Alien God System

Chapter 1463: Yun Beast

Yang Feng didn't speak, but he looked at Nangong deeply for a long time before murmured: "Do you know how to look?"

"It's more than just looking at pictures, strange gossip, astrology, divination, everything is proficient.

Our Nangong family ancestor did this, but the history is very long! "

Nangong raised his head triumphantly and smiled.

Yang Feng knew what he said.

It's just that I never expected that such a personal monster is actually a **** operator?

After Nangong pondered for a little more, he looked at Yang Feng and solemnly said: "I can't read it wrong, looking at your face and palmistry, you should be an ancestor with a little bit of land, but eating, drinking and having fun, dull, and finally by the villain. , Died of unfaithfulness, and died young.

But now that he is still alive, it can only be someone who changed his life against the sky and renewed your life.

But how can it continue so much, even the whole life has changed.

Who is so capable? He simply killed the heavens and overthrew the fate of heaven. "

Nonsense, people changed, and of course lives changed.

After touching his nose, Yang Feng was noncommittal.

Then, Yang Feng didn't want the ladyboy to delve into it any more, he hurriedly turned off the topic, pointed in the direction he was running from, and said: "Oh forget it, now is not the time to talk about me.

The urgent task now is to figure out what happened before?

Why are you being chased by a blizzard? "

"Hey, it's all fate, a dead end!"

"What do you mean?"

Yang Feng was puzzled, and Nangong Yueyi reluctantly shrugged and said, "Aren't we being transported to this ice and snow purgatory? In this wind and snow, the only way to survive is to find the pre-arranged pill for those super-class families.

Therefore, I found more than one hundred of them by using the magic method of heavenly calculation. "

puff! A mouthful of old blood almost didn't come out, Yang Feng looked at him in surprise and said: "I ran into a group of people on the road, and the blood flowed into a river for two pills. My brothers ignored them. You will find it alone. More than a hundred?

Are you navigating? "

"What is navigation?"

After blinking his big innocent eyes, Nangong paid no attention to it, but said with a complacent expression: "My divine knowledge is fortune, but our Nangong family's unique knowledge is equivalent to stealing destiny information, which is extremely accurate.

Think about it, God help me find something, can I find it?

Therefore, I dug out the 80% pill that this super-class family buried here.

As for the remaining 20%, I also know where it is buried.

It’s just that you can’t be a man, you have to leave some opportunities for others, so I won’t go digging, hehehe. "

"Wow, so your buddy is really a bodhisattva?"

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and Yang Feng said with a laugh: "But there are more than one hundred pills, can you use it up?"

"I can't use it up, I can use it to summon my men!"

Hearing this, Nangong Yueyi's expression was solemn, and then he said: "After I pinch and count, I know that the last hurdle to leave here is quite dangerous, and I will definitely not be able to pass it with my own strength.

So I used the pill that I found to recruit a large number of experts to help me clear the customs.

The result... is still too dangerous! "

"You mean... is the final clearance ahead?"

"Yes, there is a teleportation formation in front. As long as you enter it, you can leave from here and return to the holy mountain."

Shen Shen nodded, and Nangong couldn't help sighing more and more: "But there is an invisible monster guarding the pass. It's hard to get through under its eyelids.

All the men I brought were frozen into ice sculptures.

Later, I used Qimen Dunjia to calculate that the road ahead is a dead end, and there is only a way to survive. So I ran backwards desperately, and I ran into you here and saved my life. I’m sure. Hehehe. "

Accurate, indeed accurate! Yang Feng understood, he glanced at the howling place ahead, and then asked, "Did you see clearly what the monster looked like?"

"I said it a long time ago, it's invisible, how do I know?"

Rolling his eyes, Nangong Yueyi just murmured: "But I gave the monster a hexagram, which is a kan hexagram, which means that it was born in water, and it is erratic and lonely, so I guess it is one of the heavenly seven spiritual elements. Yun Beast, although I haven't seen Yun Beast."

Wow, I haven't seen Yun Beast, and I can be sure that it is Yun Beast. Your hexagram is indeed accurate.

With a grin, Yang Feng raised his eyes and looked forward, his eyes gleaming brightly: "The Yun Beast is right, let's go!"

"and many more!"

However, before he could take a step forward, Nangong Yueyi shouted again, "That's a cloud beast with a heavenly seven spirit element, aren't you afraid?"

"I'm afraid we have to pass in front of it. We can't always be stuck in this place."

"That's right, wait for me to fortune telling to see if it's safe to go this time."

With that said, Nangong Yueyi started to calculate with his fingers.

Yang Feng glanced at him, curled his lips indifferently, and slandered.

How could it be unsafe to have Lao Tzu here.

Haha! At this time, Nangong Yueyi also laughed loudly, and said with joy: "Good luck and good fortune, all wishes come true, this is a good idea.

Brother Yang, you are really my precious man.

You didn't come, the place in front of you was a terrible one

When you came, it was a good omen to be by your side.

If I had known this before, what did I find so many helpers to do, I would just ask you directly. "

"We are divided into different places, where are you going to find me?"

"You forgot, I will figure it out!"

Nangong blinked and smiled, and said proudly.

Seeing this, Yang Feng nodded clearly.

"Almost forgot, God is your Skyeye camera. Let God find someone for you personally. You really have face."

As he said, Yang Feng stepped forward with a faint smile, and Nangong Yueyi and Feng Yu followed closely.

As the three of them approached, the temperature became colder and colder.

When the three of them came to a thousand meters in front of a magnificent altar, they saw a dazzling beam of light hitting the sky, and there were human-shaped ice sculptures of different shapes everywhere.

And above the nine heavens, a thick black cloud enveloped the sky, and countless invisible monsters entrained in wind and snow, like cotton balls, swarmed out from inside, filled the whole altar with a strange smile and screaming.

Nangong Yueyi raised his eyes and looked at it, swallowed hard, pointed at the little monsters and said, " should be Yun Beast."

"No, that's at most a louse on Yun Beast."

Shaking his head, Yang Feng raised his eyes to look at the huge dark cloud above his head, and his eyes flashed with a sharp light: "That, is the real cloud beast."

Roar! With a roar, as if confirming Yang Feng's guess, the huge black cloud suddenly cracked a pitch-black gap from the middle, making a gurgling deafening sound, shaking the entire sky.

Watching this scene, Nangong Yueyi was immediately frightened and shivered, and said: "Although I count this operation, we are fine.

But seeing this monster, I was still scared, oooooo. "

"Don't be afraid, you have to believe your magic.

If we are safe, it means that this monster is going to suffer, Jie Jie Jie. "

With a grin at the corner of his mouth, Yang Feng stared at the Yun Beast's eyes, full of evil colors.

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