Alien God System

Chapter 1953: Fierce battle

"Big big... Brother, they are really that kid's helper, now they are going to deal with us.

It's just that they have a lot of people, and they don't seem to be weak. What should we do? "

Seeing the dozens of souls rushing towards the sky, a black shadow couldn't help feeling a little worried.

The boss took a deep breath, looked at Nine Heavens, and muttered: "You said... are these dozens of six gods above level 190 terrifying, or is it terrifying, Dao master Kaba of Asura?"

"Of course, the Asura Dao Master Kabbah is even more terrifying. He can kill us all with a single look."

"Yes, in this situation, although the opponent is crowded, we are not without chance.

But if we can't solve this kid this time, facing Kaba's anger, we will die, right? "

The body shook, the other six people immediately calmed their minds, their faces sank, and became solemn.

kill! With the same loud roar, the seven-person boss rushed out first, and roared: "We are all big demons who escaped from the Brahma Realm of Dameng. We haven't moved around in this world for many years.

Today, let these little things that have never seen the world, once again appreciate our reputation. "

Roar! Hearing what he said, the other six shadows also surged with blood, rushing up with passion.

In an instant, these wanted criminals slammed into the six gods of the True God Society, and immediately caused the whole world to shake, and the plane shook.

This is really because they didn't bring down their divine body. If there was a divine body, they would have broken this plane long ago.

"Hell Road, Hell Blood Pool!"

Wow! A great **** of the True God Society used the magic of hell, and immediately turned the entire nine days into a sea of ​​blood, and swept the seven people into it, but the whole blood pool was transformed into a blood vapor in the air. .

A black shadow ignited a hot purple flame up and down, and a large purple shadowy bird hovering behind it, with two wings, a purple storm suddenly passed in front of the five or six great gods, instantly blowing all their spirits. It became nothingness and disappeared.

"Beast Road, Flame Demon Qingcang!"

With evil eyes in his eyes, the black shadow said with a treacherous smile: "The little things have eyes but don't know Mount Tai. Today, let you take a good look at the methods of Lao Tzu's Changkong Shengjun, Jie Jie Jie."

Sovereign of the sky?

His body shook and he stayed in front of Yang Feng. The old man of the True God Society who looked at him couldn't help but exclaimed: "80 billion years ago, the fallen **** of the animal road, the holy monarch of the sky?

It is rumored that he is a rare genius in the animal life. In addition to his physical body cultivation to the top, he is also outstanding in spirit power.

His Ziyan Sunda wind can instantly blow the gods whose soul power is not as good as his into nothingness. "

"Is he so famous?

Didn't expect it? "

Yang Feng took out a tablet computer from somewhere in the light ball, yawned boredly, and watched the drama. He didn't care about the desperate fight outside the circle. He just sighed: "I can't think that the level of technology of that plane is first-rate, but the shooting The drama that came out was still so mediocre. When I was in the internship, I took a tablet and played hundreds of episodes.

Hey, I knew it would be a variety show. "

The old man saw him look so lavish and wandering, he was immediately angry: "What are you doing?

Death is approaching, yet so relaxing.

Do you really think that you guards can save you? "

"Well, they are very persistent. As long as they don't die, they will do everything possible to come to me.

You have to hold on, or I will run away again. "

Yang Feng didn't even look at him. He played a game on the tablet again, still playing with great interest: "Don't tell me, the game on that plane is doing really well, haha."

puff! A mouthful of old blood almost didn't come out, and the old man was so angry that his lungs almost exploded.

Ignore, this is naked ignorance! Obviously this kid is already the death row in their hands, but like an uncle, he doesn't even want to look at them, obviously he doesn't look at them at all.

In other words, this kid was so arrogant because he was sure he waited for others to kill him.

"Boy, your ancient Protoss is really despicable and shameless, and it's really a bunch of raccoons to recruit such wanted criminals to help you."

"Oh, the wanted criminal is also a human being, and the wanted criminal also needs work.

You can't discriminate against people just because they are wanted.

Besides..." Yang Feng's hands in the game were slightly stagnant, and he turned to the old man, shaking his eyebrows provocatively: "Our ancient gods' employment guidelines are that as long as you can slaughter your local gods, you will be hired.

Look at our seven new employees. Are they doing a great job? "

hiss! It seemed that he took a breath, the spirit of the old man's whole body was constantly fluctuating, and it was obvious that he had reached the peak of his anger.

Yang Feng grinned, and said in excitement: "When they joined the association, they swore in front of Vincent that they would slaughter the local protoss as a lifelong cause.

Although they are also local Protoss, since joining the Association, they are equivalent to joining our ancient Protoss.

Look at how serious they are killing now?

After all, every time a compatriot was killed, it was their nomination.

Although I look down on such local goddesses, Vincent appreciates them.

As long as these people are there, there is no reason for your local Protoss to be immortal, it's just a matter of time, what do you think? "

"Old man **** their uncle, they are local goddesses!"

With a roar, the old man no longer watched Yang Feng's side anymore, and he rushed to the battlefield quickly, his whole body murderous.

"Heaven's forbidden technique, the gods curse of thunder and fire!"

Boom boom boom! As if the sky was falling and the earth was sinking, the anger of the heavens descended on the world with terrifying power, and the bodies of the seven people were immediately submerged.

Only soon, five people broke through the siege and escaped, and the other two disappeared completely.

"So strong, who is this old man?

With a level of 200 spirit power and possessing the heavenly forbidden technique, it must be an extraordinary generation. "

Gritting their teeth tightly, the complexions of the five figures became serious.

But before they can see the number of people coming, the old man rushed to the five again in a fierce and undaunted manner. The terrifying spirit power was about to lock the five firmly: "You five local goddesses, old man Even if I fight this life, I will never let you go!"


What a local goddess?

The five were taken aback, inexplicably, but the other party was already desperate, so naturally they could no longer keep their hands, and immediately went all out and fought the old man desperately.

The weather changed color and it was dark.

The great gods of the true gods were shocked watching this scene.

Why is this elder irritated? Why is he so atmospheric?

It seems that we are quite a lot of people, so we don't have to fight with each other for our lives, right?

Only Yang Feng understood that for these angry youths, the goddess must be more hateful than the wanted criminals.

Alas, these boxers, their brains are pretty amusing, tut.

Sighing, Yang Feng ignored it, and continued to play the game easily and happily in the cage, letting their dog bite the dog and kill them in darkness...

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