Alien God System

Chapter 1444: Fox fake tiger

The unprecedented terrifying coercion forced Luo Tiancheng, the super master who refined two spirit beasts, to cling to the seat and unable to move. His eyes were both frightened and fearful, and he muttered in his heart.

This is... the power of God?

It's really too strong! Looking at the entire spiritual world, how can mortals have such a powerful coercion?

Before seeing the power of gods, Luo Tiancheng hadn't had a perceptual understanding, and he didn't take this so-called evil **** into his heart.

But now that he really saw the power of the Heretic God, he realized how small he was in front of God, the supreme powerhouse standing on the peak of the spiritual world.

At this moment, he suddenly felt like an ant, he would be crushed to death by a finger of this evil **** at any time.

A deep sense of powerlessness, spontaneously arises! And even his Luo Family Patriarch is like this, and the Luo Family brothers and sisters on the other side of the seat are even more horrified.

The chilling evil spirit on the evil **** Abraman made the little girl Luo Yunchang tremble with fear, and she involuntarily shrank into Luo Yinghao's arms, tears almost streaming down her eyes.

But Luo Yinghao is not much better than her now. From the moment when the evil **** appeared, Luo Yinghao felt stiff all over, unable to lift a finger.

Sweat beads the size of a thumb dripped down, and instantly wetted his entire garment.

In a short time, but a short time, the evil **** Abraman shocked the audience! Mortals are in front of gods, even if this is an evil **** with little status in the gods, it is an existence that is hard to look up to.

Jiang Yulang looked at the three people present cowering and straightened his chest, sneered, and said with a sneer: "Luo Tiancheng, you bastard, you want to kill me?

No way! My son is guarded by Mr. Abraman, don't you want to touch me with a finger, hahaha! "

"No... No... Nephew Jiang Xian, you misunderstood, the old man didn't want to hurt you!"

Shaking his hands in a hurry, Luo Tiancheng knew that the situation was better than the others. This **** was in charge and hurried to explain, but at this time, Jiang Yulang was already frantic, completely ignoring his excuse, waved his hand, and shouted: "Explain what a fart. , Old man, now you have no right to speak.

I'll ask you, believe me or not?

Believe it or not in the blessing of Lord Abraman? "

Hmm... His body was stagnant, Luo Tiancheng looked embarrassed and hesitated, but when he saw the evil god's ferocious eyes, as if he was going to swallow him alive, he nodded and yelled, "I believe, I believe. In fact, the old man believed it when you first said this, nephew."

"Really, are you Luo family willing to join our Jiang family and worship the evil **** Abraman?"

"What, shall we join you?"

Hearing what he said, Luo Tiancheng's heart suddenly tensed, and then he looked at the evil god's hideous face. After thinking a little, he realized that if he does not join this cult today, I am afraid that the whole family will be poisoned by this evil god, but he is The Luo family is, at any rate, the elder family in a super-class family, how can it be comparable to the Jiang family of 50,000 years of age?

Let him join his 50,000-year subordinate for these 100,000 years, he is not convinced! So after licking his dry lips, Luo Tiancheng murmured, "That...our Luo family is willing to serve Lord Abraman, but the status must not be lower than your Jiang family!"

"what did you say?"

Glancing at him hard, Jiang Yulang couldn't help but sneered: "Old stuff, our Jiang family is the first family to serve Lord Abraman, you one of you later wants to be on an equal footing with us?

Want to be beautiful, hum! "

"Master Abraman, please call the shots!"

With that said, Jiang Yulang bowed to the evil god.

Abraman glanced down at him, then looked at the nervous Luo Tiancheng, and said solemnly: "The so-called first-come, first-served, the first to join the teacher is better.

Luo Tiancheng, you joined the sect in the Jiang family after the Luo family. No matter who you are in the secular power, you must take the Jiang family as the head. "

Well! Luo Tiancheng's heart was stagnant and his face was dissatisfied, but looking at Abraman's fierce divine light, he finally nodded helplessly and sighed: "Yes, I must follow the instructions of Master Abraman."

"Father, you..." Luo Yinghao was anxious when he heard what he said. He was about to speak, but he was stared at by Abraman's eyes and he couldn't speak.

This look, pressed down like a mountain of ten thousand feet, made him unable to bear any resistance, only surrender.

Moreover, this is the second time he has met.

Once upon a time, he was fainted by such eyes, it was from another evil god.

Suddenly, Luo Yinghao remembered that when he first met the first evil god, only one of the people present could not fall down. That is... With a look of hope, Luo Yinghao hurriedly looked at the opposite seat. Yang Feng.

Sure enough, at this moment, Yang Feng was still drinking and drinking, and he was the only person present who was not affected by the evil **** Abraman.

Brother Yang, stop drinking, help! Luo Yinghao was overjoyed, staring at Yang Feng scorchingly, his eyes full of distress signals.

However, Yang Feng didn't seem to accept it. He looked aside and continued to taste the wine.

I'm going, Brother Yang, picking up at a critical time, are you still a friend?

Luo Yinghao was so anxious that he was about to cry. Then Jiang Yulang saw that Luo family was pulled down into the water, and he started the second goal of his trip to Luoyin Valley. He cast his obscene eyes on Luo Yunshang, a wonderful person. , Wickedly said with a smile: "Luo Tiancheng, since your Luo family has joined our Jiang family, shouldn't you give a gift?"

"Big gift?

what would you like? "

"Nothing, just give Sister Yun Chang to me, Jie Jie Jie!"


Jiang Yulang gave a treacherous smile, and Luo Tiancheng and Luo Yunshang screamed together, shaking their heads: "No, you want to occupy my daughter?

no way! "

"Luo Tiancheng!"

With a loud shout, Jiang Yulang's face sank instantly, and he said gloomily: "Don't forget your current identity. You are the subordinates of our Jiang family. Everything you have belongs to us. This is the rule of this teaching! "


At this time, the evil **** is also very affirmative: "Those who enter the religion first have the right to own everything about those who later become religious. If you want to stand at the top of the religion, bring more believers."

I went, the cult is indeed a cult! As soon as he said this, Yang Feng who was drinking couldn't help but stagnate slightly, and then shook his head with a smile.

Isn't it the same as MLM, which keeps pulling people in, using the funds of the latecomers to provide the first-comers to enjoy.

If the latecomers want to get more, they can only keep pulling people's heads and drawing people from below.

To put it bluntly, this is to use people's laziness to provide driving force, not knowing the right path, creating social value, only knowing that they are cheated and abducted, exploiting others, until the financial chain is broken and the organization is scattered.

However, this is also in line with the development intention of the cult. If you catch a wave and leave, how can you care about the flood of people behind?

Anyway, the extinction of the world is approaching, there is nothing wrong with the evil **** coming down to deceive a soul and run away!

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