Alien God System

Chapter 1505: Easy spike

Rumble! The huge noise shook the entire mountain top, and the sky covered the entire back mountain with smoke and dust.

When the smoke dissipated, the twelve evil spirits looked forward again. At this moment, Yang Feng was still lying on the ground lazily, sleeping in a naive way, with a halazi flowing at the corner of his mouth, but his head was bigger than before. Come, it sank several hundred meters to the ground.

Wow, why is it so hard?

Can this be broken?

The top twelve present were all stunned, their eyes almost staring out.

You know, their boss just used the power of the Heavenly Thunder Beast.

That's right, the lightning attribute is originally hardened, and coupled with the fact that it is a sky-level lightning, it is even harder and harder.

Moreover, this hard-to-hard, still blessed on the top twelve level spirit soldiers, this is even harder, medium-hard and medium-hard! And such a hard thing, coupled with the use of the twelfth-rank high-level martial arts, then this world is simply indestructible, and nothing can stop its blow.

But he never expected that now he couldn't even hurt a single head of hair.

Suddenly, the twelve masters were all frightened and looked at each other, then looked at Yang Feng who was still sleeping below, and couldn't help gasping in his heart.

Monster... "I now know why the Patriarch made the twelve of us act together.

It seems that this kid's degree of guard against the sky is not at all below our young master that day. We must gather all the strength of the twelve people to kill him.

Otherwise, once he wakes up, we won't be able to deal with it. "

Gurgle! Swallowing hard, the evil boss looked at the other eleven brothers, and his face suddenly became solemn.

The others also nodded one after another, agreeing with their boss's statement.

At this time, they looked at this drunk and unconscious young man, who seemed harmless to humans and animals, and they no longer dared to have any contempt.

When this person fell asleep, he was such a terrifying existence, how could he wake up?

Click it! With their fists clenched together, the twelve brothers tacitly took out their strongest Level 12 Spirit Soldiers, transported their full power, and aimed them at Yang Feng’s weird head, but they didn’t wait. They used their strongest martial arts to bless their attacks, but suddenly...well! With a soft groan, Yang Feng raised his hand and scratched the place where he had just been hit, and stood up in a daze, like a zombie, approaching the past.

Suddenly, the twelve evil spirits were so scared that they were peeing, and they backed up one after another. The cold sweat on their heads fell like a waterfall, and the whole body was trembling.

This monster is so against the sky when he falls asleep, can he wake up?

However, Yang Feng didn't seem to be awake yet, his eyes were still closed, and the body moving forward was swaying constantly. It wasn't until he touched a piece of grass that he smiled gladly, and then began to untie his pants.

Is it possible... Seeing this scene, the evil spirit boss moved his heart and looked at each other with the other brothers and made a mouth shape.

He is peeing at night! No way, he just hit him so hard, he didn't wake up, still have time to pee at night?

What a monster, isn't King Kong bad?

Everyone was panicked, and their eyes looked at Yang Feng even more frightened.

At this time, the evil boss cast another look at Old Twelve.

Go and see if he is awake?

it's me again?

The old twelve looked bitter, and he was extremely reluctant to face this monster head-on, but who made him rank the last here, this kind of dirty work, tired work and dangerous work, who would he not go?

There was no way, the twelve had to squat their mouths, carefully approached Yang Feng, and then [红旗小说] tremblingly sneaked close to his face and looked into his eyes.

At this moment, Yang Feng still closed his eyes, swaying his body, and didn't even mean to open it.

call! After letting out a long suffocation, Old Twelve was relieved and gestured to the other brothers.

Don't worry, he hasn't woke up yet, he's going to pee in a daze...Puff! However, just halfway through his gesture, he suddenly stiffened and couldn't move.

The others were also taken aback, twelve, what's wrong with you?

Old Twelve's face was covered with big beads of sweat, and he looked extremely painful, and his face turned pale with a sigh.

When he stiffened his head and looked down, he saw that at this moment, a jet of water had penetrated his lower abdomen in an instant, and scarlet blood accompanied the stream of water and shot out from behind him.

Uh... the face couldn't help but the old twelve looked up at Yang Feng inconceivably, and saw that Yang Feng was still confused and his eyes were not opened, but his complexion was much more refreshed.

Your sister, you are a monster, even if you have a hard head, how can you use a pee as a weapon?

The old twelve wanted to cry without tears. He never expected that this kid was so horrible that he was so horrible. Who has ever seen it? Someone in this world can kill people with urine?

However, he saw it today, and he was still one of the victims.

If this were to be spread, he would have no face to see people when he died.

It is estimated that he is the first in this spirit world, no one before, no one after, and he was killed by urine.

Just think about it and feel wronged. This has become a joke for later generations, oooooooo! "Old twelve, what's wrong with you?"

At this moment, the boss of the evil spirit and the others saw that the twelve expressions were weird, and they couldn't help whispering.

But the twelve hadn't replied, Yang Feng's ears moved in a daze, his body shook, and he muttered, "Who, what is that sound?"

Huh! At this moment, a torrent swept past the remaining eleven people like a whip.

The eleven people shook, and they didn't even react. What was going on, their upper bodies were already falling back straight, with a plop, and they fell to the ground, convulsing.

Seeing this, Old Twelve, who was also halfway across by the torrent and fell to the ground, smiled.

Great, I'm not the only one who died of peeing now.

In other words, no one can tell the story of tonight, and I won't be a joke forever.

It's just that this kid... is so perverted, oh... hoo! A cool breeze swept across the night sky, and the twelve top masters of the Sky Demon Sect were so silently divided into two, completely losing their vitality, and even the people who killed them didn't even know about them and killed them.

After Yang Feng finished his interpretation, he shook his body. After putting on his pants, he opened his eyes in a daze, looked around, it was all weeds, and yawned: "Just come out and have a little poop, thinking about The back garden was solved, why did you go so far all at once?

Where did I go, where is my room?

I want to go back to sleep..." With a slap, Yang Feng continued to turn around in a daze and walked back, leaving only the eleven corpses that were inexplicable and didn't know how to die, and one more satisfied, relieved. Dead body.

Then, streams of light flew out of those corpses, and their spirit beasts were free.

This night is destined to be a peaceful night...

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