Alien God System

Chapter 1936: I want to take a concubine

"Manimate, calm down, don't be impulsive!"

"I'm not impulsive, I'm very calm, I think this matter must be decisive.

Isn't it just a deputy director of the Tiandao Commission for Discipline Inspection? What's the big deal? Be him! "

"Brother-in-law, he is the great **** of the Heavenly Dao Department anyway, and he is not a small one. Be careful to burn yourself."

"I just don't want to get burnt, so I only found someone to do it this time.

I believe that they must be very professional after doing these hundreds of billions of years, and they will not leave their tails for others to find out, hehehe. "

...An hour later, in the castle of the two-faced god, Yang Feng insisted on using the magic mirror to contact the killer business of the fellow villagers. Yang Yuchan and Yan Yurou desperately stopped them and almost cried.

Sometimes she does things in a wayward way, without considering the consequences.

For such a trivial matter of being jealous, the assassin must be hired.

It's just that if it's in the lower realm, they don't worry about it, and let him mess around.

But this is the realm of the gods, with countless wealthy power families entangled in it, masters are like clouds.

If their mates continue to wave like this, I'm afraid they will kill themselves.

But what they didn't know was that Yang Feng was not stupid, and behind the seemingly absurd behavior was a deliberate plan.

That is... the world is unfair, and human lives are not equivalent.

Why is it also caused by drunk driving and hitting someone to death? The average person is more than ten years old, even the death sentence, and some people with background are suspended or released directly acquitted?

The same law and the same event have different results, just because people are different.

Yang Feng is backed by the ancient Protoss, a huge political group, so he won't worry about killing a small deputy director of the Tiandao Commission for Discipline Inspection.

"Um...what's the matter?"

Jin Ling listened to the noise, touched her forehead, looked at the entangled three people with a confused expression, wondering: "What are you doing?"

"Sister Jin Ling, have you changed back?

Come and stop Xiang Gong, he is jealous! "


Jin Ling blinked in confusion, but Yang Feng sneered again and again: "Yu Chan, don't make rumors, who is jealous?

I am doing this for the good of my children. Children can't live without their mothers, so we must put an end to hidden dangers. You let me go. "

"Sister Jin Ling, come and stop him, he wants to contact the killer organization of the gods to assassinate Jiang Chaowei!"


Her body shook, Jin Ling was immediately stunned: "The killer organization of the gods?

No way?

How long did he come to God Realm?

I haven't even entered the gate of the God Realm. I have only practiced in the Lower Three Dao. I don't know how to find the killer organization in the God Realm. How did he get in touch? "

"Oh, sister Jin Ling, don't underestimate his connections.

Have you forgotten how we came out?

This kid hasn't entered the God Realm yet, but he has already eaten everything in the God Realm.

He said that if he could find a man and did Jiang Chaowei, he would definitely be able to find it.

I know his skills too well, I have never broken my promise. "

Yang Yuchan was roaring, Jin Ling was anxious when she heard it, and roared: "Yang Feng, are you crazy?

Then what hatred or grudge Jiang Chaowei against you, you need someone to assassinate him? "

"The hatred of taking his wife, the resentment of the green hat, is this not enough for him to die?"

The corners of his mouth slumped, and Yang Feng roared, staring.

Jin Ling was taken aback for a moment, but she didn't know why.

Yang Feng spit out a rough air in his nostrils, and immediately moved forward: "Say, what is your relationship with the kid surnamed Jiang?"

"Uh no... it doesn't matter..." "Nonsense, Yinling has already admitted that, you have done it before."

"That **** girl, why is his mouth so weak?"

Jin Ling cursed inwardly, then sighed, and looked at Yang Feng and said, "Yeah, how have we been together before?

What does it matter to you? "

"It didn't matter to me before, but now it's closed, who made you my woman?

Say, after confirming the relationship with me, have you still been disconnected from him? "

"Who has established a relationship with you?

I didn't admit it again, huh! "

"Not established?

We have children. "

"Unexpectedly, it has nothing to do with the relationship between the two of us!"

Jin Ling turned her head, her mouth narrowed in sullen anger, Yang Feng's heart ached, and her brows trembled fiercely: "Accident?"

"Is not it?"

"Yes, but after so many ups and downs, I think this accident can be completely corrected. In your heart, is it just an accident?"

With a long spit of breath, Yang Feng patted his chest fiercely: "I'm sad, I'm sad, Yu Chan, you see.

For so long, I have given so much, in her heart, it is still an accident.

The surname Jiang arrested her, disregarding the old feelings, and still has the status of an ex.

You said I was sincere, did you pay for it in vain? "

Cancan smiled, Yang Yuchan glanced at the two, not knowing what to say.

"Master Two-faced God!"

Suddenly, at this moment, a priest hurried in and said: "The main **** Venus and the new main **** Luo Hongyu beg to see you."

"No see, let them go back!"

Jin Ling waved her hand impatiently, but Yang Feng stared at her, "Why didn't you see?

See, let them in. "

Uh, this...the heart was stagnant, and the priest looked at Jin Ling for instructions. After all, this was the temple of the Two-faced God, and they were responsible to the Two-faced God.

After Jin Ling pondered for a while, seeing Yang Feng so determined, she gave the priest a look and asked her to let the person in.

At this time, Jin Ling had actually agreed with Yang Feng's position in her heart, and even the position of the head of the family. What he said counted here, but Yang Feng was angry and ignored it.

When Venus and Luo Hongyu came in, they saw that Yang Feng and his family were all there, and they all bowed together: "The main **** Venus, Luo Hongyu, meet the Vice-President of the Two-faced God."

"Vice President, I heard that you came out safely. I specially brought Hongyu to see you. Are you okay? Didn't you suffer any serious crimes in the interrogation room that day?"

Venus was an old fritters, and immediately presented his meticulous care for the leader.

It's a pity that Jin Ling has no time to deal with her, she just nodded perfunctorily.

Venus and Luo Hongyu couldn't help but stunned. What's wrong, the atmosphere seems a bit nervous?

It seems that we are not here at the right time. When the leader was angry, it was over, and we were going to slap the horse.

Yang Feng ignored the panic in Venus's heart. In front of everyone, he strode forward to Luo Hongyu, grabbed her catkin, and protested to Jin Ling: "Yu Chan, you are a big house, and you will do the wedding for me right away. !"


What kind of marriage? "

Yang Yuchan was surprised, but he didn't know why.

Yang Feng smiled coldly: "You think you are the only one outside, and I have it too.

Yu Chan, I want to take a concubine, this girl Luo Hongyu. We are settled on the Hungry Ghost Road, and we quickly hired me and sent it to the Hungry Ghost King's Mansion. "


With a twitch of face, everyone present was shocked.

Luo Hongyu was even more dumbfounded, completely dumbfounded.

She was still struggling about how to introduce herself to this sister and became familiar with it, but she never expected that Yang Feng would be so decisive in doing things, and happiness came too suddenly...

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