Alien God System

Chapter 1391: relative

Whizzing! Yang Feng talked happily with this coconut fruit, and two sudden bursts of air sounded, and two terrifying auras approached them very quickly.

Yang Feng raised his eyes and saw that the two demon gods were chasing after him again, and he was shocked: "No, they are here, I have to go, brother, we will have a period in the future.

To meet today is also a fate, and I will come to see you from time to time. "

"Who's here?"

Ye Guo blinked her innocent big eyes, looked up, and it became clear: "Oh, it's Satan, the demon god.

It’s okay, your own person, don’t be afraid! "


Shouldn't it be Satan who is partnering with Jesus? "

Hearing what he said, Yang Feng was stunned at first, but soon understood: "Oh, parallel planes, **** has changed into coconuts, and it is normal for Satan to change to Satan."


At this time, Ye Guo exclaimed again: "Why is there a demon behind Satan? Where does it come from?

Could it be the leader sent from above to check our work? "

"Leader of fart, she is the demon **** and charmer who chased me here all the way from my plane."

"The demon gods of other planes?

This is not compliant! The devil can't shuttle to other planes casually, otherwise it would be a death penalty! "

"Who said no!"

Yang Feng helplessly spread his hands and sighed: "According to the rules, it is true.

Originally, I thought this Satan Demon God had encountered such a serious problem of disciplinary violations and should enforce the law impartially and hand her over.

But who knows, they are stunned, officials protect each other, and they are so corrupt that they not only shield each other, but also kill me.

You say I am such a poor evil god, where can I go to reason?

by! "

Is it! Hearing what he said, Ye Guo couldn't help scratching his head with some doubts: "This is wrong, Satan is still very upright, why is there so no principles today?"

"Just a shit! They are demon gods, representing darkness, where can they just go?"

"Eh, you can't say that, does the underworld also have the principle of underworld."

With a grin, Ye Guo thought about it again and said: "By the way, what is the name of the demon **** who ran to our plane in order to chase and kill you?"

"Charming, she reported her name."

"Charming..." Ye Guo murmured a little, and nodded suddenly: "No wonder, Satan has lost his principles. She is so protective of her, that's her sister-in-law!"


His body shook, Yang Feng looked at him incredulously: "No wonder that goat man was so merciless when he attacked Lao Tzu. It turns out that they are relatives.

Damn, then I should run even more.

Brother, the mountains and rivers meet, we will see you in the future. "

"Eh, don't hurry to go!"

Snapped! However, before Yang Feng could leave, Ye Guo grabbed his shoulder.

Yang Feng trembled, staring at him closely, his eyelids jumped vigorously: "Brother, what do you mean?

Do you want to deal with me with them? "

"Don't be nervous, I don't mean anything to you.

But after all, Satan and I have worked together for so many years, and their family is in such a big trouble now, I always have a little effort. "

"I rub, coconut! Unexpectedly, you are such a private and public person?

Did you know that I used to treat you as an idol before, and some of my classmates are still members of your church, but now your position in my heart has plummeted, I'm pooh! "

Yang Feng panicked and roared.

Ye Guo had a strange look, and murmured: "Did we know each other before?

Do you still treat me as an idol?

And, do you have an acquaintance from my church?

No way.

You evil god, will acquaintances come to my righteous god? "

"Yes, really!"

After nodding his head again and again, Yang Feng was about to cry: "My classmate goes to worship you every week, and we are both relatives who can't fight.

Just be merciful and let me go, even if you are neutral.

Otherwise, you three gods besiege me together, I really can't bear it, and the reputation that spreads out will not be good for you, really.

People will say that you bully the less by more, it's too disgraceful, I'm thinking about you too! "

She shook her head with a dumb smile, Ye Guo patted Yang Feng's arm, and calmly said: "Don't worry, I will keep you here, not to embarrass you, but to resolve the grudge between you.

This is not only good for you, but also good for Satan and the others. "

"Brother, you are good at speaking.

But the two demon gods are very rude, I am afraid they are not so easy to talk.

Besides, will they really listen to you?

You, the Lord God, are sure you can suppress his Demon God? "

"Don't worry, they will listen, trust me!"

A deep light flashed in his eyes, and a confident smile flashed on the coconut fruit face.

Yang Feng frowned tightly, still hesitating, but listened to the two sharp and piercing sounds bursting in his ears, and the two black lights had already slammed in front of the two of them.

One of them turned into the appearance of the goat man, and it was undoubtedly the demon **** Satan.

Another black light turned into a woman with a black leather coat all over her body, a slender waist like a weeping willow, and a delicate face like an angel. There was also a black and shiny tail behind her, like a leather whip, indescribably **** .

Yang Feng just took a look, and couldn't help but want to whistle and tease.

This was the first time he had seen Charm recovering to its original appearance. Previously, he had just watched a ball of black light chasing after him, and now he finally saw the true appearance of the devil god.

I have to say that this female devil is really beautiful and extremely attractive.

Especially that figure, there is no trace of fat at all.

You know, no matter how much human beings exercise, they can't reduce the fat on their bodies. There will always be so much extra to throw away, making a group of beautiful women feel sorry.

However, this fascination is truly clear, comparable to non-human women.

Either everyone is eager for a devil figure.

Indeed, this devil's figure does have its merits...Yang Feng took a deep breath in his nose, his eyes gleamed, it was clear that he was in the state of primordial spirit at this time and had no entity.

But he always felt like a caterpillar was squirming and itchy in his nose.

Seeing that Yang Feng was hiding behind the coconut fruit, the enchanting ghost saw that Yang Feng was hiding behind the coconut fruit, but the two thief eyes were always on him. He immediately became angry and shouted: "You rascal evil god, finally let me catch you, take my life!"

call! As soon as the voice fell, Mei Xing waved his hand violently, and a round, pitch-black sharp blade shot at Yang Feng's head. He hadn't reached it yet, but Yang Feng already felt the pain in the depths of his soul, and he couldn't help it. Horrified.

What is this?

It seemed very dangerous, and it seemed that he was specifically dealing with the god-level soul.

If you were cut by this thing, I'm afraid you will not die or be seriously injured.

Yang Feng was horrified and couldn't help taking a step back, but suddenly, the coconut fruit in front of him raised his hand and smiled: "Stop it, let it go!"

squeak! Suddenly, the pitch-black sharp blade stopped in the air, and then disappeared without a trace...

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