Alien God System

Chapter 1459: Rise from the ashes

Feng Yu?

Yang Feng scratched his head for a moment, then recalled immediately.

Isn't this the Yaozu princess? When I went to the Yaozu, she was forced to get married. Why did she come here?

Originally, Yang Feng thought that he could find a big bird and he could have a barbecue in the ice and snow, but he never thought that he was an acquaintance, so he couldn't roast it.

After slapped his mouth twice, Yang Feng put away his appetite, raised his hand and stroked Feng Yu's feathers, but he was cold.

Yang Feng knew that the phoenix was a beast of the fire element, with flames boiled all over his body, and it would turn into a sea of ​​fire wherever he passed.

But now, the whole body is like Bing Tuozi, and it can be seen how weak it is.

Then, Yang Feng entered a trace of Xian Yuan Li to probe, and suddenly felt that her meridians were all frozen by the strange cold air, and these cold air was very strange, as if it would multiply, growing in her body, freezing her veins every inch. , Has already approached her heart-fire position.

The phoenix lives on fire, and if the fire of the heart is extinguished, it will fall completely, and there will be no return to heaven.

"I'll go, is she injured or poisoned?

Why can this cold air grow so fast in the body of a fire-type beast like Phoenix? "

The brow wrinkled slightly, and Yang Feng knew in his heart that if these chills were allowed to grow recklessly in her body, sooner or later, her heart would not be able to hold back, and she would be extinguished, and it would be all over.

Therefore, without further ado, Yang Feng immediately spurred on Feng Yu's body with one palm, and the tidal-like sky-level haze energy rushed into Feng Yu's body like a flood.

In an instant, the water and fire intersected, and the decomposing properties of the Lan system power were like magma, rushing through the cold air, and immediately dissipating the cold air one by one.

However, that cold air is not an ordinary thing. After it dissipates a little bit, it will be like a piglet under the sow, and it will multiply.

Yang Feng felt weird, but under Yang Feng's unceasing transmission of the Lan Element Power, the coldness was still defeated.

Especially in the end, Yang Feng's Lan energy was connected with Feng Yu's heart and fire, and immediately linked to each other, bursting out even more terrifying heat energy, instantly dissipating the cold energy in his body.

After all, Lan's five element attributes are also fire, and Phoenix's greatest supernatural power is to be reborn from the fire.

In other words, as long as there is a fire, the phoenix will never die.

boom! With a burst, the turbulent flames immediately ignited from Feng Yu's body, and the wind, snow and cold within a hundred li was completely driven away in the blink of an eye.

Feng Yu, who was dying, immediately opened his bright eyes, and when he spread his wings, it stood majesticly above the nine heavens like a small sun.

The dark clouds and cold wind in the sky also retreated under the phoenix flames.

Looking at the dazzling light, the corner of Yang Feng's mouth swept across the arc of Xinran, and this girl was finally rescued, and it was not in vain that they met.

Huh! At this time, the phoenix's hot flames suddenly collected, turned into a graceful girl, and fell in front of Yang Feng.

Feng Yu stared at Yang Feng tightly, with joy and excitement in her eyes, but the demon princess's reservedness still allowed her to reduce her enthusiasm in her heart. She was not too open and unrestrained. He just nodded gratefully and smiled: "Thank you for saving me!"

"Hi, who are we with whom?

Haven't you helped me before? "

Waved his hand indifferently, Yang Feng smiled and said, "By the way, why did you come to the spirit world?

I remember the five patriarchs who were about to ascend.

As a result, they didn't come, but you came instead? "

Uh, this... the cheeks turned red, and Feng Yu turned his head a little shyly.

In fact, in the Lower Realm, the five patriarchs did not receive the ancestral spirit infusion of their five clans, and they had already lost the qualifications to ascend.

On the contrary, it was their five juniors. Although most of the energy of the Ancestral Spirit Pouring Body was snatched by Yang Feng at that time, they also absorbed a little.

As a result, they have the qualifications to ascend.

However, because their strength is still lacking, the descendants of the other four clans are still practicing in the lower realms.

Feng Yu wanted to find Yang Feng, so he soared ahead of time.

And this price is not small.

Ascension is to experience the tempering of the tribulation, weak in strength, is a **** under the tribulation.

But Feng Yu still resisted the catastrophe, barely ascending up, but when he reached the spiritual world, he was already seriously injured, and he had lost half his life.

After a full two years of cultivation, it is considered complete.

All this is to be able to see Yang Feng again.

Of course, Feng Yu would naturally not tell Yang Feng about these things. With her pride, she would not be sympathetic by selling miserables.

"Um... my dad didn't get the power of the ancestor spirits, so they couldn't fly up, so let me replace them."

Feng Yu just gave a general idea, and Yang Feng nodded clearly, still a little embarrassed, after all, he had snatched the power of the ancestor spirit of the monster race back then.

"Um... I'm sorry, I absorbed all the power of your ancestors at the time!"

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, if you didn't take it at the time, you would be taken by Qiu Xiaotian. My father and them didn't take it at all."

Rolling his eyelids, Feng Yu raised his white chin and turned his head slightly, seeming to be shy, not daring to look at Yang Feng.

Yang Feng grinned: "By the way, when I went to the Lower Realm some time ago, I saw your father. Your father asked me about your situation, but I didn't know it at the time!"

"What, have you been down?

How can this be? "

Hearing his words, Feng Yu couldn't help but be surprised, and said in disbelief: "The passage between the spiritual realm and the lower realm is generally closed. It is not easy to go down. How did you go down?"

"Hi, of course I have my way.

When I go down to visit relatives the next day, if you have anything you want to tell your father, please mention it as soon as possible, and I will help you with a letter, no problem, hehehe. "

Yang Feng raised his eyebrows triumphantly and smiled.

Feng Yu looked at him suspiciously, but there was joy in his heart.

After all, Yang Feng cared about her so actively, indicating that she still had a place in her heart.


Immediately afterwards, Yang Feng asked again: "This is one of the four most dangerous places under the jurisdiction of a super-class family. How could you appear in this place and be buried in the ice and snow?

Although this wind and snow is indeed difficult for ordinary cultivators, it shouldn't be able to trap you, the beast, fire Phoenix? "

"I was not trapped by this wind and snow, but by the guardian spirit beast of this region, the tiger in the cloud."

"The tiger in the cloud?"

When his eyes rolled, Yang Feng immediately understood: "You mean... there is a cloud beast here?"

Nodding fixedly, Feng Yu solemnly said: "Yes, and very powerful."

That's it! At this moment, Yang Feng understood why the cold air in Feng Yu's body was so weird. It turned out to be cloud-attributed heavenly energy.

The five elements of the cloud itself belong to water, and it is incompatible with the fire of the Phoenix.

In addition, the sky-level attribute of the cloud is proliferation, so once its energy enters the Phoenix body, it grows wantonly like a virus, and it cannot be eliminated anyway.

As for the sky-level energy of the water cloud, the only ones in the world who can restrain the sky energy of the earth element and the fire element of the fire system...

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