Alien God System

Chapter 1403: Return to the spirit world

Roar! After solving the basic problem of dynasty change, everyone cheered.

Yang Feng also let out a sigh of relief, finally transitioning to the new era peacefully and smoothly.

It's just that... in the future, his own assets on the plane will shrink significantly.

However, Yang Feng didn't care much, but he was a little relieved.

At this moment, he doesn't care much about this kind of private interests, but rather cares about the overall interests of the entire human race.

It was like he was playing a strategy game, the age of empires.

To build a few more soldiers and make more money is not a very important thing at all. The key is the upgrading of the times and the upgrading of technology.

The Lord God above the Nine Heavens looked at the scene below and laughed cheerfully: "Sure enough, the saint came out, and the world is flourishing.

Unexpectedly, in this moment, this mortal world will complete the sudden change of the times, and our plane can also be upgraded.

It's just that the Martian elder system that this saint said is a management system in the fifteenth level. How did he know it? "

"Heh, is this still necessary?

He is a Cthulhu, he must have seen him when he strayed from other planes, what's so strange? "

With a cold smile, Mei Yan curled her lips in disdain.

But how did she know that Yang Feng didn't see it when he traveled through various planes, but was on the earth and listened to a reincarnated man named Martian Boy.

Back then, this Martian boy was really popular around the world and attracted the attention of all people on earth, just because he claimed to be a reincarnated man from Mars, and he also told many secrets about Martian civilization.

One of them is their system, the elder system.

Elders who have noble morals and have made many contributions to all Martians serve as the highest leaders on the planet.

At that time, he had been advising the people on earth to be kind, otherwise bad luck would come.

All the people on earth think that he made a lot of sense, just like caring for the environment, but no one did that.

Yang Feng also felt that he was right. This kind of elder system can promote the all-round development of morality, intelligence, and body of the whole people, and a virtuous circle. It also comes from a civilized planet like Mars and should be a very advanced management system.

It's a pity that people on earth don't need it. Maybe it's because what he said is a bit idealistic. Maybe there are too many interest groups on the earth. If it really evolves into a management system that puts virtue first like Mars, many people will not be able to stand it.

So Yang Feng brought it to this world.

The management system that the earth doesn’t use, let’s do an experiment here to see if it works, it’s not bad, hehehe.

Yang Feng feels that he is really a bit of a master **** now, and he has carried out a large-scale promotion of the civilization of a world, as if he was playing a game of civilization.

Unfortunately, this plane is not his.

What if one day he really becomes the main **** and has a plane of his own?

Will you push the humans you created directly from primitive people to the future technological civilization?

Tsk tsk, think about it and get excited, this feeling of completely controlling the world's past and future! Yang Feng was thinking about it, looking forward to entering the God Realm in the future. Before he knew it, half an hour had passed. When he came back to his senses, he looked down and saw only those believers. She was still kneeling in front of his idol religiously, motionless, some legs were numb, but she didn't dare to move a little.

"Uh...what else do you have?

Why are you still kneeling and not leaving? "

"That... Lord Yang Tian, ​​I will wait and listen to Lord Yang Tian's instructions."

Everyone looked up at Yang Feng, then bowed down.

Yang Feng knew that they regarded themselves as gods, and they would not move without their own instructions, so he coughed dryly: "This deity descended to the world, mainly to enlighten Shier, etc., to show you the way.

Now that the words have been spread, and you have already understood, the deity will return to the gods again.

Remember, peace is the most important thing.

The deity really doesn't want to see here, there is too much blood. "

"Follow the precepts of Lord Yang Tian!"

Everyone bowed together, and saw a groan, Yang Feng's soul sprang out of the statue, and the holy white light on the statue disappeared immediately.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the world knows that after Yang Feng, the God of War, has issued the oracle, he has already gone to heaven again, and then he will bow down, and the mountain whistle and whistle: "Respectfully send Lord Yang Tian to return to heaven!"

The loud shouts of the people shook the sky, causing the mountains and rivers of the whole continent to shake.

And Yang Feng's anecdote of miraculous manifestation has also been recorded in the annals of mainland history forever, praising immortality for thousands of years...Of course, this is something later.

At this moment, after Yang Feng left the statue, the holy light disappeared. The main **** was surprised: "Hey, the holy light did not follow the saint’s soul, but disappeared when the divine body separated. thing?

Did we meet a fake saint? "

"I already said that he is an evil god, what a saint, cut!"

Mei Xing curled her lips unhurtly, her eyes full of anger.

The lord **** pondered a little, and then looked at the figure below everyone who was kowtowing. It finally became clear: "I know, people's belief in him is concentrated on the statue, combined with the sacred heart in their heart, and then the one The light belongs to the saint.

Once the divine body is separated, the light disappears. "

"So I said he was fake, you still don't believe it..." "No, it's not fake, it's not yet time!"

Shaking his head, the Lord God smiled and said: "He already has the Sacred Heart in his heart, which is equivalent to a seed. When the seed germinates in the future, he has found a breakthrough point and will eventually become holy."

"how is this possible?

An evil **** has already fallen into the evil way, how can he turn the mortal into a holy?

He is not a mortal, there is still room for choice?

Cthulhu is a scum in the gods, everyone gets punishable, huh! "

A foul air spurted out of her nostrils, Mei Yun stared at the direction Yang Feng Yuanshen was going away, she shook her body suddenly, and turned into a black light to chase him up, shouting: "King Abelo, where to escape?"

"Magic, wait a minute, don't be impulsive!"

Seeing this, the Lord God also screamed and rushed up quickly.

Yang Feng had just left the statue and was about to find a believer to attach him to him. He discussed with the old guys about the preparations for the new era and grasped the issue of national ideological construction, but he suddenly heard the cry of the woman behind him, and suddenly smiled coldly: "Smelly Madam, do you dare to chase after me, just to see how I clean up this time..." "I'll go, two?"

However, when he looked back, he saw that the god-level primordial spirit who had overtaken him was not only a charm, but also a white ball of light, which was obviously the main **** of this plane.

Suddenly, Yang Feng's heart sank.

He wouldn't believe that all the main gods are as easy to talk as coconuts, and this is the land of charms, this main **** must be in the same group with her.

With one enemy two, he might have some difficulties.

Thinking like this, Yang Feng gritted his teeth abruptly.

Forget it, anyway, the matter here will be resolved for the time being, so I won't say goodbye to those old guys. I'll see them next time. I'll talk about it after I dump this lady.

"System, open the plane transmission channel, I want to return to the spirit world!"

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