Alien God System

Chapter 1512: Nine gates and eighteenth floor

"Look, there is nothing.

My villa is so big, it's over. Who are you looking for? "

A quarter of an hour later, Yan Yurou saw that the situation was better than others, and that Yang Feng, the domineering president, was too strong, so he temporarily compromised and followed them to find someone.

Along the way, Nangong Yueyi used the magical calculation to locate and lead the way, but he was almost out of the Yanjia Mountain, and still did not find a personal shadow.

Yan Yurou raised her eyebrows triumphantly and said with a sneer: "Whether it is impossible for our Yan family to catch some strangers for no reason, I have been playing in this other courtyard since I was a kid. Know the palm.

If there is a place to close people, I will definitely know. "

Frowning lightly, Yang Feng looked at Nangong suspiciously and said, "Nangong, you said your grandmother is here.

Why, the navigation is not working? "

"I can't be wrong, my grandmother is definitely here, but the exact position has been disturbed."

Taking a deep breath, Nangong suddenly bit her middle finger, holding her breath, and continued to infer, but no matter what the calculation, it seemed that she could not get the correct information.

After turning his eyes around, Yang Feng suddenly said: "Nangong, are you really sure that your grandmother is nearby?"

"Yes, but my calculation..." "Okay, as long as it is nearby!"

With a flash of light in his eyes, Yang Feng grinned and said, "Super straightforward!"

Huh! As soon as his body moved, Yang Feng rushed straight into the void. Everyone was taken aback and shouted: "Patriarch, where are you going?"

"Stop talking nonsense, come with me!"

Yang Feng laughed, his figure kept.

In fact, he no longer actively controls his body movements now, but instead allows his body to move by his intuition.

Everyone was puzzled and hurried to keep up.

However, after a short while, Yang Feng suddenly hit the sky above nine days and punched out.

boom! With a loud noise, the space on the northwest corner of Yanjia Mountain Villa squirmed, and then it shattered like glass.

What appeared was a sky garden floating in the void, about the size of a football field.

There are two altars standing on it, one in the east-west direction.

Afterwards, everyone who followed couldn't help but shouted: "Enchantment?"

Even Yan Yurou was dumbfounded, and she had no idea that there was a sky garden shrouded in enchantment above her head.

"It's no wonder that my divine calculation can't find a specific position, that's why!"

Everyone's money fell in the garden, and Nangong gazed at the two altars in front of him, his expressions solemn and murmured.

Yang Feng grinned and said with a smile: "Why, you can still be blocked by the barrier?

Then you fortune-telling are not so good, in this spiritual world, who does not have an enchantment protection?

Then your bowl of rice is too limited. "

"If it's just a barrier, it will have no effect on the accuracy of my hexagram."

Shaking his head, Nangong more intentionally raised his finger to the two altars in front and said: "It is these two odd formations that really affect my hexagrams and images, so that I can't calculate the exact position anyway. "

Cover the sky?

Yang Feng raised his eyes and looked at the past deeply, and suddenly felt familiar: "This is... Qimen gossip?"

"Yes, this is Qimen Dunjia covering the sky and fate!"

Nodding his head, Nangong Yueyi raised his hand and explained: "Look, Brother Feng, these two formations are all the eight gates of the Tiangong in the Qimen Dunjia, which are Xiumen, Shengmen, Shangmen, Dumen, Jingmen, Deadmen, Jingmen, open the doors, and the surrounding ones are the Yangmen and Yinmen respectively, so each array is nine.

The Yangmen is in the east and the Yinmen is in the west. They are combined into the eighteenth gate, also called the eighteenth floor.

It is Yang Ninth Floor and Yin Ninth Floor.

It represents the yang room and the underworld, the two are united into one, and the heaven, the earth and the universe become one. "

Hmm... Licking his dry lips, Yang Feng murmured: "Can you explain it in a more general way, don't always use this numerology term?"

"To put it simply, this nine gates and eighteen floors is actually equivalent to creating a new world, shielding it from this universe world, and my hexagram image cannot locate its existence."

"Oh, that means it interfered with the radar, and my **** this radar can't find it, right."

Yang Feng nodded clearly, and understood.

Nangong Yueyi smiled happily: "That's what I mean, but Brother Feng, you are really amazing.

I can’t find it no matter how I count it. You found it all at once. How did you do it? "

"Intuition, man's intuition!"

With a grin at the corner of his mouth, Yang Feng smiled triumphantly, and then approached Yan Yurou who was still in shock and said, "How about it, Miss Yan, didn't you say that you know everything here?

Why have you never seen such a big garden above your head? "

"Neither did I expect that there is such a place above our villa."

Yan Yurou was startled and muttered to herself.

Nangong Yueyi was already eager to try, and urged: "These nine gates and eighteenth floors are among our Nangong clan, and they are the closest to gods.

Because it is not as simple as a simple enchantment, but a world of its own, that is, it has created the most real world.

I think my grandmother is in this small world, Brother Feng, let's go.

But be careful, you can only go through the yang gate, not the yin gate. "

"Well, I also want to take a good look, how is the world created by humans different from the one created by God?

Hehe! "

With a wave of his hand, Yang Feng asked Nangong to continue to lead the way, and the others followed one after another, behind him.

Yan Yurou was curious about why such a place appeared in her home, and she wanted to follow it together, but it was when everyone entered this sun array, and disappeared, leaving only Yang Feng and Yan Yurou in the last... Whoosh whoosh! There were bursts of sound, and a familiar shout came into the ears of the two people suddenly: "Wait, Yurou, don't go in, it's dangerous inside!"

Uh! His body shook, Yang Feng moved his ears slightly, and twisted his body stiffly, but saw dozens of strong figures appearing in front of them.

However, these are not important. The key is the leader. He is too familiar with it. Isn't it the father-in-law he is trying to find?

"Father, why does our house have such a place?

Why can't I go in? "

Yan Yurou frowned and asked.

Yan Chongtian slapped his lips twice, not knowing how to explain, but listened to Yang Feng suddenly shouting: "Father-in-law, it's been a long time since I saw you, how are you?"

Well! Hearing what he said, Yan Yu trembled softly, his cheeks instantly flushed, then he gave him a fierce look, and said, "What are you talking about, that's my father, when did you become your father-in-law?"

You really open your mouth and come, shameless! "

However, although she was swearing, the corners of her mouth were curled up with shame.

"What, is she your father?"

However, Yang Feng was stunned. He looked at this woman who looked exactly like his wife, then looked at the austere, genuine father-in-law, and immediately exclaimed, "But he is really my father-in-law!"

"Oh, it's too early to say, people haven't agreed yet, and my father is not so easy to agree, huh!"

Yan Yurou raised her head with arrogant joy, but she didn't know that the two men in front of him were looking at each other complicatedly...

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