Alien God System

Chapter 1943: Also captured

Early the next morning, all the interns were notified and gathered at the designated location.

Zhong Lihun and Zhao Gongming led the Yang Family Gang to arrive first, and soon the rest of the gang members also arrived, but they were not in the same group with the Yang Family Gang, they just looked from a distance, with hateful eyes in their eyes.

Zhong Lihun didn't pay attention to these people, they only laughed at themselves secretly in their hearts, these things ignorant of current affairs.

Soon, the three saint kings Chang Yanyan, Jin Shiyuan, and Hong Xuan arrived with three gangs of people, and these people who were very different from the Yang family greeted them immediately.

"Saint, Saint King of Zhenshan, you are finally here."

A young man who looked like the representatives of this group hurried up and said hopefully: "Our boss said, this is your place, and everything we look forward to is your head!"

"What is the head of the horse?"

Chang Yanyan stared at him intently, utterly bored.

The person was taken aback and laughed twice: "Of course it is to deal with Yang Feng, the Yang family gang. Although the gang leader of our two families is not here, we have also explained that, let us go all out to support you.

Don't worry, even if we played against Yang Feng at first, it was a bit disadvantageous, but this is your place after all, and the human practice days are still long, we can take a look at it slowly..." Pop! However, that person said Before finishing talking, Chang Yanyan directly gave him a big ear scrape, and instantly stunned the person.

"Uh... you... what do you mean?"

The man was puzzled, and muttered while clutching his swollen cheeks.

Chang Yanyan didn't look at him, let alone an explanation, but walked towards the Yang family gang with a depressed face. Jin Shiyuan and the two also followed closely with the men and horses, leaving only the remaining two groups of men and horses inexplicable. There was a mess in the cold wind.

Seeing the three gangs approaching, Zhong Lihun frowned slightly: "Chang Yanyan, what do you three want to do?

My brother Feng hasn't arrived yet, if you want to find something, you have to wait. "

"Hey, what you mean is that without Yang Feng's support, you wouldn't dare to fight with us, right?

Hum hum! "

With a cold smile, Chang Yanyan said contemptuously.

Zhong Lihun took a deep look at the three of them, took a deep breath, and was unambiguous: "Yes!"

Er... Chang Yanyan looked at him strangely and sneered: "Zhong Lihun, anyway, you are also a holy king. You can't even fight without Yang Feng, coward, or not a man. ?"

"You are so embarrassed to say me?

If you only come to one, how many tricks I will have with you, three together, with more deception, you still shameless? "

"We were three together yesterday, why don't you say that we bullied the less?"

"Nonsense, wasn't Brother Feng there yesterday?"

Rolling his eyes, Zhong Lihun said proudly: "As long as Brother Feng is present, it doesn't matter how many people come, Brother Feng can cover it.

But now... Hey, you three must be really capable, wait until Brother Feng comes to start the fight.

Now that the bullying our boss is not there, you won't be able to win, don't force your face! "

Ignoring this kid who only knows the foxes, the three of Chang Yanyan turned their heads and said nothing.

Zhong Lihun and Zhao Gongming looked at each other with a suspicious look on their faces, not knowing what moth the three holy kings are going to produce today.

Huh! Suddenly, there was a breaking sound, and a dark figure fell in front of everyone.

Everyone was startled and looked up and saw that the person was a man wearing an ugly mask, but as soon as they spoke, everyone heard it out: "Hey, brothers are here, it's pretty on time, hahaha! "


Zhong Lihun was taken aback for a moment, and he didn't know why he said: "What are you doing today?

Why are you wearing a mask? "

"Hey, isn't it that your sister-in-law insisted on letting me wear one to cover my handsome face?"

With a helpless shrug, Yang Feng couldn't help but sighed, and smiled dryly: "You are not handsome guys, and you don't realize the pain of handsome guys.

Because of my handsome face, it caused me much trouble.

The so-called seeing Yang Feng missed his life, what an inhuman beauty is the god.

Your sister-in-law asked me to curb my charm, lest the sister group in the backyard add new members and they can form a group debut, hehehe. "

Uh...oh oh oh! After nodding their heads in a hurry, the Yang Family Gang immediately laughed.

Then, Zhong Lihun immediately pointed at the three of Chang Yanyan and said: "Brother Feng, today they are here to find the fault again. You have to teach them a good meal, or you will lose your memory."

"Find the fault?

What's wrong? "

Blinking big confused eyes, Yang Feng couldn't help but smile and said, "Are you all your own people? It's just the contradictions among the people. How big can it be?

When there is a chance that Brother Feng will be the host, put on a banquet, and everyone will treat each other with a cup and it will be over. What's the big deal, hahaha! "

Own person?

Involuntarily shocked, Zhong Lihun and Zhao Gongming yelled.

When Yang Feng saw them like this, he knew that they didn't know the situation. He immediately came to Chang Yanyan and the three of them with a smile: "You don't know yet, the three of them have now joined my Yang family.

From now on, you will be the backbone elites of my Yang Family. You will love each other in the future and make our business bigger together, hahaha! "

"This..." After blinking his big confused eyes twice, Zhong Lihun stared at the three of Chang Yanyan closely: "Are you really compliant?"

Without speaking, the three of Chang Yanyan just nodded to Yang Feng: "Brother Feng, please take care of me in the future."

"Cut, I thought you were so capable, but the result was not as good as me."

Seeing them so humbly and kneeling, Zhong Lihun couldn't help but sneered immediately: "Well, I have been in the Hungry Ghost Road for a few days. You were beaten down in one day. It's really spineless. Anyway, you stayed for a few more days... …"bump! However, before he could finish his words, Yang Feng had already beaten him on the ground with an old fist, glaring at him and said: "What does it mean to hold on for a few more days?

People know the current affairs better than you, know things better than you, have more foresight and wisdom than you, and know that if you follow Brother Feng, you have a great future.

Based on this, even though they are both cadres, they will have a higher rank in the gang than you in the future. "


No, no matter what, I'm also the first veteran to return. Why should I take care of me? "

Zhong Lihun's face slumped, and immediately wailed.

All the people around couldn't help laughing.

Even the three of Chang Yanyan were inexplicably amused by Zhong Lihun's grievances, but they soon became sullen again, as if I was forced to join the Yang Family and looked reluctant.

To put it bluntly, they just couldn't pull their faces, and sincerely convinced them.

The other two groups of people in the distance watched this scene, they were completely confused, tears streaming down their faces.

"It's over, the human world has also been captured by Yang Feng, what should we do, alas!"

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