Alien God System

Chapter 1901: Human Immortal Project


Eye pupils trembled slightly, Yang Feng took a deep look at the young man, and thought to himself.

This is the president of the Fellowship Association, in other words, is he the boss of all the ancient Protoss?

Ignoring the humble expressions of the crowd, the young man just waved his hand slightly: "Retreat to me. I want to discuss with this newcomer alone."

"Yes, Lord President!"

Everyone nodded and retreated. The young man came to Yang Feng. After looking up and down, he stretched out a hand and smiled: "Vincent, lucky to meet you!"

"Yang Feng, I've been looking up for a long time!"

The two shook hands tightly, then Vincent took Yang Feng and Ying Long to a private room and sat down.

Snapped! With a light flick, Vincent threw a pile of documents on the table.

Yang Feng was taken aback, not knowing what he meant.

"Look, this is all the information about Harvard.

Including history, architecture, school spirit, and the introduction of the instructors of each department, so you won't be able to wear it. "

Vincent smiled slightly, his eyes abusive.

Yang Feng's heart was stagnant, and he waved his hand embarrassedly: "No need, I won't blow it anymore, can't it?

"young people!"

However, as soon as his voice fell, Vincent's face immediately became solemn: "Do you know what the biggest mistake you did today is?

Not bragging, but bragging unprepared.

Since you want to give yourself a glamorous background, you must do all the packaging work and not let others easily expose it.

If your previous lie is exposed, you must make up for it afterwards and make the lie true.

Those who do great things must have the ability to turn fakes into real, understand? "

Taking a deep look at him, Yang Feng nodded clearly, and silently collected the information.


With a grin at the corner of his mouth, Vincent said again: "It doesn't matter what your background is. After all, it's just your past. You have to look to the future.

Focusing on the present and looking into the future is a necessary trait for every successful person.

Always obsessed with the past, that is the style of the loser. "

"In that case, what are you doing with this information?

Anyway, it doesn't matter what my origin is. The assessment of these six gods doesn't depend on academic qualifications? "

"Wrong, I give you this, not to help you cover up the past, but to pave the way for you in the future."

With a grinning smile, Vincent raised his finger to the outside and said: "The easiest thing in the world to draw close to people is their background.

There are fellow villagers' associations outside, and the fellow villagers' associations form a group.

But in the same country, there are alumni who are separated from each other, and they will hug each other.

The so-called politics is to form cliques.

The more people you can pull around, the more politically advantageous.

Since you've blown out Harvard's cowhide, why not just push the boat forward and draw these alumni closer? "

Awesome! Although it was just a few small chats with Vincent, Yang Feng couldn't help but instantly tightened his heart.

Because he found that the young man in front of him was extremely deep in the city and well calculated. Almost every action and every sentence was full of calculations for people.

As expected to be a person who can become the president, he is definitely not a person who is waiting.

After taking a deep breath, Yang Feng's face gradually became solemn: "How do you know my past?

It stands to reason that after I came into this world, almost no one could find out my past. "

"Feng Yang, 21 years old, a senior at New Dream United University."

He smiled evilly, Vincent did not speak, but Ying Long on the side said leisurely: "New Dream United University was originally a college in China. After it merged with the other colleges, it was upgraded to an undergraduate. The proper Pheasant University.

Your college entrance examination results are not satisfactory, you can only spend money to go to such a cheating school.

The teachers at the school are not good. You basically spent four years on campus, and finally you were called to this world. "

With a flick of his eyes, Yang Feng turned his head and glanced at Ying Long strangely: "You know everything?

Did you check your account? "

"Yes, we checked your account.

It's not just yours, we all know the identity and background of all the people on earth who came to this world.

Because...we called you to come. "

The pupils couldn't stop shrinking fiercely, Yang Feng looked at Vincent incredulously, stunned: "You called us?


Could it are fancying my excellent genes? "

Uh! His complexion was slightly stiff, Vincent was stunned, then waved his hand, and was about to speak, but was interrupted by Yang Feng again: "In this fellow villager's association, a large number of Harvard children, human elites.

In other words, you are recruiting a small number of the top and best human beings to come to this other world to help you do things.

And I, this small part of selected human elites, right? "

"Uh, that... there may be some misunderstandings in the meantime, please listen to me first..." "No need to explain, I understand all!"

With a fierce wave of his hand, Yang Feng couldn't help but let out a long sigh of breath, and sighed: "It seems that gold always shines. This is a good sentence.

I have buried myself in three colleges, this kind of place where birds do not **** for four years. You can find me and participate in this elite plan.

I have to say, you guys really have vision! "

His face couldn't help but a sudden twitch, Vincent's face instantly sank.

Yang Feng felt relieved for a while, raised his legs, and said leisurely: "I said long ago, I am born to be useful, and I must be a talented person.

It was originally a great talent like the Harvard elite and the president of the World Bank.

But it's a pity that Mingzhu cast secretly. My dad wouldn't train me. He would scold me every day for nothing. He would definitely beg for food in the future. "

"But what now?

Facts have proved that I should go to Harvard, but I didn't go to register, otherwise the Harvard tutor would definitely choose me.

A few years ago, wasn't there a Rubik's Cube chosen?

In fact, I play Counter-Strike's hand speed, much faster than his Rubik's Cube, hehehe. "

Click! With a clenched fist, Vincent's forehead burst and burst, almost bursting open.

If it weren't for the well-trained people, seeing Yang Feng's shameless appearance, I guess he would have to rush to beat him.

"Brother Yang, in fact, this choice is systematically random. Last time we chose a beggar who begs on the street. It has nothing to do with whether you are an elite or not!"

Uh! With a grief, Yang Feng, who was triumphant and ambitious just now, dropped his head and became depressed: "Oh, it seems that my dad is right. I should beg for food."

Shaking his head dumbfoundedly, Vincent continued: "However, although the choice is random, there are very few who can really pass the test and come to the gods.

From this point of view, you are indeed a rare elite among human beings.

It's just that you don't adapt to the existing earth elite assessment system.

So that when you come here, you stand out.

Your talents will shine in these six gods realms to complete the human immortality plan that we have planned for more than 70 years! "

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