Alien God System

Chapter 1407: Tubian Fonds

"I know that our monster race has rules and cannot invade human territory casually.

But my eldest brother is a human, if he comes back to level your Acacia Sect, it has nothing to do with my monster clan, Jie Jie Jie. "

Bai Lang smiled evilly, his eyes full of hideousness.

The ancestor Hehuan stared at him tightly, and sneered: "You are talking about the brazen kid in my Zong. Although he is a special envoy of the Luo family, he has committed such a big mistake. It is impossible for the Luo family to do it for him. Come forward.

You said he would come back for revenge?

Just rely on him?

Hahaha..." The ancestor of Acacia shook his head with disdain.

Bai Lang curled his lips contemptuously, and said sarcastically: "Laugh, laugh to your heart's content.

No matter how rampant you are, don’t you have to eat my elder brother’s leftovers?

What do you humans call this?

Green hat, hahaha! "

squeak! Suddenly, the ancestor of Hehuan stopped smiling, and a stern flashed in his eyes, and then with a flick of his index finger, a golden light suddenly pierced the cheek of the white waves.

Bai Lang wailed, his mouth was full of blood, and he could no longer laugh.

"A beast is a cheap mouth!"

Staring at him coldly, Ancestor Acacia snorted, flicked his sleeves, turned and sat back on his main seat, and shouted, "Go ahead."

"The ancestor's birthday, a feast of bliss, start now, have fun!"

As soon as the voice fell, someone shouted.

Then, the whole hall was filled with joy and drums.

Numerous birthday gifts were carried into the hall under the loud reports of the people.

Each piece can be regarded as a peerless treasure.

He Huan ancestor nodded again and again, and finally, when the Scarlet Flame Demon Fairy's name was revealed, the Scarlet Flame Demon Fairy walked towards the high platform step by step with the support of the maids.

Although her face was expressionless and even cold, she still caused everyone around her to look straight. She couldn't move for a long time, and she slandered herself secretly.

There is such a beautiful woman in the world, no wonder that Palace Master Yanhuo made a carp leaping over the dragon gate after offering this woman.

The ancestor of Hehuan was also from the moment the Demon Chi Yan appeared, changed from the previous calm, became excited, and stared at Chi Yan.

When the Chiyan Demon Fairy came to the stage, the ancestor of Hehuan stood up, and walked to meet him personally.

At this moment, all the elders and disciples of the Hehuan Sect were shocked.

You know, the ancestors are always proud of his elders, even the most beautiful beauty has never seen it directly, let alone lifted that noble buttocks and stood up from the throne.

But now, the ancestors are so diligent, which shows the charm of this woman.

Yuan Hua and Chai Yong looked at each other and laughed smugly. This time they were flattering, hehehe.

"Red flame!"

Gently grasped the jade hand of Demon Chi Yan, the ancestor of Acacia was fiery in his eyes, and then with a fierce force, she immediately pulled Demon Chi Yan's body into her arms, and her aura began to become noticeably heavy. Get up: "The old man has walked the rivers and lakes for nearly a thousand years. What kind of beauty has not been seen?

Only when you were used as bait that day, spouting thousands of miles from the gluttonous mouth, and being taken into the arms by the old man, did the old man finally know what the feeling of heartbeat is. "

Without speaking, Chi Yan's face was completely dead, like a wooden person, without expression.

The ancestor of Hehuan stared at her tightly, and continued: "The old man is a man of mental cleanliness, and he will never allow his own woman. There is a little uncleanness, but you are an exception.

Although you were forcibly assaulted that day, but the old man is still willing to accept you, you should feel honored. "

Still did not speak, Chi Yan's face was ashes.

"Poor beauty, what happened that day must have scared you, but you can rest assured that the old man will not despise you, and will definitely spoil you even more.

At the same time, the old man promised that he would break the corpse of the **** that day to alleviate your hatred. "


His body shook, Chi Yan finally recovered, his eyes filled with panic.

If this ancestor of Acacia takes action against the leader, no one can save the leader of his old man.

However, she can't ask for plea now.

Otherwise, she knows the jealousy of men.

If she pleads now, the ancestor of Acacia will not only forgive the leader, but will also remove the leader more firmly.

For the present plan, I had to make mistakes first, hoping to use the pillow wind to slowly change the old man's mind.

Thinking like this, Demon Chi Yan couldn't help sighing, but suddenly saw the old man's greasy mouth suddenly leaning towards her.

I'll go, isn't this old man who wants to kiss me?

vomit! There was a long nausea in her heart, the red flame demon girl frowned slightly, her face was full of disgust, but there was no way, in order to protect the safety of the lord, she had to obey the old monster first.

Thinking about this, the Chiyan Demon Ji's face twitched violently, and then pouted hard.

I'm sorry, the teacher, this is the old man who will never die after Wuer. I am really ashamed of your old man.

Fortunately, the first kiss and the first time of the previous five children were given to the leader, which is a bit of comfort.

Alas... "Small!"

Suddenly, a loud shout came from outside.

He was about to face Chi Yan with the ancestor of Acacia, suddenly stagnated, and turned his head to look.

The ancestor of Acacia and the guests on the scene also looked out the door together, both surprised and strange in their eyes.


Who is so bold?

How dare you yell when your ancestor is about to beat Bo'er?

Disappointment! But only hearing a loud bang, the bronze gate of the main hall burst suddenly, and a tall man ran in panting, and shouted: "San Cun Ding, you are so bold. For so long, how dare you? To deceive the leader?

Are you still your leader?

Ok? "

"This is..." All the people present shuddered, "Why is it him?"

How dare he come back? "

"Yang Feng!"

Yuan Hua also condensed his pupils suddenly, clenched his fists, and cursed: "You are so courageous, how dare you run back to our Hehuan Sect?

court death! "

With a cold smile, Yang Feng curled his lips in disdain. After looking at him, he turned to the direction of Demon Chi Yan, and said quickly: "I'm here to pick up my woman. If you don't want to die, Shao Te is in the way."

Roar! Hearing this, Bailang's mouth was pierced, but he still roared excitedly: "Big Brother has finally come to avenge us."

The jellyfish Yin Ji, the undead old fairy, and the guests present were all dumbfounded.

This kid has such a big tone, he is hard to protect himself, and he dares to speak out and fight for women with the ancestors of Acacia?

What a fate! The Chiyan Demon Ji felt a joy at first. For the first time in a month, she showed a happy smile, and the tears in her eyes could not stop dripping.

But soon, her heart sank, she trembled, and turned to look at the acacia ancestor on the side.

Sure enough, at this moment, the ancestor's face was extremely gloomy, and his eyes were already full of cold killing intent.

"How did you walk into this hall swaggeringly?

Do the guards outside eat dry food? "

"Yes, where's the guard outside?

How could he walk in so easily? "

Yuan Hua couldn't help yelling when he heard it.

Yang Feng smiled slightly, noncommittal.

Behind him, a long blood stain slowly stretched out. Under the shining sun, the entire Hehuan Sect was tens of thousands of miles away. At this moment, there are piles of corpse mountains with blood flowing densely. Looking around, tens of millions The master has already lost his breath silently.

Only the Poison King stood dumbly in the sea of ​​blood, dumbfounded.

It is hard for him to imagine that their leader now has such a terrifying strength against the sky.

With the power of one person, in an instant, slaughtered the superb family, the whole family of Acacia...

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