Alien God System

Chapter 1507: All dispatched

In the middle of the night, after another whole day of gathering and frolicking, everyone seemed a little tired. After dinner, they went back to their houses to rest.

By the end of the moon, when Liu Shaotou, when everyone should be asleep, black shadows shuttled between the wing rooms.

"Eighteen enchantments of hell, twenty Shulu seals!"

Sa! With a loud shout, outside Yang Xiaoyi's room, the hands of twenty bald old men shook their hands, and the invisible barriers immediately covered the entire house.

Twenty people sat outside quietly, expressionless, with unpretentious and confident eyes.

The eighteen **** barriers are the unique knowledge of their Heavenly Demon Sect. The barriers are 10%, and even the hundred-headed spirit beasts are difficult to break through. Even if Yang Xiaoyi's sword technique is extremely sharp, it is difficult to break through this barrier for a while. blockade.

However, after the formation of this barrier, there was no movement in that room, which made the people outside a little strange.

At the same time, after hearing a loud bang, the door of Yang Feng's room burst open. Seven strangely shaped figures rushed in, and then they performed their stunts in the bulging quilt on the bed one after another.

"Eleventh-rank high-level martial arts, purgatory centipede cut!"

"Eleventh-Rank Elementary Martial Skill, Hundred-foot Ghost Sword!"

"Twelfth-Rank Intermediate Martial Skill, Soul Eater Broken Bone Needle!"

...Boom boom boom! A series of explosions sounded one after another, immediately blasting Yang Feng's entire bed into nothingness. After all the dust settled, everyone looked forward and was suddenly shocked.

"Huh, how about people?

Where did you go without sleeping in the room most of the night? "

On the other hand, Nangong Yueyi waited anxiously on the back mountain in the backyard of the Tianmozong, pacing around.

Whoosh! Suddenly, there was a burst of air, and Yang Feng's figure appeared in front of him with a smile: "Wait, right?"

"Brother Yang, you finally arrived. If you postpone it any longer, it will be daylight and it will be hard to act."

Seeing him coming, Nangong Yueyi was overjoyed, and then quickly took his arm and urged: "Go, hurry, hurry!"

"Eh, don't be so hurry, there are still people."

However, Yang Feng shrugged noncommittal and chuckled.

Then, after listening to the sound of swooshing and breaking through the air one after another, a few more figures suddenly fell in front of Yang Feng and the others, but it was Yang Xiaoyi, Mo Shaoqiu, and Yan Tianxing who came from the Yang family.

When Nangong saw it, she was dumbfounded: " called it?"

"Yeah, you said that everyone got rich together, so I called all the old guys. There are so many people and power, hehe."

Yang Feng said with a hippie smile, but Nangong Yueyi was almost crying: "No, Brother Yang, this matter is very secretive, you call them all, are you afraid to leak the news?

You know, this is stealing treasure from a super-class family. Once caught, it is a capital crime of ransacking the family and annihilating the clan. Of course, the fewer people you know, the better. How can there be such a swagger to gather people like you?

It's so ostentatious! "

"What's that?

I have never kept secrets from my subordinates. This is called trust, do you know?

Not to mention stealing treasures, even if it is taking the heads of those super-class family patriarchs, everyone will go together, right? "


Yang Feng didn't care about shrugging his shoulders, raising his arms and roaring, everyone else happily responded when they heard it.

When Nangong heard this more, she waved her hand in fright, almost crying.

"Shhhhhhhh...Don't be so loud, you want to call in the guards?"

Looking at each other, everyone smiled dumbly, not caring.

Nangong Yueyi regretted a bit, and teamed up with Yang Feng.

Although he valued Yang Feng’s strength, he did not know that this master acted so boldly and did not care about the consequences of failure, especially... thinking about it, Nangong stared at Yang Xiaoyi more and more, suspicious: "Master Li, you You are the young master of a super-class family of Heavenly Demon Sect, why would you go with us to steal treasures?

Does this not fit your identity? "

"What's this?"

With a loud smile, Yang Xiaoyi said lightly: "I fully support what my third brother wants to do.

And I am not Li Jitian, my name is Yang Xiaoyi.

As long as my third brother ordered it to be beneficial to my Yang family, I would go through all fire and water, and I would not hesitate. "

Wow, what kind of fascinating soup did Brother Yang give you? You don't recognize such six relatives?

The young master of the dignified Li family came to work for the Yang family?

Nangong Yueyi was silly at hearing, but suddenly, Yang Xiaoyi turned around and said: "It's just... you are the rumor of the superb family forbidden land treasure, who on earth listened to?

My third brother said, you inquired from the people in my family.

But this matter, even my master doesn't know, how could the servants know?

Are you lying to my third brother?

What is your purpose? "

Well! His heart was stagnant, and Nangong Yueyi was choked into speechlessness. When he looked at Yang Feng, he saw Yang Feng also looking at him with a smile, hoping that he could explain.

Suddenly, Nangong understood. It turned out that Yang Feng had seen everything a long time ago and was not so foolish. Now he brought Yang Xiaoyi to confront him face to face.

It's just that Nangong had never expected that Yang Feng would really tell Yang Xiaoyi what he said.

After all, when it comes to stealing treasures in a super-class family, most people will treat it with caution, and it is impossible for so many people to know, even brothers.

However, once the news spreads and is confirmed by each other, this lie will be difficult to overcome.

thump! As soon as his body softened, Nangong fell to his knees, his face full of despair.

Yang Feng looked at him deeply and said leisurely: "The reason why the lie works is because the news is not smooth.

The obstruction of news is due to the estrangement between people and the lack of trust.

But in our Yang family, everyone can open up and trust each other.

Brother Nangong, your lie is wrong. You shouldn't assume that there will be secrets between me and my brother that shouldn't be discussed, even if it involves life and death. "

"Yes, you Yang family are really a bunch of weird flowers.

Any organization in this world, no matter how close the relationship is, there should be things that you can’t trust. As a result, you don’t even conceal this kind of thing, tut..." He breathed a bitter smile and said: "Forget it, I admit that I was lying to you, I don't know any treasure at all, I just want to use you. "

"What use me?"

"Use you to save people!"

"Save who?"

Yang Feng asked again, and Nangong gritted his teeth tightly, but didn't say much.

Looking at him deeply, Yang Feng pondered a little, and then said: "Is the person you want to save important to you?"


"Even if your life is in danger, you must save it?"


"Then you said it earlier!"

Rolling his eyes, Yang Feng glanced diagonally at the brothers behind him: "Go, go and save people!"

Roar! With a low voice, everyone's eyes were full of firmness without any hesitation.

Nangong Yueyi's body shook and raised her head suddenly, but she was completely shocked...

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