Alien God System

Chapter 1500: No one can stop

Shocked, everyone present looked at all this incredible.

Nangong Yueyi condensed his eyebrows, clenched his fists unwillingly, and gritted his teeth: "Could it be that there is no way to break this True Thunder God Array of Yin and Yang Promise?"

"Of course there is, just use the Yin Yang Promise True Light Divine Sword to defeat it!"

"Yin and Yang Promise True Light Sword?

What the **** is that? "

Hearing Luo Yinghao's account, everyone around couldn't help being confused.

In terms of your super-class family, how many unique skills are there?

Luo Yinghao glanced at them, shrugged indifferently, and smiled: "Do you think that spirit beasts are the peak combat power of this world?

But why don't you think about it, if their beasts are truly invincible in the world, why should we catch them and use them for us?

Isn't it because our means are higher? "

"Uh... how to say?"

"It's very simple. I just said that although the power of the spirit beast is very strong, it is not the strongest.

Adding Yin Yang Dao to the power of the spirit beast can surpass the power of the spirit beast and reach another higher level. "

With a grin at the corner of his mouth, Luo Yinghao explained: "Everything in this world is made up of yin and yang.

One yin and one yang are for the Tao, this is the general outline of the exercises passed by the gods to mortals.

Regardless of any practice in the world, it is based on this, and the power of spirit beasts is no exception.

Regardless of light, thunder and wind, there are yin and yang.

As long as the yin and yang blend in the same system, stronger power can be generated.

Just like all the energy in the world originates from the energy of the five elements at the earth level. Due to the fusion of heaven and earth, the seven elements at the sky level are generated, which are stronger than the five elements at the earth level and have been sublimated. "

That's it! Nodded clearly, everyone understood, and then asked: "Then how do you blend the yin and yang of the heavenly elements?"

"It's difficult. When the five elements are the elements, all the energy is still opposite to yin and yang.

When there is yang fire, there is yin fire, and when there is yang gold, there is yin gold.

But the heavenly seven elements are originally the product of the yin and yang of the five element elements. They are already divided into yin and yang, just like light belongs to yang and mist belongs to yin. You can no longer find the light of yin attribute or the mist of yang attribute. "

He smiled and shook his head, Luo Yinghao's eyes exuded a faint light: "However, talented cultivators can still separate some yin attribute light from the light over time for cultivation, or separate a little yang attribute from the fog. The fog comes to practice.

People with such talents are rare.

Even if they do, are they willing?

Because this kind of cultivation will greatly prolong the cultivation time and consume resources, which is considered a thankless act, so in the end no one will practice like this, and this kind of cultivation method will be lost. "

"Among these two people, the person who practices Yin Lei is a strange thing, because Lei is generally of Yang. If you extract Yin Lei from thunder to practice, you will definitely practice very slowly.

And when fighting alone, the tricks are not powerful, not as powerful as Yang Lei.

But once trained, you can form Yin-Yang Dao with fellow Yang Lei Xiu, and this power is greatly increased.

It can be said that he has cultivated for this combination, and he has cultivated his cultivation since childhood. "


Settling his head, Feng Yu also understood the way, and shouted: "However, this means that the Thunder Cultivator can combine a Yin and Yang Dao. After all, Lei itself is seven points of yang, three points of yin, and there is a possibility of repairing yin thunder. .

Like the light element, that is ninety percent of the yang, just a little bit of yin, it is impossible for a cultivator to cultivate yin light, unless he does not want to cultivate.

The same is true for fog. Ninety percent of Yin and 10 percent of Yang are not suitable for cultivators to cultivate Yang Mist.

In short, it's not that easy to add Heaven-level elements to Yin and Yang Dao. "

"Yes, but once the cultivation is completed, it will exist against the sky."

With her brows condensed into a knot, Yan Yurou took a deep look at this thunder wall and looked at Yang Feng and said, "Brother Tu, since the master does not let us in, we will find another opportunity another day..." Boom! However, she hadn't finished her words yet, but when she heard a loud bang, everyone didn't realize what was going on. The huge thunder wall suddenly shattered, and the violent impact caused the two A guard slammed into the giant door behind him with a spirit beast. With a bang, the door panel was smashed, and the two of them also fell **** and pissed.

When they were holding their painful chests and climbing up with difficulty, they saw Yang Fengzheng on the opposite side looking at them indifferently. One of the fingers extended, the money was put down, and he shouted: "Where I am going, No one can stop it.

What are the two jailbreakers?

I just said that anyone who dares to stand in my way will become a dead dog.

You two are still alive now, it's entirely because I think there are acquaintances in this villa.

Wait for me to go in and take a look, if not, come out and kill you two, huh! "

After speaking, Yang Feng walked in swayingly, majestic, without even squinting at the two of them.

But the two of them were already completely shocked.

Not only them, even their two spirit beasts were still trembling at this moment, crawling on the ground, afraid to look at Yang Feng again.

Like a pair of doormen welcoming guests, greet Yang Feng's ride.

Yang Feng's horror made these two masters and a pair of spirit pets fearful.

How could they have thought that this unbreakable shield, which had never been broken by anything, could be easily smashed by a finger.

When everyone outside saw this, they were all dumbfounded and dumbfounded, except for the Luo family brothers and sisters.

After all, they regarded Yang Feng as a demon god. No matter how strong the human tactics are, in the eyes of the gods, isn't it a child's toy? What's the big deal?

Ha ha! "That... Lord Luo!"

They slapped their mouths twice, and everyone licked their dry lips. After a long while, they couldn't stop saying: "You just blown this yin and yang divine formation to the sky. There are so many things in the sky. Amazing things, look at it now, but that's all right! Brother Feng can do it with just one finger, I'm really sorry for the title of Unbreakable Shield."

"This doesn't mean that the True Thunder God Formation of Yin and Yang Promise is not worthy of the name of the Unbreakable Shield. It can only be said... as expected to be Brother Feng and his old man, ha ha ha!

He smiled and shook his head, Luo Yinghao didn't say much, and moved up to keep up with Yang Feng.

The others looked at each other suspiciously, shrugged noncommittal, and immediately followed.

Only after a brief shock, Nangong Yueyi was more solemn than ever, and eagerly followed.

After everyone left, the two gatekeepers were still in a daze. After waiting for a long time, they couldn't help but breathe in a cold breath, and muttered: "That kid just now...what is sacred? "

"Yeah, who is he?

So far, only the young master has ever broken this trick of ours... but he actually used one finger... hiss! "

The two of them were full of aghast and forgot to stand up.

At this time, a light pace sounded, and an indifferent voice came: "What's wrong here?

Why is the door broken? "

"Master, are you back?"

When the two raised their eyes and saw, they were overjoyed and hurriedly reported: "Someone broke into my villa, please call the shots!

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