Alien God System

Chapter 1940: why?

"Then do it."

At the same time, Jin Ling was so angry that she went back to her room to calm down in the two-faced god's shrine. After Yang Yuchan went to persuade him for a long time, she came to Yang Feng to talk alone.

After a series of discussions, Yang Yuchan finally made a decision: "Since you made your appointment in front of a large group of people in Hungry Ghost Road, we can't say anything.

Who made you a master?

We still have to maintain your face.

But you have to promise me one thing! "

"What's the matter?"

"This is the last sister, okay?"

Yang Yuchan stared at Yang Feng closely, his eyes full of expectation, and there was a hint of pleading.

Originally, Yang Feng went to the house again and again to take a concubine, and the most uncomfortable thing in his heart was the big lady Yang Yuchan.

But as Yang's parents' room, she must stop this place so that the Yang family's backyard won't be a mess.

Even in the face of Jin Ling, a powerful god, she must be a lobbyist for her husband, even if she is jealous in her heart, but she can't follow it. Who makes her the lady of the house?

Although in Jin Ling's eyes, she was just a priest next to the Lord God and didn't take her seriously, but she still had to perform her duties as the long house lady, which was to settle down the family.

"As long as you promise me, I will definitely help you persuade Jin Ling sister."

After taking a deep look at Yang Yuchan, Yang Feng felt a little intolerable and understood her difficulties.

The so-called male lead outside and female lead inside. The harmonious scene of the Yang family's inner courtyard today is largely formed by Yang Yuchan's mediation.

There is no woman in the Yang family with this kind of tolerance, nor does Jin Ling, the old master god, only Yang Yuchan.

But precisely because of this, she bears more grievances and burdens than other women.

Although Yang Feng didn't pay much attention to family affairs, he was like Mingjing in his heart.

For so many years, whether in the mortal world or the spiritual world, his eldest wife is the Dinghai Shenzhen in the family.

Without Yang Yuchan's punctuality, there have been many fires in the backyard of the house.

Now in the God Realm, Yang Yuchan is still fulfilling his duties.

Thinking of this, Yang Feng sighed for a long time: "Yu Chan, just leave it alone.

This is my problem with Jin Ling, it has nothing to do with you. "

"I'm your eldest lady, why has nothing to do with me?

Everything about you and all your sisters is related to me. "

With a wry smile, Yang Yuchan said leisurely: "From childhood to adulthood, I have strictly controlled you and forbidden sex.

But it seems that the more you care about it, the more you rebound when you grow up..." "Yu Chan, this time it's not a question of female sex.

In fact, Miss Luo and I are fine. "

Shaking his head, Yang Feng groaned a little, and then blurted out the truth: "Actually, I was stunned with Jin Ling. It doesn't matter whether this marriage is mentioned or not. I am just dissatisfied that Jin Ling still has something unclear about the ex-boyfriend. Do you understand? ?

Although Jin Ling and I were in a misunderstanding and didn’t spend much time together, but the feeling of having a child and serving her for a month, you know that kind of inexplicable feeling..." "I know. Well. "

Yang Yuchan smiled slightly, expressed his understanding, and said: "However, you have to explain to Miss Luo. After all, you begged to kiss in front of other people's parents and the public, and you still snatched them..." "Yu Chan, that is a Misunderstanding, it was those little rascals who did not help, silly..." "Anyway, your marriage with Miss Luo is an ironclad matter.

If you decide to marry and then withdraw, how will you let a girl meet someone in the future?

Our Yang family has never done such an unscrupulous thing! "

After thinking about it, Yang Feng nodded faintly: "Do everything you want."

"the last one?"

Yang Yuchan raised his eyelids, and said with a witty smile.

Yang Feng nodded with a smile, and waved his hand impatiently: "Good, good, the last one, it's up to you."

"Well, I will do it now!"

Nodding his head, Yang Yuchan left the room successfully, but as soon as he left the house, he ran into a group of people who were eavesdropping outside.

"Have you heard it?"

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh to nodded, Luo Hongyu burst into tears: "Sister Yu Chan, thank you, thank you for speaking for me, you are so magnificent."

"I'm not speaking for you, I think this matter was caused by my master, and my Yang family should be responsible to the end.

It's just that your daughter of the Hungry Ghost King, marrying our master as a concubine, will you be wronged? "

"No wronged, no wronged..." Luo Hongyu's head shook like a rattle, his face full of excitement, and Venus on the side had a complicated face, as if he still couldn't accept all this.

Yang Yuchan glanced at her, understood what she was thinking, and smiled: "My husband, I will call you my husband from now on.

Don't worry, my master is very easy-going, and the rules of the Yang family are that all sisters are treated equally and equal.

After Sister Hongyu passed the door, she would never be aggrieved at all. "

"Oh, it's the path my daughter chose, what can I do?"

Venus shook his head bitterly, and Yang Yuchan took a few more words of relief, and let the mother and daughter go back first.

Then, Yang Yuchan took Yan Yurou to Jin Ling's room again: "Yurou, go, now there is nothing left with Jin Ling.

We are going to convince sister Jin Ling that we can get through this matter today. "


However, Yan Yurou did not move a step with her.

Yang Yuchan was taken aback, then looked back at her: "What's the matter?

What and why? "

"Why is this the last one?"

Yan Yurou gritted her teeth unwillingly, staring at her with a look of irritation, "You are all satisfied, so you won't leave others behind?

Humph! "

After speaking, Yan Yurou ran away with a sullen expression.

Seeing her gradually disappearing back, Yang Yuchan couldn't help being startled.

Yurou, is it possible that even you...squeak! At this moment, Yang Feng opened the door and walked out. Seeing Yang Yuchan standing upright in a daze at the door, he was taken aback: "Huh, Yu Chan, why are you still standing at the door?"

"What are you doing out?"

Suddenly, Yang Yuchan roared like a furious tigress.

Yang Feng was shocked: "Uh... I came out to pee, why... what?"

"You are a bad guy, don't go out to see people in the future, you are a scourge, huh!"

Without paying attention to him, Yang Yuchan turned around and left, leaving only Yang Feng standing in place with a dazed expression, inexplicably.

What's wrong with me?

Why are you so angry with me?

Wasn't Yu Chan okay just now, isn't it empathetic? When I turn around, it looks like he has changed.

Could it be that I spent a long time with Jin Ling, got infected, and split his personality?

Scratching his head, Yang Feng went to the bathroom questioningly...

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