Alien God System

Chapter 1398: The imperial capital is in a hurry

"I'm going to turn my face so quickly?"

Yang Feng hadn't realized what was going on. He saw that the danger was approaching, and immediately shouted: "Mei Yan, you dare to attack me?

Don't forget your vows. "

"My mother didn't forget!"

With a cold smile, Mei Yan sneered again and again: "My old lady said I will let you go this time, but I will never forgive you next time I see you.

Did my old lady say goodbye to you just now?

Let's see you now, even if it's next time, my old lady will kill you! "

I rub, you play word games with me?

Yang Feng's cheeks twitched, and he hated her, but he was not afraid of her.

Now that his four great abilities have recovered, are you afraid of her being a dick?

Amazing skills, super intuitive! With a loud shout in his heart, Yang Feng's figure suddenly became agile. Just when the dark round blade was about to cut his soul, he suddenly flashed and flashed past at an instant speed.

Mei Yun's heart shook, and her face sank suddenly.

This kid has made a strange trick again, just like then.

Yang Feng glared at her evilly and proudly said: "Charming, now I have recovered my skills, even if you go with Satan, I can't do anything about it, not to mention you are the only one now. Take the move, soul collision. 2.0, ha!"

Huh! As soon as the voice fell, Yang Feng was already in a fierce charge, smashing towards the charm like a meteor.

The fierce momentum made the demon **** Meiyan couldn't stop his heart palpitations.

For no reason, Mei Yan felt that Yang Feng at this time was actually much stronger than before.

But where did she know that Yang Feng's strength has not changed, just his mentality has changed.

Previously, Yang Feng was not sure whether he could fight against the demon god, so he acted fearlessly, without momentum.

But after the last collision, Yang Feng could already be sure that with his four magic skills, he was able to compete with this demon god, so he was confident now.

And what it showed was unparalleled momentum.

However, Mei Xing would not be frightened by his appearance of dancing claws. After a short period of shock, Mei Xing immediately turned on the machine gun mode.

In an instant, countless black light blades shot towards Yang Feng Yuanshen, as dense as a rainstorm.

"Slaying the gods and demons!"

Rustle! These black blades are extremely sharp, even if they slid slightly in front of Yang Feng, he couldn't help but feel a little tingling, let alone cut directly on him.

This is another weapon that the Demon God uses to deal with the Evil God.

If it were encountered by ordinary gods, they would be frightened.

After all, under such a dense group, who can guarantee that he will not be scratched by this sharp blade?

And once it is scratched, it will be severely injured, even to death.

Especially this psychological pressure, even the gods are difficult to easily overcome.

But Yang Feng was not afraid. He was convinced that his magical skills could dodge all the attacks of sharp blades, so he was not afraid at all.

Ever since, just like this, Yang Feng roared, laughed, arrogantly, and shouted, rushing towards Mei Yan, unspeakably brave.

Although Mei Yan's black sharp blades were terrifying, they didn't touch him at all.

And Yang Feng was approaching at extreme speed, and was about to get close.

Seeing that history is about to repeat itself, the face of the charm is unspeakable, gritted his teeth.

"This weird guy, what kind of body does he practice, so he can hide?

Okay, then look at my trick, Yuanshen..." "Brother Feng, help! "

Suddenly, Mei Yun's magical skills had not yet been released, and a stern cry resounded in Yang Feng's ears.

Yang Feng's primordial spirit suddenly stagnated, stopped, and turned his head to look in the direction of the voice.

There, there was a lot of noise, shouting and killing, crying, wailing, mixed together.

"Devil, where did you die? Come and save our wife, you don't want a son!"

"Master, we can't hold it anymore, let's show our spirit."

"Master, if you don't come back, we will be all over!"

... "Sorry, is the war so urgent already?"

He squinted his eyes and thought for a while, Yang Feng felt it with his heart, and saw the direction of the imperial capital, resentment and hatred agitated like a tornado in the nine heavens, and they couldn't melt away.

People's souls are sinking in hatred, and dark and evil forces are dominating people's thoughts.

If this war cannot be resolved satisfactorily, the entire human race will fall into a frenetic struggle movement.

Conspirators will use these people who have been dazzled by hatred to realize their terrifying dark reign.

Just like the religious fanaticism in Europe in the 15th century, people regardless of black and white, only advocating violence and power, will sink the entire society.

At that time, there was a New Century Renaissance movement that expelled this darkness, but that was the history of the earth.

If no one intervenes here, wouldn't the whole society degenerate?

Then the whole plane will be downgraded, and my wife and children will become monkeys.

Yang Feng seemed to have seen through the direction of this world, no longer caring about the enchantment in front of him, and flew towards the Feng Lei Emperor.

After being stunned for a while, Mei Yan also caught up immediately, screaming: "You rascal evil god, don't run!"

"Sick lady, I have business, don't bother me!"

Yang Feng looked back and couldn't help cursing, but Mei Xing still chased him.

In this way, the two god-level primordial spirits are chasing in the clouds and sky like meteors rushing to the moon...On the other hand, Emperor Feng Lei has all fallen, and Duguhai, Huang Laojiu and the high-level alliance leaders are blocked in the palace, Ji Shi Poems are no exception.

Many experts in the alliance have been seriously injured, including Ren Xiaoyao and Bai He.

A stubble of the Holy Disarmament Army was outside the palace, surrounded them with three levels inside and three outside, surrounded by water, and shouted with excitement and fanaticism: "Holy referee betrayer, holy referee betrayer, holy referee..." Listening to the outside continuously Screamed, Duguhai held the red in his chest, and closed his eyes helplessly: "It's over, Master hasn't come back yet, so it's probably too much luck."

"Yes, after all, the other party is a **** of this plane, even if Brother Feng has studied in the spiritual world for a few years, he can't bargain with the gods."

Huang Laojiu sighed and wailed: "Our last hope is gone. Have we really done something wrong in recent years?

Want to be condemned like this? "

Hmm...hmm! Duguhai pondered a little, and nodded faintly: "Brother Nine, you really have been a little arrogant and lustful these years.

Can a large-scale selection of concubines avoid public resentment?

Since ancient times, how many wars have been caused by women.

You put so many women into the harem, can the big men outside be anxious to you?

Anyway, you leave some hope for the male compatriots outside! "

"Ahai, lord, why did you push all the faults on me?

Are you wrong at all? "

"What do I have..." Duguhai's heart was stagnant, but he put his head aside with some guilt.

Huang Laojiu smiled coldly: "After you take office, you, the leader, must manage the various schools in the rivers and lakes in a unified way, and you must also let people contribute to the unique secrets in the door, and you must invest in shares and train them with each school. Disciple, what is a public-private partnership called?

Didn’t they swallow them in the end and confiscated them all?

What do you make those martial artists think?

Can you be anxious?

Cut, just say me! "

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