Alien God System

Chapter 1934: We are not soft

Staring deeply at Yang Feng's jealous eyes, Jiang Chaowei walked up to him after hesitating for a while: "Do you know that opening the prison door privately is a felony."

"Pull it down, what felony?

Jin Ling and the others didn't make any big mistakes, but they didn't make a report before the lower bound. What's the big deal?

Besides, they discovered that something went wrong in the place where they were responsible, and they hurried down with a sense of responsibility as the master god. It is understandable. "

It didn't matter shrugged, Yang Feng looked at Chairman Chang Wei and said, "What do you think?"

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, nodded, the president Chang agreed.

Yang Feng laughed and continued: "Since the detainees are not serious offenses, it's not a big deal for me to open a prison, right? Are you planning to sue me for taking prisoners?"

"I don't care why they are in the lower realm, but the rules are the rules.

They must pay the price if they break the rules. "

Ignoring Yang Feng's sophistry at all, Jiang Chaowei just stared at Jin Ling coldly: "Furthermore, the God of Two Faces is already the vice chairman of the God Realm Committee, and that plane is no longer under her control.

However, she and Yan Yurou went down to the planes of other gods in private, and even violated the great taboo of the heavens, and the sins cannot be forgiven.

Jin Ling, I'm right, do you admit it? "

Staring at him fiercely, Jin Ling gasped for a few rough breaths. There seemed to be some resentment in her eyes, but she still nodded firmly: "I admit it! If you want to kill you want to kill, you can do whatever you want."

"How to deal with you, I can't be the master, I just deal with it impartially."

With his head slightly to the side, Jiang Chaowei let out a sigh of relief, seeming to be somewhat inexplicably sad.

Yang Feng looked at the two figures back and forth, how did he feel that something was wrong: "Eh, what do you mean, you know each other before?"

"do not know!"

Jin Ling yelled very resolutely. Without going to see him, Jiang Chaowei was also silent. After a while, he muttered: "I don't need to hold accountable for you breaking the barrier privately today.

Hurry up, don't come again until the results of the above processing come down. "

"What do you mean don't come again?

Do you think you sent me so easily?

I must pick up my wife today, no one wants to stop me, hum. "

"What, wife?"

Unconsciously, Jiang Chaowei glanced at him suspiciously, then looked at the other three women: "Who is your wife?"

"Just her and her, that is my sister-in-law, anyway, we are all a family."

Yang Feng raised his finger, Jiang Chaowei was startled, and his expression on Jin Ling became more complicated. Finally, he clenched his fist tightly and gritted his teeth and said: "Go away, get out of here. Where are you guys?

The sky is strong, believe it or not, I arrested you all? "

"Even if you want to arrest Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu must take people away today. I will never allow my family to stay here for even one second."

"Hmph, what a big tone, who do you think you are?

Do you want to take someone away?

They all violated the rules of heaven. "

Glancing at Yang Feng, Jiang Chaowei suddenly solemnly said: "Of the six realms, the heavenly rule is the largest. Whoever commits the heavenly rule must be dealt with in accordance with the law. No one can escape. This is the justice of the gods.

Our Divine Realm Disciplinary Committee is to uphold this justice.

Even if they just made a small mistake, they would never condone. "

His eyes narrowed slightly, and Yang Feng looked at his righteous words: "This is what you said."

"Yes, I said.

As long as I am here today, you don't want to take people away from under my nose. "

"it is good!"

Taking a deep breath, Yang Feng touched from behind, took out the magic mirror, and made a seal.

"Hey, old classmate, I have something to trouble you. You are not familiar with the leader of the Tiandao Disciplinary Committee. This is how things are..." Yang Feng said about the passing, and after a few more polite sentences, he closed the magic mirror. Get up, then stare coldly at Jiang Chaowei.

Jiang Chaowei's brows trembled lightly, and his heart suddenly tightened and he became apprehensive.

Hey, he's looking for someone, but is this person good?

The threshold of our Tiandao Commission for Discipline Inspection is very high. Not everyone! Suddenly, a soft moan sounded, Jiang Chaowei hurriedly flashed a light in his hand, took out the magic mirror to connect, and immediately appeared a stalwart figure on it, roaring at him.

"Jiang Chaowei, are you **** causing trouble for Lao Tzu again?

The case of the Human World Road is quickly cleared for me, let the people go, have you heard? "

"But President, the evidence in this case is conclusive, and the suspect has admitted..." "Fuck the evidence is conclusive, let Lao Tzu go quickly, or you'll just **** Lao Tzu.

From now on, don’t be in the realm of heaven, uh no, it’s the six realms, let me be an evil god. "

"Uh...yes, yes, Lord President!"

His heart could not stop, Jiang Chaowei was frightened and sweated, but his fists were still clenched, seeming to maintain his last stubbornness.

Then, the chairman ignored him, just glanced around, and immediately noticed Yang Feng, and immediately said with a smile: "Presumably this is Young Master Yang. I will be lucky to meet him.

By the way, this trash snack was not rude to Young Master Yang, right? "

"Not bad!"

With a slight smile, Yang Feng glanced at Jiang Chaowei, who was already stiff, without comment.

The president repeatedly nodded and said, "That's good. Fortunately, this trash snack is still acquainted, otherwise I really can't explain to Lord Robert."

"You are polite. I will definitely praise Robert for your wise deeds today, which helped me a lot. I owe you a favor."

"How dare you, what kind of favor is such a small thing?

Young Master, you are too polite, hahaha. "

The president smiled brightly in the sun, no longer as fierce as he was just to Jiang Chaowei.

This couldn't help making Jiang Chaowei's stomach burst out like a volcanic eruption, but he could only swallow and hold it, and almost didn't hold back emphysema.

Immediately afterwards, after Yang Feng and the chairman talked about some unnutritious routines, the high-level dialogue ended.

"Deputy Director Jiang!"

Staring at Jiang Chaowei, Yang Feng grinned and said leisurely: "Now can we go?"


The brows have been bulging, Jiang Chaowei is unwilling, but he still stretches out a hand helplessly.

Yang Feng raised his arms slightly to form a ring. When Yang Yuchan saw him, he immediately grabbed them, and pulled Jin Ling and Yan Yurou together.

Yang Feng didn't look at them, but looked at Jiang Chaowei contemptuously and said: "Deputy Director Jiang, I will say less high-sounding words in the future.


Isn't that set by man?

Isn't it also human?

How can it be really fair?

If you really think that this day is fair and you want to defend it, you won't be confessed in front of your family leader just now. Why don't you slap him like you just slapped us?

To put it bluntly, you still bully the soft and fear the hard.

Unfortunately, we are not soft either, ha ha. "

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