Alien God System

Chapter 1377: Difference between heaven and earth

"Enemy attack, enemy attack, go and protect the soul boy!"

The sudden attack caused chaos in the entire barracks. Teams of warlord and emperor masters rushed here to help, but before they had time to get close, they were pierced by the hearts of plants protruding from the ground. Blood flows into a river.

This is... Earth Grade Wood?

The pupils shrank and everyone was shocked, already knowing the identity of the person.

"Be careful, everyone, this is a master of God of War, don't underestimate the enemy!"

bump! With a loud noise, the two mountain-like earth and rocks that had buried Yang Feng's trio suddenly burst open, and Yang Feng's trio rushed out of it and joined the army that came to support them.

Jie Jie Jie... a series of evil sneers, from far and near, driven at extreme speed, and looking around, there are more than a dozen ways: "Where is the stinky boy who dared to pretend to be Yang Feng? Come!"

"Sure enough, it came to me, so fast?"

Yang Feng raised his eyes and glanced, then sneered.

Baihe and Ren Xiaoyao are full of solemn faces: "The opponents are all top war emperor magic spirits who have refined the earth-level elements, and although we have also refined the earth-level elements, there are only two people. This battle is not easy to fight. what."

"What's not so good?

let me do it! "

Rubbing his sleeves, Yang Feng gave a wicked smile and took a step forward.

Baihe saw him and waved his hand quickly: "No, you are too weak."

"Then what?

Just change one.

As the dean, let you use your body. "

With that, Yang Feng grabbed Ren Xiaoyao's shoulder.

Ren Xiaoyao was startled and waved his hands again and again: "Lent me?

Uh no, no, no... I want to consider whether you will not pay it back after borrowing it... Uh! "

However, before he had time to refuse, his expression became stiff, and his eyes suddenly became dull.

But Yang Feng's original body of Aniu turned his eyes, fainted, and was hugged by Baihe in his arms.

After a few breaths, Ren Xiaoyao's eyes gradually regained clarity, but his face was no longer as solemn as before. Instead, it had an evil charm and playfulness.

Bai He looked at him deeply, and tentatively said, "That...Are you now Yang Feng or Ren?"

"Nonsense, I said that if I want to borrow his body, I must borrow it.

The current me, of course, is Yang Feng, the old man's soul has been pressed in my body and can't get out.

Now this body is in charge of Lao Tzu, Jie Jie Jie. "

"I'm going to be taken away so quickly?

After this kid went to the spirit world, he became more and more powerful. He actually mastered such an evil technique and grabbed people's body casually. "

Bai He couldn't help but smack his tongue secretly, and hugged his chest with some fear, as if he was afraid that Yang Feng would suddenly **** him away.

Yang Feng ignored the horror of the old boy, but after stretching his hands and feet, he took a step forward and flew towards Jiutian: "Don't let go, stay away, don't hinder Lao Tzu Kai Rui's audience!"

"Uh yes yes yes, please follow the predecessor's order!"

The army below didn't know about Yang Feng's attachment to Ren Xiaoyao. They only thought that the senior master sent by the top was going to show off. They hurriedly guarded the body of the soul boy Aniu, and withdrew back, while looking at the sky with worry.

There are more than a dozen masters on the other side, and the senior is alone. Can you beat it?

Only White Crane didn't have any worries on his face, but was a little excited, his eyes gleaming.

Once upon a time, Yang Feng was already the strongest man in this continent. Now that he has returned from the spirit world, how is his strength abnormal?

Baihe couldn't help but look forward to it... and after Yang Feng flew high, the killers saw Ren Xiaoyao dare to come forward alone to fight, and couldn't help but sneered: "As the dean, you dare to deal with us alone. Is it big?"

"You are the one who entrusted the big one, right?"

Raising his brows, Yang Feng burst into thunders all over his body, and said with a wicked smile: "There are only a dozen people here.

Or, you know in your heart that the more you come, the more you die, hum! "

"what did you say?"

His face sank, and the headed person immediately sneered: "It is rumored that the dean is humble and the teacher is exemplary.

Now that I see each other, it's really not as well known as the meeting, so arrogant? "

"Not arrogant, but strength.

If you are strong enough, you can be arrogant, I'm afraid you are not qualified! "

"Well, that's what you said!"

With a clenched fist, the man shouted immediately: "He is a thunder attribute, a wood among the five elements, a golden gunner, use your earth-level gold magic weapon to destroy him, and let him drive us crazy again?

cut! "

"no problem!"

With a loud shout, all the assassins stood out from the hands of a man covered with a layer of golden armor. He also had a three-zhang spear in his hand. He pointed at Yang Feng from afar and said, "Old fellow, you are the ground level wood, I am the ground level. Jin, today you met Lao Tzu, you are unlucky."

"Really, take out this book beforehand!"

"Okay, this is you looking for death!"

With a sneer, the man immediately waved his spear and pierced Yang Feng's chest fiercely: "Twelfth-Rank Elementary Combat Skill, Shaking the Sky and Destroying the Gun!"

call out! The sharp gun power, carrying the terrifying energy that stuns the world, flies through the clouds and sky quickly, in the blink of an eye.

Wherever he passed, even the sky was shattered every inch, as if it had been penetrated.

Everyone in the army below watched this scene, all of them were horrified and terrified.

They are all cultivators, and they all know in their hearts that the five elements are gold and wood, and thunder is a derivation of wood, so gold will naturally be restrained.

Dean Ren Xiaoyao, as a Thunder Cultivator, was originally at a disadvantage when he encountered a gold master, but now he underestimates the enemy so much.

The other party had already gone all out, but he didn't even sacrifice his magic weapon.

Suddenly, people were worried about the safety of the dean.

The assassins on the opposite side sneered, with contempt in their eyes.

It seems that he doesn't put the old man in front of him in his eyes at all, but it is... Kerala! There was a crisp sound, but in an instant, the golden gun that had originally pierced the clouds and pierced the sun, the golden gun that was invincible, actually shattered into dross the moment it hit Ren Xiaoyao's chest.

Suddenly, the golden gunner was stupid, all the assassins were stupid, even the mighty soldiers below, including Baihe.

Just... what happened?

Startled, everyone looked confused.

The corner of Yang Feng's mouth curled up, and he raised his hand to point to the position of his chest to the golden gunner, where a little thunder light was flashing cracklingly.

"What, such a little thunder power destroyed my gold magic weapon?

how is this possible? "

The body shook, and the golden gunner couldn't help taking two steps back, unbelievable: "In the five elements, the gold is the wood, and the thunder is the wood, so the gold is also Klei.

My metallicity, which clearly defeats your lightning attributes, why was it that you had such a little lightning power and destroyed my earth-level magic weapon?

Who on earth is it?

Even among the five elements at the prefecture-level, the magic weapons can restrain each other, and it is impossible to easily destroy each other, let alone you haven't even sacrificed the magic weapons. What is going on? "

The golden gunner was going crazy, Yang Feng smiled, his eyes flashed with a deep light: "It's very simple, the difference between you and me is not the difference between you and me, but the difference between heaven and earth.

You're only a ground-level gold, how can you fight my sky thunder? "

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