Alien God System

Chapter 1929: Strong network

After understanding all this, Yang Feng's heart suddenly got a bump again.

Luo Hongyu is here, what should Jin Ling and Yu Chan do?

When I work in the same department, the two parties will meet sooner or later. By then, my house will catch fire again if it is not in the backyard?

The strong desire to survive makes Yang Feng's thinking speed up, thinking about how he can make the two sides never see each other.

Or... find the relationship with the fellow, let Jin Ling and the others increase the adjustment, or let the Hongyu girl down, go back to Hungry Ghost Road to accompany her father, so that everyone will always be in peace.

Suddenly, Luo Hongyu said inexplicably ashamed: "That... Yang Feng, when do you think I should meet my sister?"


What sister?

Do you have a sister?

Then go meet you if you want, and ask me why? "

"Oh, I don't have a sister, I mean... from your point of view, the vice-chairman, isn't it my sister from now on."

Luo Hongyu lowered his head and gently squeezed two index fingers, his pretty face suddenly became more flushed, and he murmured: "I have been here for a long time, and I wanted to pay a visit a long time ago, but I am afraid of being abrupt..." Uh, uh... the skin couldn't stop twitching, and Yang Feng's entire cheek was already stiff.

"I wanted my mother to take me to the meeting..." "What did you say?

Did you ask your mother to take you to see them? "

The body trembled, Yang Feng was shocked immediately, and screamed.

Luo Hongyu stomped her feet shyly and gave him a blank look: "Of course not, I just thought about it that way.

But then I thought about it, my mother took me to the meeting. If you want to visit my sister, you have to lead me.

So... I'm not waiting for you all the time. "

Call! With a long sigh of breath, Yang Feng was relieved for the time being, but looking at this little girl's eyes that he couldn't wait to get started today, Yang Feng suddenly made trouble again.

It's over, now it's not worried that they might encounter problems accidentally, but this girl can't wait to take the initiative to send it to the door, what should I do?

With the violent tempers of Jin Ling and Yu Chan, this backyard is probably more than just a fire. It is estimated that there will be a nuclear explosion, tusk.

"By the way, when will you take me?

Give our sister... an introduction? "

Then, Luo Hongyu urged hopefully.

After Yang Feng pondered for a while, he said earnestly, "That... Red Jade girl, in fact, we should grow up again..." "Yang Feng!"

However, before he finished speaking, he heard an urgent shout.

Yang Feng looked up and saw that the person was not someone else. It was Venus who hurried over: "Mother, what's the matter?

So urgent?

Is it possible that even you want to urge to send your daughter to us quickly? "

"Uh, bah, who wants to put your daughter in your arms as a kid?

Besides, you now..." With that, Venus' brows suddenly condensed into a lumpy, pulling Yang Feng aside, and whispered: "Something happened! "

"Something happened?

What's the matter? "

With a tight heart, Yang Feng hurriedly said, "Could it be that Jin Ling has discovered my marriage contract with your daughter and has started to go crazy?"

"Oh, it's not this kind of family trivial matter, it's..." After taking a deep breath, Venus stared at Yang Feng and said solemnly: "Vice President She has been investigated!"


Under investigation?

What's the matter? "

"Hey, it was during the special period of the special campaign against evil and evil, the vice president and the two main gods went to the lower realm together without permission.

For example, today the Dao Department has sent someone to double-regulate them and investigate and interrogate them. "

"They went down to save their son, I know this, what's the big deal?"

Yang Feng was noncommittal, while Venus shook his head solemnly: "Why are they not the point of the lower realm? The key is that they openly violated the rules of heaven. This is a certainty, and I am afraid that severe punishment will be inevitable.

Maybe, even this seat won’t be kept, alas. "

Silent, Yang Feng didn't speak, just thinking carefully.

Venus took a peek at him and asked, "That... Yang Feng, do you see if there is anyone above you, can you settle this matter?

Otherwise, the vice president, she would be in danger.

In this institution, many people are staring at her, and it is inevitable that someone will take this opportunity to get into trouble. "

"I see, mother, thank you!"

"You're welcome, I'm actually thinking about myself.

The so-called one emperor and one courtier, I was promoted by the vice-chairman.

If the vice-chairman is gone, and a new leader comes up, won't you wear shoes for me? "

With a chuckle, Venus solemnly said: "So, to protect the immediate leaders is to protect ourselves."

Yang Feng smiled and nodded, a light flashed in his hand, and he took out the magic mirror to see if anyone in his fellow villager's association could talk about it.

Seeing this, Venus glanced at the address book above, suddenly his pupils burst, and almost didn't scream: "Yang Feng, do you know all the leaders above?"

"Well, I know, I just don't know him well, I don't know if they want to sell my face."

Yang Feng frowned, and kept drawing on the list above. The relevant leaders of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Inspection Bureau of the Heavens, the Judgment Office of the Heavens, and so on, were checking them over.

Venus smacked his mouth twice, and fell silent with fright.

Let me go, what kind of family background does this girl come and go with are some of the top officials of the heavens, no wonder I can easily arrange my wife to a high position, this network is simply against the sky.

"Yang Feng, mother, what are you talking about?

so long? "

At this time, Luo Hongyu looked at them suspiciously.

Yang Feng Wuxia ignored it, Venus glared at her, hurried to her side, dragged her aside, and reprimanded: "Yang Feng is doing business, don't make trouble."


What business? "

Luo Hongyu looked confused, Venus didn't tell her, but after taking a deep look at Yang Feng's concentrated back, he admired: "Girl, you still have eyesight.

Compared with this kid, the Xuanyuan family simply didn't deserve to lift shoes for him. "

"is it?"

Blinking his eyes in confusion, Luo Hongyu didn't know why, but soon he was pleasantly surprised: "So mother, have you agreed to our business?"


After hesitating for a while, Venuston became worried again: "Girl, Yang Feng's family background is good, but it's still a matter of doing something small..." "Yang Feng!"

Suddenly, at this moment, a beautiful loud shout rang out, and a pretty young girl stepped proudly, approaching the Yang family gang, followed by a large number of people, aggressively.

There were two people beside her, one was that Jin Shiyuan and the other was Hong Xuan.

Zhong Lihun lifted his eyes and looked, and his face suddenly sank: "Human Dao, Xuantian Saintess Chang Yanyan; Hell Dao, Dark Flame Demon King Hong Xuan; and animal Daozhen Mountain Saint King, Jin Shiyuan.

Unexpectedly, this time the three sage kings among the seven sage kings of the academy will make a shot together. Brother Feng, you really have a face, hum. "

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