Alien God System

Chapter 1467: Refining Cloud Beast

bump! With a casual wave of his hand, Yang Feng threw the black tiger to the ground. He stepped on his head in a victorious posture and sneered: "What else can I say now?"

"I have nothing to say!"

Shaking his head, Yun Zhonghu squatted his mouth bitterly and wanted to cry without tears: "Big brother, you really deserve to be a strong man who controls three spirit beasts. I can be found by you if I die. ?

It seems that I cannot escape the fate of being refined by you today, alas. "

Whoosh whoosh! The tiger in the cloud was sighing, and there was a burst of sound, and Feng Yu and the three spirit beasts followed and surrounded him.

Especially that Lan Miao, looking at the tiger in the cloud, angrily: "You are so cunning, you almost deceived you."

"No matter how cunning, this big brother is not as cunning."

With a wry smile and shook his head, Yun Zhonghu squinted at Yang Feng above his head and said, "Big brother, how did you know that I was a fraud?"

"It's very simple. I don't believe that a dignified spirit beast can be killed so easily. Even in a one-to-three situation, even if it is inferior, how can it not even survive?

To put it plainly, I believe in your strength! "

"That's it!"

Nodding bitterly, Yun Zhonghu asked again: "Then how do you know that I am hiding under the ground?

Still catch a quasi? "

"I do not know."

"You do not know?"


With a grin at the corner of his mouth, Yang Feng smiled evilly: "I don't know where you are, but I can be sure that you are definitely not dead, so I went to find it by instinct, and I found it like this. Isn't God magic?

Hehehe. "

"What, intuitively?"

Hearing what he said, the tiger in the cloud was dumbfounded: "Then your intuition is too accurate, it is so accurate that it is horrible!"

Shrugging indifferently, Yang Feng smiled faintly: "Anyone in this world has their own specialties. Your speciality is proliferation. The speciality of Lan Beast is decomposition. My speciality is intuition."

"Hey, big brother, you really are not a person who is waiting for a while, I really fell today!"

A long spit of suffocation, the tiger in the cloud said bitterly.

Yang Feng took a deep look at him and went straight to the subject: "Now, you should give me your power, right?"

"Otherwise, what can I do, I will be caught by you.

If you continue to resist it, it is estimated that you are going to die, my life is good, tut. "

Yunzhonghu couldn't help but slapped his mouth twice, and after a few sighs, he said again: "But are you sure you want to refine me?

You have to understand that your control of these three spirit beasts is already at the limit, and besides..." "Besides what? "

"Besides, I am a cloud, and the cloud is for proliferation. The amount of energy in my body is different from other spirit beasts.

When many people were refining our cloud beasts, they burst their bodies and exploded because of the huge energy.

So in this world, almost none of the human experts who can control the three spirit beasts have refined the cloud beast.

But the person who refines the cloud beast will never be able to refine other spirit beasts in his life.

It's just because our spirit beast is a top three existence among the heavenly seven spirit elements. "


As his eyes lit up, Yang Feng licked his tongue excitedly: "Then I really want it. Naturally, the more high-level energy I need for body training, the better."

"Are you really afraid of being blown up?"

Seeing him like this, Yun Beast asked again.

The corner of Yang Feng's mouth curled up with a confident smile: "If you can really burst me, you will be free!"

His eyes trembled, and the tiger in the cloud was dull.

Because Yang Feng's words are too self-confident, even arrogant, and a bit provocative.

Without absolute certainty, it would be impossible to say such unruly words.

Who on earth is this kid?

Suddenly, Yunzhonghu's face also changed. After a little indulgent, he smiled evilly: "Well, since you are so kind, then I'm not welcome.

I will try my best to push you up. If you survive in the end, I will be refined by you, and I will be convinced. "

"Okay, then come on!"

Determined to nod, Yang Feng immediately jumped off Yunzhonghu's head and stared at him freely.

Feng Yu on the side saw it, and said with a look of concern: "Yang Feng, are you sure you want to do this?

I also heard from our patriarch that this cloud beast is the most difficult to refine among all spirit beasts..." "That's for others! "

Without waiting for her to finish, Yang Feng interrupted with a wicked smile: "For me, it's just a piece of cake, ha ha ha."

"Good boy, this is the first time I saw someone refining spirit beasts, so calm."

Seeing him like this, the tiger in the cloud couldn't help but praised: "In this case, I will come, take it, my sky-level cloud power."

Wow! As soon as the voice fell, the tiger in the cloud instantly softened, turning into black clouds, rushing towards Yang Feng, and then rushing in from his mouth, nostrils and ears.

However, before a while, the huge black body of the tiger in the cloud has completely poured into Yang Feng's body.

And Yang Feng also suddenly condensed his pupils, and suddenly felt that his whole body was bulging outwards, as if he was about to explode, bursting with energy.

So apart from anything else, Yang Feng immediately activated the body training mode to absorb these turbulent energy, but after a few breaths, Yang Feng felt that his veins were bulging and it was difficult to support it.

There was no way, Yang Feng had to take the initiative to upgrade to the next level.

boom! With a surging weather, Yang Feng completely broke through the shackles of King Wu and reached the realm of King Wu in the first stage.

However, before this state was maintained for three minutes, he felt that his veins were bulging, and it was no longer difficult to absorb the surging cloud energy, so he took the initiative to rise to a level again.

boom! Yang Feng's aura rose once again, reaching the first-order mid-term Wuwang realm.

His brows frowned slightly, and Yang Feng was shocked.

He had never felt such a rapid energy infusion before refining the other three spirit beasts.

It is worthy of the multiplication attribute of the cloud beast, the energy is really majestic, as if those heavenly energy will multiply by themselves.

Such a terrifying growth rate is probably a life-and-death crisis for other practitioners, but for him, a body refiner who can take the initiative to upgrade at any time, it is an excellent nourishment.

Thinking of this, Yang Feng swept a pleasant smile at the corner of his mouth, and then began the journey of upgrading.

But the tiger in the cloud in Yang Feng's body, seeing his energy circulating in Yang Feng's body so many times, multiplying hundreds of times, if it were given to ordinary cultivators, it would have exploded and died.

Even if there is someone who can bear it, it will be painful.

But this kid can actually be absorbed in such a leisurely walk.

His body seemed to be a bottomless pit, no matter how much energy he inhaled, he couldn't reach his bottom.

monster! He slapped his lips twice, at this moment, even the tiger in the cloud couldn't help being shocked by Yang Feng's terrifying potential.

It's no wonder that he refined three spirit beasts and dared to refine a fourth one, and it was his own cloud beast. It really wasn't unreasonable! Such a freak must have never appeared since the birth of this world.

What is sacred, this kid...

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