Alien God System

Chapter 1931: Why is there his contacts everywhere?

Solemn, solemn like never before! Before they formally played against Yang Feng, no one of them would have thought that Yang Feng would be so much stronger than them.

Even if they couldn't make it through a single move, they all lost.

Yang Feng stared at everyone coldly, and said lightly: "Are you coming?"

Well! Qi Qi's heart was stagnant, and Chang Yanyan and others shrank back, but after thinking about it a little, they felt that they couldn't make it through, so they said: "Yang Feng, how about your strength than us?

As the saying goes, strong dragons don’t overwhelm a snake, and you don’t look at whose territory this is?

Do you know who my father is? "

"Those who are incapable can only fight for fathers.

After all, your greatest support is your family background. "

With a grin, Yang Feng said nonchalantly: "Well, let me listen carefully to your father's name, and see if you can scare me."

Lifting her chin proudly, Chang Yanyan said triumphantly: "Then listen carefully, my dad is the chairman of this Human World God Realm Committee, Chang Wei, chairman Chang, are you afraid?"

"Well, I'm so scared."

Nodded faintly, Yang Feng said blankly: "It just so happens that I have something to ask your father to find out about the situation, is he here?

Could you please inform him and come and see me. "


She shook her body, and Chang Yanyan almost got her nose crooked because of her anger, and smiled angrily: "Did you just hear what I said?

I said that my father is the chairman of the God Realm Committee. Can he be honorable and come to meet a little boy like you in person?

Or, you don’t even know how high the status of the God Realm Committee is in the human world? "

"The God Realm Committee manages all the main **** departments in the human world, which is equivalent to the heaven in the human world, and has the supreme power.

All appointments, inspections, and arrangements for the work of the Lord God are the responsibility of the God Realm Committee.

As the daughter of the president, Chang Wei, Chang Yanyan is equivalent to a princess in the world. It is no exaggeration to say that this is her place. "

His brows frowned slightly, Zhong Lixun's complexion sank, he took a bit of science to his brothers, and then hurriedly leaned into Yang Feng's ear and whispered: "Brother Feng, the disputes between our juniors, it does not matter if we fight with each other. Too much, those old guys don't care too much.

But for the elders, we have to be a little more humble and don't be too offensive to the elders.

Besides, this will prevent my sister-in-law from being in a dilemma. "

Shrugged indifferently, Yang Feng was noncommittal.

He knew in his heart that Zhong Lihun was mentioning him, don't be disrespectful to the president, he was on other people's territory after all.

But Yang Feng didn't care. The president of the God Realm Committee, he had met once before, and seemed to be a very talkative person, so he probably wouldn't turn his face on this trivial matter.

"Yanyan, what are you doing here?"

Suddenly, a heavy shout rang out, and the powerful aura instantly enveloped everyone in the field.

Everyone was shocked and looked up at the sound coming from, only to see a fat old man walking towards them step by step, his face was not angry.

Venus' eyelids twitched, and he was frightened and bowed again: "President, why are you here?"

"Father, you are here."

Chang Yanyan was also overjoyed, and then she glanced at Yang Feng triumphantly, as if she was talking.

See if this girl's backer is here, you are dead.

Venus lowered his head while pressing his daughter's head with one hand. He couldn't stop muttering, "It's over, this guild leader is the best guardian of the calf. If this young lady is too jealous. As soon as the complaint is filed, the chairman of this standing will definitely rectify Yang Feng thinking of Fa'er."


Will Yang Summit be dangerous? "

Luo Hongyu was a little worried, and Venus gave her a relieved look and shook his head: "Don't worry, it's just a small adjustment in the organization, nothing big will happen.

After all, despite the face of Sanctuary Academy, Yang Feng's own family background is also very reliable.

It's just this month of internship in the human world, I'm afraid he will have to suffer. "

"Hmph, this eldest lady is really unreasonable, deceiving others, I don't know how much trouble Yang Feng is going to suffer here, alas."

Hearing what his mother said, Luo Hongyu couldn't help but sighed, hate and worry in his heart.

Venus twitched, glanced at her sideways, and couldn't help but shook his head with a smile.

This girl's house is big, and she turned her elbow out of her way.

You are so embarrassed to say that when you used to be a domineering lady in Hungry Ghost Road, you did not do less arrogant things.

As a result, he turned his head and forgot all his previous bad deeds. It seems that he really fell in love, alas.


Chang Wei came to the crowd with deep eyebrows, and Chang Yanyan immediately pounced on him like a Ruyan returning home, made a hum, then raised his hand and pointed towards Yang Feng and said viciously, "Father, he bullied I, you have to decide for me."


He is..." With a flick of his brows, Chang Wei looked at Yang Feng deeply. Yang Feng also gave a faint smile and nodded politely at him: "President Chang, it's been a long time since I saw you, how are you? "

"Oh... It turned out to be Young Master Yang, long time no see.

The old man is looking forward to when you can come. Today is finally here, that's great.

Don't you know, something happened. "

Chang Wei stomped his feet anxiously, and immediately put away the violent aura, like an old friend, quickly pushed his daughter aside, and came to Yang Feng anxiously and said: "Young Master Yang, I'm really sorry.

At the beginning, Young Master Yang entrusted his wife to the old man's care, but the old man did not take care of it. It is really forgiving and forgiving. "

"President Chang, don't say that, don't blame you for this matter."


Do you already know what happened? "

"Well, I just heard about it."

"That's fine. Actually, this matter is said to be big but not too small. It's just that the old man can't do anything..." After that, the president Chang Wei seemed to report to the leader and spoke to Yang Feng. Describe the specific situation in detail.

Seeing this scene, everyone present couldn't help being stupid.

Not only Chang Yanyan and the others, even Zhong Lixun's group was full of incredible expressions.

This is the leader of the human world, Chang Wei, President Chang, how come he is just like a younger brother in front of Brother Feng, humbly, without any dignity as a leader?

Chang Yanyan also looked inexplicable, as if she didn't know her father.

Dad, shouldn't you come here to cheer me on your daughter?

Why did you lick my opponent on the pole?

Isn't this discouraging me?

After you let my eldest sister head, how can you raise your head in front of all the younger brothers?

Only after Jin Shiyuan was stunned for a while, he sighed helplessly, shook his head and said: "This world battle, we seem to have lost again.

It's just hell, why does this kid have his contacts in any department?

Is his Yang family so powerful? "

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