Alien God System

Chapter 1461: You found the wrong partner

The so-called high altitude is extremely cold, the higher the altitude, the more bitter the cold.

In this strange icy and dangerous place, even if the slightest bit of cold air enters the body, within two or three days, people will be frozen into a stiff icy lumps, with no way to survive.

The only vitality is the cold pill buried in this icy snowy peak, some hidden corners.

But it takes too much time to find the pill, and the pill is scarce, just blindly looking for it, it is difficult to gather enough pills to get out of here.

The only way is to grab the pill from others, step on the bones of others, and get out of this dangerous place.

But even so, people must be careful not to get cold into the body.

Otherwise, like the previously frozen person, it will be completely abandoned.

Don't say that you can't find a cold pill for a while, even if you find it, your partners will not use such an important pill to save a cumbersome one.

Therefore, people on this road, no matter who they are, are to walk on the road and avoid flying for safety, unless he has already taken shelter from the cold.

Otherwise, in places where the sky is colder, it is easier for the cold to enter the body first, and secondly, when the wind and snow comes, if there is no time to find a ground cover, it will freeze to death in the wind and snow.

The ice-cold purgatory in these four dangerous places is about to turn a group of spiritual practitioners flying into the sky to escape into the broken wings that can only walk.

But they never expected that they could not fly anymore, and they dared not fly anymore, but there were still people fighting against the wind, soaring for nine days without precaution.

Suddenly, all the contestants below looked straight.

Only that shone's eyes flashed, and he shouted: "Brothers, go together, they must have found a lot of cold shelter."

"Xiang Shao, how can you see?"

"Isn't it obvious. They dared to fly directly at high altitude, indicating that they have taken the cold-prevention pills and are not afraid of the dangerous cold.

And this cold-preventing pill can save lives at critical times, and they actually took it directly, indicating that there must be additional pill to protect them.

Now they have two people, at least two cold-prevention pills to spare! "

Xiang Shao's eyes were shining brightly, as if he had seen everything through, and there was even more naked desire on his face.

The rest of the crowd nodded their heads again and again, amazed: "Xiang Shao is right, they must have plenty of pills.

However, they are in the sky now. If we go to the sky to rob us, we will most likely get cold. If we encounter wind and snow again, wouldn't it be..." "Crap! "

With a loud shout, Xiang Shao gritted his teeth and said: "We beg for wealth and danger. If we stagnate in this ice world, we will all die here sooner or later.

If we can grab enough pills, we can have more protection, understand? "


"Okay, let's go!"

After finishing the pre-war mobilization, Xiang Shao took the lead and flew straight for nine days, with more than a dozen companions behind him, following one after another.

Yang Feng and Feng Yu were flying slowly in the clouds, looking for the whereabouts of the cloud beast.

At this moment, they had also been flying for four or five days, but they hadn't found any trace of the cloud beast. When they were bored, the sound of breaking through the air came from below.

However, before a while, more than a dozen figures have already formed a circle, firmly surrounding them.

" quickly hand over...the cold shelter.

Otherwise...don't...don't blame us for being polite..." I have to say that the high altitude here is really cold.

Young Shao Xiang and his gang just flew up, but when the wind blew them, they shivered from the cold and their tongues were knotted.

But they still clenched their teeth, their whole body swelled with immortal power, covering their whole body to prevent this strange cold air from entering their bodies.

Yang Feng blinked his big innocent eyes, and looked at Feng Yu who was on the side. Both of them were inexplicable: "What sheltering pill, we have never heard of it."

"Stop talking nonsense, you... you don't have a cold shelter, how come you fly to such a high place, in such a cold environment, nothing happened?"

Xiang Shao swallowed hard, and said fiercely: "Hurry up, hand over the Pill for Avoiding the Cold, don't let us do it!"

"Oh, you mean the pill that was mentioned on the broadcast a few days ago."

After thinking for a while, Yang Feng understood it, and couldn't help but smile: "Then you have found the wrong person, I really don't have it, and I don't need that stuff."

"Sure enough, it's a toast and fine wine, boy, you asked for it!"

Hearing what he said, Xiang Shao couldn't help being furious, waved his hand, and shouted: "Brothers, let's go together, kill them two first, and then look for the pill from their bodies."

Yes! With a loud shout, everyone immediately rushed towards Yang Feng and the two, looking hideous.

After Yang Feng and Feng Yu looked at each other, they both curled their lips in disdain and laughed.

But before they could take action, a roar came suddenly.

Xiang Shao and the others, who were about to start their hands, froze suddenly.

Then, they turned their heads awkwardly, and saw that not far behind, black clouds were gathering, and fierce wind and snow swarmed them like big waves.

"No, the blizzard is coming, run!"

Everyone was shocked and shouted, but it was too late.

The blizzard immediately engulfed everyone in the clouds and the sky. Before people had time to flee down, and could not find any cover, they were frozen into a snow sculpture on the spot by the unbridled wind and snow.

He fell to the ground and couldn't move.

Only that Shao Xiang, quick eyes and quick hands, quickly took down the cold shelter pill that he had just snatched, could withstand the blizzard.

It's just that at this moment, his brothers are all annihilated, and he is the only one left, no more fierce aura.

But he still stared at Yang Feng, and said fiercely: "Smelly boy, quickly hand over the cold shelter, otherwise I'm really welcome."

"You were not polite just now. Besides, shouldn't you take care of your frozen subordinates now?"

Yang Feng's face was calm, and he looked at the ice sculpture roads that had fallen to the ground.

Xiang Shao grinned at the corner of his mouth, with a grim look on his face: "They are useless now, what shall I care about them?

On the contrary, without them, I would divide less medicine.

As long as you have the cold shelter in your hands, if I alone, I should be able to get out of here more safely, hehehe. "

"Really, but it's a pity, we really don't have a cold pill."

With a loud smile, Yang Feng's eyes exuded a deep light: "The reason why we dare to fly at high altitude is because we are not afraid of the cold."

boom! As he said, Yang Feng raised his hand to the sky, and a wave of scarlet energy suddenly spread.

The blizzard that had just been tormenting the icy cold disappeared in an instant.

In the sky, the warm sunshine appeared again.

Uh uh uh... With a twitch of face, Shao Xiang was completely stunned. He looked at Yang Feng two people inconceivably, unable to speak.

Yang Feng slowly lowered his arm and said with a chuckle: "Young man, you robbed the wrong person.

Just listening to your tone, the medicine in your hand is not enough.

Now you have not only used a pill in vain, but also lost your brothers. No one will rob with you in the future. How can you continue to survive in this cold and dangerous place alone? "

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