Alien God System

Chapter 1419: Diehard top

"Brother Sima, the Yun family has already come down the city, what should I do?"

In the office building of Xiongfeng Mansion, a crowd of high-levels gathered together, and the clouds were bleak.

Sima Changfeng hushed his eyes, pondered for a long time, and murmured: "It's been more than a year, no matter how we expand abroad, the Yun family dare not show the slightest hostility to us, just because the Patriarch back then used a super-class family. , Suppressed him.

Why did the Yun family go uncharacteristically this time and suddenly dispatch troops? "

"Could it be... he is not afraid of the threat of a super-class family?"

Hearing what he said, Magic Top thought for a while.

Taking a deep breath, Sima Changfeng thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "No, the Yun family is just a first-class family. They don't have the courage, unless..." "Unless what?"

"Unless he finds a backer and has the courage to do it."

With a sharp glow in his eyes, Sima Changfeng slammed his fist and said, "If this is the case, we will be in big trouble.

Oh, it’s a pity that the Patriarch is not there, otherwise he might have a solution..." "Who called me? "

Suddenly, Sima Changfeng hadn't finished speaking, the door was suddenly opened, and Yang Feng poked his head in with a smile on his face.

Seeing Yang Feng's return, everyone present was overjoyed and hurried to meet him: "Patriarch, are you back?"

"Well, I wandered outside for a year, and I really missed you, so I came back.

How about, when I left, let you play as much as you like.

Over the past year or so, how are you enjoying yourself?

Hahaha..." Yang Feng laughed loudly, and everyone looked at each other with bitter smiles: "Patriarch, we are having fun. "

"Have fun?

What do you mean? "

"This is the past year. Our Xiongfeng Mansion has relied on Brother Sima for internal affairs and our brothers to dispatch troops externally, which has doubled its territory."

Dugu Zhan Tiancan laughed and murmured.

Yang Feng's eyes lit up, and he smiled: "You mean to lay down the Wufu site again?

Very good, what's wrong? "

"The hit was done, but our actions caused dissatisfaction with the Yun family. They have sent people to warn us many times."

"Hey, it's just a warning, move your lips, afraid that they will get the ball?

They dare not do anything to us. "

"Yeah, we also feel that they dare not do anything to us, but this time..." With a bitter expression, Yelu Chuxiong sighed: "The Yun family suddenly assembled a large army, and the soldiers are approaching the capital of Xiongfeng Mansion. I am afraid that those who come are not good. "

"Is it!"

Blinking big fearless eyes, Yang Feng let out a laugh: "Aren't they afraid of the super-class family behind us?"

"Originally they should have been afraid, but now this move...not good!"

Sima Changfeng hesitated, and murmured analysis: "The Yun family is not an idiot. If they dare to do it, they must have the support to do it. Those who come are not good."

"That doesn't matter, I'm back now, so are you afraid of not beating him?

cut! "

With a cold smile, Yang Feng looked very relaxed, completely indifferent.

Report! Suddenly, there was a loud shout, and the messenger outside the door broke in and bowed and said: "Palace Master Qi, Lord Sima, Master Yunying is here."

"Come just right, let him in!"


As soon as the man bowed, he went down, and after a while, Yun Ying walked in with a group of men swaggeringly, and there was a young man in beautiful clothes beside him.

And it seems that Yunying's attitude towards this young man is particularly humble.

Suddenly, Yang Feng had already understood the identity of this person, the corner of his mouth curled up, and two steps forward, he hugged his fists and said: "Under the Xiongfeng Palace, Yang Feng.

I don’t know if this young man respects his surname, can you enlighten me? "

"Yang Feng!"

Seeing this scene, Yunying immediately twitched and shouted: "You are so bold, how dare you ignore this son?

What should be the crime? "

Yang Feng glanced at him obliquely, shrugged his shoulders indifferently, and sneered: "Young Master Yun, according to what you mean, after you come in, I should greet you first, and bow to you, and put this young man behind you. Up?"

Uh! Suddenly, Yunying's cheeks twitched, cold sweat broke out from fright, and when he turned to look at the young man, the young man's face also suddenly became cold, and he gave him a fierce look.

Suddenly, Yunying trembled with horror, and hurriedly waved his hand: "No, no, I didn't mean that.

When we came in, of course, you should first show your respect to this handsome, suave and handsome Kuang son.

It's just that you have to introduce me first, right? "

"Do you introduce a fart?"

A mouthful of saliva almost didn't spray his face, Yang Feng should have said: "Since you came in, of course, I can see at a glance that this young man is majestic and extraordinary, and the king's air is revealed all over his body, how shabby and mean like you, There is no aristocratic temperament that aristocratic children should have.

Isn’t it obvious who should be bowed to?

Need you to talk too much? "

"You say yes, Mr. Kuang, hehehe."

With that said, Yang Feng clasped his fists at the man named Kuang, with a smile on his face, making Yun Ying so angry that his face was almost black.

Originally, he brought this son of Kuang to come today, wanting to show off his prestige, to vent the humiliation that Yang Feng always suppressed.

But I never expected that Yang Feng was too treacherous, and he was the first to flatter as soon as he met, so he didn't know how to reply, so embarrassing.

Looking at this scene, Sima Changfeng and others couldn't help but chuckle secretly.

Seeing this, the son-in-law looked at Yang Feng deeply, suddenly raised the corner of his mouth, and asked, "Do you know what I am?"

"I don't know, but I guessed it roughly."


"It's only the son of a super-class family that can make the son of the first-class family in Yunzhou so begging for mercy."


Nodding slightly, the son Kuang said with a smile: "My son is named Kuang Lingyun, and he really comes from a super-class family.

Passing through Yunzhou City not long ago, I heard that the Yun family, a dignified and first-rate family, was actually bullied by a second-rate family under its control and was uncomfortable for it, so I came here to fight against it. "


Raising his brows, Yang Feng immediately sneered and said, "How come?

How can our second-rate family bully him?

Mr. Kuang, have you ever seen a mouse bully a cat in the world? "

"My son has never seen a mouse bully a cat, but he has seen a bully."

The corner of his mouth curled up, and Young Master Kuang immediately said: "Palace Master Yang, you are really smart, and you are very likable.

Because of this, some princes and young ladies of super-class families may be ecstatic and spoil you exclusively.

But you have to understand that the rules of this world are orderly in growing up and inferior and insurmountable.

Super-class families are in charge of the rules of the world. This rule is that second-class families must always respect first-class families and must not commit violations. This is order, understand? "

It turns out that this girl is a diehard! Hearing what he said, Yang Feng knew immediately.

In the ruling class, apart from those who eat, drink and have fun, they are generally divided into diehards and reformers.

If Luo Yinghao is dissatisfied with the current world rule system and an aggressive reformist, then Lingyun is a diehard who abides by the rules of his ancestors.

Damn, why don't you come to a second generation ancestor, at least the second generation ancestor will not care if he is happy.

But this diehard also has political demands, and it is not so easy to deal with.

As a last resort, I have to tear my face! Damn, super first-class family is awesome?

Laozi was born in rebellion, who is afraid of whom?

With a false smile on Yang Feng's face, he couldn't help whispering...

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