Alien God System

Chapter 1950: I want you to keep lurking

This extreme attraction of the opposite **** used to be her greatest pride, but now it is her greatest pain. If this attraction can be completely reduced, Alice is really willing to go through fire and water.

Seeing that Yang Feng could actually get rid of this curse-like thing, Alice was as excited as an eighteen or nine-year-old girl, dancing with joy.

Yang Feng smiled slightly: "It's okay. What the Demon teaches you is only his own **** for comprehension. He himself is swaying with half a bottle of water. How can he teach you all?

As a result, now you have learned a lot of nondescript, this **** can only be released, not closed, must have caused a lot of trouble, right? "

Shen Shen nodded, Alice admitted, but said nothing.

"But don't worry, I have a complete Lust Secret Technique here. If you originally wanted to learn all of it, it would be impossible for a few hundred million years.

But if it's just a practice method, it can still be practiced quickly. "

Then, Yang Feng grinned and read an obscure formula.

Alice listened quietly, and then immediately crossed her knees to the ground, closed her eyes, and performed the exercises. After a quarter of an hour, Alice opened her eyes again, her eyes lit up, and she exclaimed happily: "This curse, I seem to have eliminated. "

"Well, although the collection is slower, it doesn't matter, after all, you just practiced! If you familiarize yourself a few more times, you will be able to collect it instantly.

The corner of his mouth turned, Yang Feng looked at her up and down, and smiled: "But even if you don't need this **** secret, you are still a very attractive girl. I really don't know why you learned this in the first place."

"Really, thank you!"

Her cheeks flushed, and Alice lowered her head in embarrassment.

This is the first time she has heard sincere praise from others in so many years.

After all, although there were many compliments to her in the past, it was all because of the relationship between the **** tactics and they were all false.

Only Yang Feng was not affected by this **** tactic and could still admire her so much, and immediately gave birth to a trace of long-lost warmth in his heart.

In fact, since she was cursed by Demon, she has been unable to distinguish the true meaning of the world.

Now Yang Feng not only helped her break the curse, but also gave him this first sincere compliment, which instantly caused strange emotions in her heart.

Even this kind of emotion surpassed her life-saving grace when she met President Vincent when she was on the verge of despair.

"That... actually I still have another task..." Om! Suddenly, Alice just wanted to say something, but she just spoke, an invisible wave burst suddenly in the distance, and then she saw another plane channel opened, and the seven dark shadows came out one after another. See When they arrived at Yang Feng, they immediately laughed and said, "Good boy, I finally caught up with you, hahaha!"

"How come... they can actually travel through the world?"

Shocked, Alice yelled.

Yang Feng's face was calm, as if he had already expected it: "Generally, the main gods and demon gods can only act on the planes under their jurisdiction. Even if the evil **** secretly opens the smuggling channel, the number is limited. It is impossible to have his on all planes. The channel shuttles.

Lord Alice, you have the right to get the artifact of the shuttle plane because you are the guide of our intern.

These people, as fugitives, were supposed to not be able to travel through the plane at will. They did not have such a special artifact. "


Alice nodded firmly, but listened to Yang Feng with a smile again: "But if there is a **** above, the inside should be combined with the outside, and the exclusive artifact of the gods is given to them, then everything is reasonable.

As you said earlier, this time they colluded with the police again.

One closed the door, the other let the dog, and also put a tracker on the dog, clearly wanting these running dogs to kill me, hum. "

"Then let's go quickly!"

Hearing what he said, Alice took out the shuttle crystal again. Yang Feng glanced at her and said indifferently: "The task you received at the True God Society is not to bring me to the ambush ring?

Now I give you a chance to do meritorious service, you take me there. "


Are you crazy, want to jump into their trap with me?

I have said that, even if I don't hesitate to expose myself, I must protect you. "

"But I don't want you to be exposed."

With a slight smile, Yang Feng stared at her closely: "If you didn't take me over this time, I'm afraid they will suspect that you are apostate.

I want you to complete their mission and keep lurking.

And, if there is any new information from the True God Society, you will not only report it to Vincent as before, but also give me a copy, but don't let Vincent know, can you? "

Uh, this... Her mind was stagnant, and Alice was stunned.

She seemed to understand what Yang Feng meant. He wanted to use himself as his spy, spying on the news of the other two families and becoming a three-sided spy.

"Okay, don't think about it so much for now, quickly open the transmission channel and send me to the ambush."

Seeing that she hasn't spoken, Yang Feng immediately waved his hand and said indifferently: "We'll talk about this later, but you don't want to talk to Vincent.

After all this is over, let's talk more slowly.

Okay, quickly open the channel. "

"No, you will be very dangerous."

"It's okay, I have my own measures."

The corners of his mouth curled up in a confident arc, and Yang Feng urged: "Do as I said, and I guarantee that we are both fine.

But if we don't run away, we will all die here. "

After groaning a little, although Alice didn't know what Yang Feng was going to do, she still gritted her teeth and took out the crystal to open the channel.

When the seven dark shadows saw them, they shouted: "Boy, stop, where to escape?"

"You kind of come here?"

Yang Feng shrugged noncommittal. After sending Alice into the passage, he raised his **** at the seven figures and raised his eyebrows provocatively.

"If you can't kill me today, you are my grandson, hahaha!"

"It's totally unreasonable, the little boy dare to provoke the old man and the others, looking for death!"

With a roar, a dark figure immediately slapped Yang Feng in the direction of Yang Feng: "Sura Dao, endless bombing!"

Wow! In an instant, all the space around Yang Feng was annihilated. Under the control of this weird power of law, Yang Feng couldn't help twisting his soul, as if he was about to disappear with the surrounding space.

But it was Yang Feng's twin pupils staring: "The law of heaven is controlled by the destiny, time and space are condensed!"

squeak! The space around Yang Feng stagnated for a short time, and it froze for a short time, and his soul recovered in this space again, and the space passageway did not collapse like the one in front of Alice last time.

The seven shadows were shocked: "Heaven's forbidden technique?

This kid is so young that he has such a realm?

No wonder those guys can't tolerate him. "

"Old things, kind of come with me!"

Yang Feng raised a **** to these wanted criminals again, patted his butt, swaggered into that plane channel, and disappeared...

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