Alien God System

Chapter 1470: What to pull?

"Le Shao, I didn't mean it, he kicked me!"

The person who walked at the end, afraid that Yueqing would blame him, jumped out to clarify everything and testify against Yang Feng, the despicable villain behind the attack.

But Yang Feng shrugged indifferently, and denied: "Children, medicine can be taken indiscriminately, but you can't talk nonsense. Did you see me kicking you?"

"Although I didn't see it, you are the only one behind me. You didn't kick it. Who kicked it?"

"A lot, aren't there two more."

Yang Feng shrugged with a smirk, and pointed at the guide Gong Yueyi and Feng Yu.

Feng Yu didn't care, he didn't comment, and he didn't pay attention to the few people in front of him. However, Nangong Yueyi was already frightened and screamed: "Yang...Uh no, brother, you can't hurt me like that.

Obviously it was you just now...why did you frame me? "

"Hi, what are you afraid of?

Regardless of whether it was you kicking or I kicking, I was the one who fought in the end, and you didn't care about it. "

With a grin, Yang Feng stared at everyone in Yueqing.

Yue Qing was so angry that his forehead was violent, and he stepped forward suddenly, shouting: "Tu Ganglie, this is what you asked for.

Come, let me join..." "What are you doing with me? "

Suddenly, a lazy voice sounded: "Boys from the second-rate family, come here to test their cultivation!"

I don't know when, an old man in a green robe appeared in front of this high platform. Although he was sloppy and uncut, his eyes were sharp and unusual, like a falcon.

Yueqing's whole body couldn't help shaking with anger, and his murderous aura was awe-inspiring. He wished to kill the Yang Feng and the three in front of him now, but in the end he did not dare to run wild in this super-class family.

Taking a deep breath, Yueqing barely suppressed his anger, and finally gave Yang Feng a fierce look, then turned his head and left: "You will wait for me, this son will never let you participate in the next round of competition alive. ."

"I hope you do what you say and your dreams come true, hehe."

With a grin at the corner of his mouth, Yang Feng sneered, and then walked forward with Feng Yu.

Nangong Yueyi exhaled a long suffocating breath and followed up bitterly.

The old man in Qingpao took out a purple crystal in his hand and placed it on the table, yawning for a long time, and pointed out: "Put your hand on this, test the cultivation status, who will come first."

Hmm... everyone around you look at me and I look at you, but they didn't move for a while.

Yueqing raised his head proudly without moving.

After all, he is the leader of everyone here, no matter what, he has to be the finale, how can he be the first to find the way?

Lost your identity, hum.

"Will it be tested?

If you don't know it, you will all abstain. "

The old man in Qingpao could not help shouting impatiently, seeing how they were standing up.

Everyone shook their bodies and was shocked, and they lined up to test.

"Ma Xiaohu, a military commander in the mid-third stage.

Well, almost, this age is for the second-rate family. "

"Zhang Xiaofan, this is even better in the late third stage of the general."

"Nangong Yueyi, Wu... late second-order Wu Ling?"

The old man in the green robe was mumbling boredly, but his eyes suddenly burst, and he looked at the sissy Nangong Yueyi in disbelief and said: "That's right, you martial spirit dare to run to our holy mountain to compete. Follow the quota of a new generation of super-class families?

Who gave you the courage?

Your cultivation base, even in the region of a second-rate family, can be considered middle and lower. "

Hmm... After squeezing his lips twice, Nangong smiled more embarrassedly: "I'm here to try my luck. I'm good at making calculations in the next stage. Before I came, I counted, and this trip is a good trip.

So I think, maybe, maybe, almost, it should be..." "Okay, you don't have to be so many.

I will ask you, how did you pass the first level? "

The green-robed old man stared at him tightly and roared.

The people around listened to it, and they covered their mouths and laughed, and their eyes looked at him with contempt.

Nangong Yueyi smiled brightly, scratching his head and said: "Good luck, it can't be stopped, everything will be fine if you go out to meet the nobles!"

"Shut up, you magic stick, go away.

You passed the first round by chance, and you will definitely not be able to pass the second round. Just wait to die. "

The old man in Qingpao gave him a fierce look and waved impatiently.

Nangong Yueyi left embarrassedly, and the next one walked up, but with a buzzing sound, the crystal glowed brightly.

The green-robed old man took a closer look, and his eyes lit up: "Mid-stage Martial King?

This looks a little bit like, hahaha! "

"What, the first-tier mid-level master of King Wu...Is it from our second-rate family?"

Seeing this, everyone around them cast their admiring eyes.

The man raised his head triumphantly, and his eyes were all incomparable.

Yang Feng glanced at the man and realized that he was in a group with that Yueqing.

Immediately afterwards, the test continued, and there was another exclamation from the crowd.

"The first-order peak martial king master, is actually another martial king?"

"Second-tier...Is the master of Wuwang at the early stage of the second-tier!"

"The second-tier mid-term Wuwang is unbelievable!"

... Immediately afterwards, one by one, the powerful kings of Wu burst into exclaims among the people.

Then these Wu Wangs gathered to Yueqing's side, and cast a provocative look at Yang Feng.

The more Nangong commented on this, he couldn't help but was so scared that his legs were trembling. He looked at Yang Feng bitterly and said: "Brother Yang, those martial kings are all his subordinates. Now we are dead, oooooooo."

"What are you afraid of, I am."

Yang Feng didn't care about it, and lightly patted Nangong Yueyi's shoulder, soothing, but he suddenly heard a loud noise from the crowd.

"The second-tier peak martial king strong?

how is this possible?

Is this the level of a second-rate family? "

Following those exclaims, Yue Qing walked out of the crowd proudly and cast an evil smile at Yang Feng.

See it, this is my strength.

Tu Ganglie, are you scared?

I'm afraid of you! Yang Feng dismissed it, and walked up to the green robe old man with a grin, and put his palm on the crystal.

Hum! A violent vibration erupted, and the green-robed old man shrank his pupils, and couldn't help screaming out in surprise, "How can it be possible for the third-order mid-term Martial King cultivation base?

A child from a second-rate family has actually reached the level of a third-order martial king? "

"What, Tier 3?"

At this time, hearing the old man's announcement, not only Yueqing, but even his subordinates, couldn't help being dumbfounded.

Although they knew that Tu Ganglie was very strong, they never expected that he had actually reached the level above the third rank of King Wu.

You know, at any level of cultivation, the first level is a large span.

The gap between the second-tier peak and the early stage of the third-tier is huge, let alone the middle-stage of the third-tier.

Suddenly, everyone was too surprised to speak.

Yang Feng shook his hair that he thought was very stylish, and walked in front of these noble princes unusually, and sneered: "What did you pull just now?

I haven't pulled the third-order one yet, are you a second-order one? "

Well! His mind was stagnant, and Yueqing immediately felt as if he had eaten a dead fly, not to mention being depressed...

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