Alien God System

Chapter 1454: Hyakutake Sacred Mountain

Two months later, under a majestic peak with overlapping peaks, people were already gathered.

Here, is the Hundred-Five Sacred Mountain where the super-class family Hundred-Five Conference will be held.

Usually, there is barrier protection here, and most people can't find it.

But now, the barrier is revoked, the holy mountain appears, and practitioners from all over the spiritual world have been notified. Those who think they are talented want to try the opportunity. If you are lucky, you can be favored by a super-class family. It's that the carp leaped over the dragon gate and developed.

As a result, the entire foot of the mountain was suddenly crowded with people, with all kinds of people of different strengths gathered together, all with hope.

Yang Feng was also among them, pretending to be an ordinary cultivator, to inquire about the attitude of the super first-class family after being notified by him.

Do you continue to walk to the dark, or according to what you say, reform and reform, cultivate saints, and fight for a way of life for the coming judgment of the world.

"All contestants start to register, line up according to their location, do not jump in and make noise, otherwise they will be killed!"

Suddenly, a loud shout rang, like a bell in the evening, and the excitement sounded so much that the eardrums of everyone present hurt.

People raised their eyes and saw that for some unknown time, there was already a proud old man in a green robe standing in the sky, looking down at everything below.

Moreover, many masters have guessed at the level of their cultivation level from the agitation emanating from him, and they are definitely experts above the third rank of King Wu.

Suddenly, everyone's heart was embarrassed, and they didn't dare to make noise anymore, and bowed respectfully to the distance, and the scene fell silent.

Only Yang Feng glanced lightly, shook his head indifferently, and smiled.

A thunder martial king in the middle of Tier 3 is no big deal.

The reason why his voice was loud just now was obviously the shock of the Thunder Element.

But unfortunately, there is no sky-level thunder element bonus in his lightning force, and there is no sky-level thunder element even in his bloodline.

This can only show that he is no more than a small member of the super-class family, not a core member.

With a deep spirit gleaming in his eyes, Yang Fengyi readily formed a long line with the flow of people. At the top of the line, the staff had already moved a chair and table and was registering everyone.

At the same time, at the top of the sacred mountain, four or five old figures looked at the contestants below, with expressions of indescribable solemnity.

After a while, an old man murmured: "Old Zhai, the old thing from the Luo family has already sent news that the demon **** Di Ablo has come to the world and has given instructions. We are still here for the Hundred Martial Arts Conference. What's the use?"

"Yes, that old thing said, that Yang Feng is the soul boy of Di Ablo Demon Venerable, and the Demon God has already descended, but... must it be true?"

Old Zhai slapped his lips twice and murmured.

The surrounding elders were startled and surprised: "Do you suspect that Luo Tiancheng is lying?

No way?

I heard that the evil **** worshipped by the Jiang family was burned to ashes by Yang Feng. If Yang Feng was not a demon god, how could he have such a mighty power? "

"The evil **** was killed, did you see it with your own eyes?

Can't it be fake? "

"This... how could it be fake?

At that time, the third father and daughter of the Luo family and the kid of the Jiang family had seen it with their own eyes! "

"If the Luo family lied about this matter, then the Luo family's words cannot be believed.

As for the Jiang family boy, hey, he wants to be Luo family son-in-law, he is half of the Luo family. "

Old Zhai smiled suddenly and murmured.

The faces of the people around him condensed, inexplicably: "Old Zhai, what do you mean?

Suspect that the Luo family created a fake demon, and sent a fake news?

What good is this for them? "

"My old friends, Luo Tiancheng, this old boy, usually has a lot of criticism about the world under our governance. It is hard to guarantee that he did not use the mouth of the devil this time to achieve his own ulterior purpose and want to change ours. We have built a stable system for 100,000 years. We must not forget our original intentions and be cautious."

With a flash of brilliance in his eyes, Elder Zhai stared at the people closely and said: "Everyone must clearly recognize one thing, that is, those aborigines died in the war, and the reason why the demon **** punished them was also the cause of war.

If we want to live with this world, we must be stable and not chaotic.

Those who want to reform and disrupt our stable system are rebels and must not be tolerated! "

Hmm... Silence, everyone glanced at each other, all frowned.

After a while, someone said, "Old Zhai, if the devil really tried to judge the aborigines because of the war, then we are being judged again. Why?

Maybe we have been wrong all these years..." "Shut up! "

With a loud shout, Elder Zhai interrupted him directly, and then said earnestly: "My friends, don't start to doubt the judgment of the ancestors when the trial is approaching.

What we did is definitely right. If there is a mistake, it can only be that what we did was not thorough enough.

There are still some minor wars in this world, which have caused dissatisfaction with the gods.

We should strengthen this four-level system more firmly and allow people to stay in their own class willingly, so that the world will be more stable and the demon gods will be more satisfied. "

Is it really so?

Without speaking, everyone began to think quietly.

Lao Zhai took a deep look at them, and a flash of worry flashed in his eyes.

Alas, in the face of the disaster, people's minds have changed, and the team is getting worse and worse.

With a long sigh of foulness, Elder Zhai said again: "Forget it, let's not discuss this for now.

The key is that we have already issued a notice of the Hundred Fighters Conference. If it is cancelled suddenly, it would be a distrust of the world. What is the prestige of our super-class family?

So go ahead, what if the real soul boy is here? "

"I hope so."

The other old men nodded slightly, turned and left with a lonely expression.

Looking at their backs, Zhai Lao's eyes trembled, becoming more solemn.

Whoosh! Suddenly, a cyan figure flashed by and bowed to Old Zhai and said, "Grandpa, grandson has something to ask for advice."


"Do I need to participate in this Hundred Fighting Conference?"

"To participate, all young talents must participate, no one can be an exception."

With a tight fist, Zhai Lao watched the noisy crowd at the foot of the mountain, and said: "In any case, the spirit boy of the Demon God must be found in this martial arts competition."

Uh! His body stagnated, the young man was puzzled: "Why is Grandpa so persistent?"

"You don't understand, this is related to our Zhai family's position in the super-class family."

Taking a deep breath, Elder Zhai murmured: "The four-level top-level design of the spiritual world was originally proposed by the Zhai family and implemented to the end.

If this system is wrongly designed, we will be sinners through the ages and will definitely be abandoned by these families.

But now, what the Demon God in Luo's mouth wants to change is our design.

Therefore, the Demon God of the Luo family must not be true. We must find the real Demon God Lingtong in this Hundred Martial Arts Conference. "

"But..." Hearing what he said, the youth pondered for a while and said: "What if the demon **** of the Luo family is real?"

"It can't be true, can't, can't..." Without looking at him, Zhai Lao just kept repeating this sentence, his eyes were both worried and firm, and seemed to cheer himself up, but his subconscious was more Everyone understands it, but just doesn't want to admit it...

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