Alien God System

Chapter 1371: I'm back

boom! The scorching light chased behind the big man's **** and hit the ground of the opponent's position. A bright mushroom cloud burst into the sky in an instant.

Tens of thousands of enemy troops were swept in in panic and wailing, and turned into ashes in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the two armies opened their mouths in horror and was speechless.

Especially those two Gouzi and Hong Duchi, the close viewers who bought VIP tickets, were even more startled by Yang Feng's horrible tricks.

Mom sells the batch, do I have such a fierce soldier under his hand?

Why don't I know?

Hong Du screamed in his heart.

God, is this still the big cow I know?

It's too abnormal! Er Gouzi was shocked.

Ignoring the horrifying and inexplicable light around him, Yang Feng casually exposed his hand, and then took back his fingers and blew gently, but suddenly he heard several cracks in the air, and a powerful aura quickly forced him here. Come.

"Your Holy Martial Army is so despicable, you hide the powerful magic spirit in the bottom of the general bardo us, so shameless!"

"As a dignified and powerful man, you are willing to hide as a soldier, what about your dignity?"

"Since you are Shu Ling, fight with us, and the old man will be your opponent!"

...Swish swish! However, before a while, the five or six figures of the opponent were already approaching at a swift speed, and each one was surging, either the emperor of war or the spirit of Shu Ling.

Seeing this, Yang Feng shrugged indifferently, but he didn't wait for him to make another move. A few more powerful auras flew from behind him, shouting while flying.

"Brother, don't be afraid, we'll help you!"

"How do you call this brother, how come I haven't seen you before?"

"Are you a reinforcement from above?"

... Yang Feng's ears moved slightly, and he heard what they meant, this is his own reinforcements.

But when Yang Feng fights, he needs reinforcements?

"You don't need to come here anymore!"

With a loud shout, Yang Feng waved his hand fiercely, and said with a stern look: "These little guys, I can deal with them all by myself, don't make me mess!"


As soon as this statement came out, whether it was the enemy master, his own reinforcements, or even Hong Duchi and Ergouzi who were next to him, they were shocked.

This grandfather said so loudly that he actually wanted to deal with the enemy's masters with his own strength?

Although his strength is not weak, he is a strong magical spirit, but the opponent is not good at it, and the emperor of war is also equipped with magical spirit.

This man is a bit too arrogant, right?

"This **** is defiant. Today we will let him see what it means to be someone outside, there is a heaven outside!"

Several powerful opponents couldn't help but smashed their faces and roared, and they all performed their unique skills: "Guys, go!"

Roar! With several roars, the opponent's group of strong Kieyin's Kieyin, the operation of combat skills.

In an instant, the loud rumbling sound rushed into the sky, countless flames and thunder, ice and snow storms, filled this stage of friendly exchanges between the low-level generals of the two sides.

Seeing this ruining scene, the soldiers from both sides trembled, almost frightened.

Only Yang Feng smiled slightly, tapped his toes, swished, and flew directly above the nine heavens, and said, "A group of clowns who are jumping off the beams are making an axe in front of Lao Tzu.

It seems that it is time for you to see what a professional technique is.

Twelfth-Rank top spell, Skyfire Meteor Shower! "

Huh... With a loud shout, the wind was surging, and tens of thousands of fireballs appeared in the entire nine heavens for no reason, each of which was the size of a city, and fell down like a meteor.

Compared with this, the high-level spells used by the strong opponents before, suddenly became insignificant and could not be used on the stage.

Obviously, under the top-level spell of the Holy Fire taught by Yang Feng, no one in the room can resist it.

Everyone opened their mouths wide, as if seeing the end of the world, full of panic.

Yang Feng sneered, staring at the old guys below, raising his chin, as if to say, is it better?

However, at this time, some of the knowledgeable seniors on both sides were already stunned. They were not scared, but could not believe them.

"This is... the unique skill of the God of War Yang Feng, the sky fire meteor shower?

how is this possible?

Even the current leader of the Holy Fire sect has not been able to train, why this kid..." startled, the old guys were stunned.

Click! Suddenly, somehow, the skin of Yang Feng's arms shattered, bursting with red blood.

Yang Feng was startled, and instantly understood something, presumably this kid was too fragile to withstand the pressure of the top twelve level spells.

Although the use of spells mainly relies on mental power, but the physical body is too weak to bear it.

In desperation, Yang Feng had to immediately collect his powerful soul, and the huge fireballs in the sky disappeared with a bang.

The sky returned to its former calm, but the people below still couldn't forget the horror just now.


At this time, I don't know who shouted, and the enemy army turned around and left like a duck.

The people of the Paladins didn't chase after him, just staring at Yang Feng in the air, his eyes full of reverence.

Yang Feng casually used a healing technique. After he healed his borrowed body, the money fell and he didn't care too much about the enemy's escape.

Originally, this battle had nothing to do with him. He didn't even know how the battle was fought. He just wanted to quell this battle and save his believers by the way. There was no need to kill them all.

Now that the other party can retreat after knowing the difficulties, and being frightened by his own powerful strength, he will no longer raise troubles, which is the best result.


When Yang Feng fell to the ground, ready to inquire about the current situation, a loud shout rang out, and all the soldiers present knelt down, including Hong Duchi and Ergouzi.

Several elders hurriedly stepped forward and held fists respectfully to Yang Feng, with excitement on their faces: "I never expected that after so many years, Emperor Yang Tiandi, the **** of war, would still be able to reappear in the world.

Little brother, I don't know how to call it, what does it have to do with Yang Tiandi and his old man? Why is it fortunate to be passed on to him? "

"Yang Feng!"

Glancing at these old guys solemnly, Yang Feng said indifferently without any concealment.

After everyone heard this, Qi Qi was shocked: "Yang Feng?

The same name as Yang Tiandi's old man? "

"Hey, it's me, I'm back!"


Yang Feng almost didn't spit out a mouthful of saliva. He cursed, everyone trembled, and they were all shocked.

No way, **** in broad daylight?

Yang Feng rolled his eyes and sighed helplessly: "When I left here before, tomorrow will be peaceful and prosperous, but now he is in constant trouble, so let's take a look.

Now this physical body is a man named Daniel, who is very pious to Lao Tzu, so it is temporarily attached to him to help you solve this problem. "

"What the **** is it?"

Hearing this, the old guys were dumbfounded again...

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