Alien God System

Chapter 1400: The saint is out, the devil retreats

Holy light, the brilliance that saints possess, represents the hope and civilization of the entire world.

Whenever a saint is born from a plane, he will inevitably prosper in every industry and create a new future for this world.

At this time, the power of the demon **** will be subdued, even expelled, and all natural and man-made disasters will disappear.

This is the age of saints.

Looking at the huge sculpture below with a complicated expression, the Demon God Charm was completely confused.

She really couldn't imagine, how could an evil **** who gathers human souls everywhere to devour it, suddenly possessing the glory of a saint?

Moreover, a saint is formed by human cultivation to the extreme. How can he become a saint if he is an evil god?

Besides, even if he is a human being and the seven original sins are not completely eliminated, he can never be sanctified?

Could it be... because of the "Sacred Heart Jue"?

Gritting his teeth tightly, Mei Yun was full of unwillingness, and finally waved his hand violently: "Goddess Blade!"

Whoosh! The black light blade hit the huge sculpture, but before it came close, it was directly dissipated by the holy white light on the sculpture.

At the same time, the white halo spread out, and Mei Yan hadn't realized what was going on before she was shot directly out of the clouds.

After she stood up, her whole body was covered with white flames, which made her tremble.

"Magic, what are you doing?"

Huh! Suddenly, above the nine heavens, a holy radiance descended, annihilating the flames on Mei Yan, and a white ball appeared in front of her, yet it was another god-level soul.

Mei Xi glanced at her, and said with a complicated face: "Sister, why are you here?"

"As the main **** of the plane, there are saints out of the world, so naturally I have to take a look."

There was a majestic voice from the ball of light: "It's you, what are you doing?

You should know that the saints come out and the devil gods retreat.

At this time, not only did you not avoid it, but tried to kill a saint, and ended up being burned by the holy flame. Why? "

"Oh, sister, that is not a saint, but the evil **** Abeiro, who came to our plane to steal human souls."

"Cthulhu can emit holy light?

Are you blind? "

The sister didn't believe it at all and sneered.

Mei Yan jumped in a hurry: "He can emit the holy light because he has cultivated the "Sacred Heart Jue"!"

"The "Sacred Heart Jue" is for mortals to cultivate, and it is useless for the evil gods to cultivate.

Besides... where did he get the "Sacred Heart Jue"?

How do you know that he repaired the "Sacred Heart Jue"? "

Well! Upon hearing her sister's question, Meixie fell silent.

If she told the origin of the "Sacred Heart Jue", wouldn't she reveal that she had sneaked into the blue plane to find her brother-in-law.

I can’t say, I can’t say even to death.

Suddenly, Mei Yun bowed his head and fell silent.

The elder sister glanced at her and saw that she didn't want to speak, she didn't reluctantly, just looked down at the common people below very calmly: "If you don't want to say, forget it, join me to witness the birth of this saint.

No, this time our plane can be upgraded smoothly. "

Wow...At the same time, in the palace compound, the sacred brilliance permeated the entire capital city, and even through the real-time reports of on-site reporters, everyone in the entire continent saw this magnificent scene, and they were all stunned. .

This is... Master Yang Tiandi showed up?

"Meet Emperor Yang Tian!"

Brush it! All the holy disarmament in the palace, who just shouted and screamed for murder, were fierce and evil. At this moment, in front of the miracle, they all knelt down and worshipped religiously.

After all, although this battle was fought because of Yang Feng, everyone believed in Yang Feng. Now that Yang Feng appeared, he naturally stopped fighting.

Including in the main hall, the holy disarmament soldiers who were about to attack Duguhai and them immediately put down their butcher knives and bowed to Yang Feng's statue three times and nine times.

In an instant, the fighting ceased and everyone was in harmony.

"Wow, Brother Feng always plays so well every time he plays, especially this time."

Huang Laojiu, Duguhai and the others also tilted their heads, staring at the huge statue outside the courtyard, shining softly, startled in a daze.

Heishui and the others were so angry that their cheeks twitched, and their lungs were about to explode.

Seeing that they were only one step away from success, it was totally unreasonable to be defeated by a statue.

It's as if the game is about to be cleared right away, and the result is a sudden power outage, and you haven't saved it yet. If your blood vessels don't burst, it's hard to tolerate it.

"Fake, this is fake!"

With a loud shout, Heishui roared to the holy disarmament: "This is just a blind eye spell they cast, it's not that Emperor Yang Tian has really appeared.

Don't forget, they also made a fake soul boy before.

These people in the Nine Nations Alliance had already betrayed the will of Emperor Yang Tian in those days, and even resorted to fraud over and over again. This was the greatest blasphemy against Emperor Yang and his elders.

Let us kill these betrayers and comfort Emperor Yang Tian's spirit in the sky! "



real or fake?

Hearing what he said, the sage disarmament group glanced at each other, with doubts in their eyes, and they began to behave fully.

Yang Feng looked down at the people below, especially at the black water, sneered in his heart, and suddenly said: "Heishui, these high-level leaders of the Nine-Nation Alliance have forgotten their original intentions. They have committed many mistakes over the years, and there is something wrong.

But if you use your deity's reputation to confuse the crowd and provoke discord, isn't it a blasphemy against the deity? "

"Wow...Emperor Yang Tian has spoken..." As soon as the words came out, the holy disarmament officers were in an uproar again, exclaiming in exclamation, and worshipped more religiously.

"The statue can actually speak. This is the real Emperor Yang Tian manifested its spirits. Hurry up and worship..." Hei Shui stared at the statue tightly, gritted his teeth and cursed: "Are you special? I'm pretending to be a ghost here, Yang Feng is impossible for him to be born, and he is still attached to such a broken statue."


Master, what did you just say?

Actually said that the statue of Lord Yang Tiandi was broken?

You..." Hearing that he speaks so unscrupulously, the church members of the God of War and the holy disarmament are stunned.

It is said that they all use the orthodox inheritors of Yang Feng's teachings to fight against these betrayers. Why is their leader now so disrespectful to Lord Yang Tian?

Suddenly, the belief in everyone's hearts was shaken.

Heishui smiled coldly, and said casually: "Now that the Nine Nations Alliance has been captured anyway, this seat doesn't need to go down with you anymore.

Do you know how disgusting and humiliating I am to bow down to this broken statue with you for so many years?

You idiots, actually worship Yang Feng as a **** every day.

In fact, he is not a **** at all, but a shameless conspirator. He has deceived you for 20 years. "

Wow! As soon as this statement came out, everyone was in an uproar, they couldn't believe that their **** of war cult leader would say such a rebellious thing.

Everyone knows how important Yang Tiandi his old man is in the hearts of all the people, how dare he... smiled dumbly with a sneer on his face, Heishui stared at everyone and said: "You ants, you will always be so stupid. It was used by Yang Feng back then, and now it is used by me, don't you have any brains at all?

After suffering so much, I still believe that Yang Feng set down this world for you?

Actually put him on the altar?

Still think he will show a miracle and come into the world?

Hahaha...I will let you see now, these Quante are scams, Yang family scams! "

Sa! With that said, Heishui had already jumped, rushing towards the tall statue of Yang Feng...

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