Aotian sneered: "Search for me. Anyway, that kid can't escape this plane, then search him out for me and kill Wuxia."


Do we do it ourselves? "

"Nonsense, we're all down, don't we do it ourselves?

Otherwise, before we leave, why do we cover this face from the heavenly monitoring?

Isn’t it just for convenience? "

Glancing at him fiercely, Tang Aotian's eyes were awe-inspiring to kill, but it was sudden, and another big laugh suddenly sounded: "Director Aotian, it is rare that you can get to the realm yourself. We caught a big fish this time, hahaha! "

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