Alien God System

Chapter 1365: Go to war

"Sorry, this Yuanhua has come to the door."

With a tremor in his heart, the Poison King's brows furrowed deeply, but suddenly, a loud laugh sounded, and a familiar figure suddenly flashed outside the courtyard.

"My elder brother is inferior to a beast, what can you do?

Also, why do you humans always use animals as derogatory terms?

Did we beasts provoke you?

You slander us so much? "

"That is... the new follower next to the leader?"

The Poison King looked up from the room, and suddenly recognized this person, not Bailang, but who else he was, but the tone of his words was too mad, like their leader.

It’s just that I don’t know, it’s so hard to learn Yang Feng’s White Waves, how strong is it, can they stand up for a while, so that they can take the opportunity to rescue the leader?

Poison King wondered, with fine cold sweat oozing from his forehead, staring at the outside.

Yuan Hua looked at Bailang with a stern look, and didn't care: "Smelly boy, do you think Luoyin Valley can be your umbrella again?

At this time, I still dare to run out and swagger through the market, looking for death! "As soon as the voice fell, a cold killing intent flashed in Yuan Hua's eyes.

Whizzing! The men behind him understood the master's meaning, and immediately flashed two dark shadows, pressing towards the white waves like an arrow from the string, and they were there in the blink of an eye.

"Ten-rank high-end martial arts, dragon and tiger are in heaven!"

"Ten-rank high-level martial arts, Fenglan Sky Breaker!"

Boom! The powerful aura suddenly burst, shattering the entire world, terrifying.

The Poison King, who had been paying attention to the situation outside, trembled and couldn't help screaming: "Fuck, both of them are peerless powerhouses of the third-order martial king level, then this kid..." Touch! But his words have not yet fallen, but after hearing two loud noises that pierced the eardrums of everyone present, a piece of sand was suddenly raised in front of the white wave, which swept everyone around him like a sandstorm. It was so narrow that everyone couldn't open their eyes.

When the dust passed, people looked forward again, and realized that Qi Qi's complexion changed greatly and became heavier.

The Poison King shook his eyes in disbelief, and his mouth opened slightly into an egg shape in surprise: "I'm going, this girl is so young at such a young age?

Those two are both Tier 3 Martial Kings..." At this moment, Bai Lang shook his two iron fists indifferently, and under him was the figure of the two Martial Kings spitting foam.

One move, two punches, nothing more.

Two third-order martial masters, both lost.

Such strength, even in the super-class family of Hehuan Sect, had to move people.

Damn, this little **** is so strong, he doesn't seem to be a master who can come out of a second-rate family. Could it be that Luoyin Valley's worthy bodyguard for the surname Yang?

Yuan Hua squinted his eyes and his expression became more gloomy.

Bai Lang looked at him evilly, raised his fist, and provocatively said, "I'm embarrassed to send out just these two wastes?

You Huhuan Sect is nothing but that! They all fell down before the young master had fun, hahaha! "

"Come on!"

With a twitch of anger, Yuan Hua clenched his fists tightly and snarled: "Come on, take this stinky boy, don't let him give this young man any more trouble!"

Yes! With a loud shout, swish swish, hundreds of masters of Wu Wang rushed towards the white waves like a wasp. The momentum was raging, the situation changed suddenly, and the world changed color.

That gurgling and terrifying energy gathered in one place and pressed down like a heavenly sword. Even the Martial King powerhouse at the third-order peak would be crushed into flesh by this powerful aura.

However, Bai Lang did not have a trace of timidity. After licking his scarlet tongue, he became more excited, and his eyes showed the ferocious beast that really belonged to him.

"Great, finally there is a decent battle done. I have been suffocating me these days. Come on, hahaha!"

"At this time, let's take the leader and go!"

At the same time, the Poison King also shouted loudly, and immediately put Yang Feng's unconscious body on his back, and hit the wall in the opposite direction from the Chi Yan Demon Fairy.

boom! With a burst, it was like a nuclear explosion, and the yard where everyone was originally blasted into ashes under the impact of countless masters' terrifying energy.

A mushroom cloud surging a hundred li in a radius instantly diffused and enveloped a tenth of the Albizia Sect.

Those sect masters who originally wanted to see the excitement were also so scared that they hurried away from the place of right and wrong and flew to a safe corner in the distance to look around.

"You said...Is it too late for us to withdraw from the Holy Fire Alliance now?"

"I got on the thief ship and want to get off?

Waiting to be liquidated by the Hehuan Sect! "

" did this happen so fast?

It was just a reliable thigh just now, but in a blink of an eye it turned into a pit?

This is so neat..."...A group of leaders of the Demon Sect, at this time many people began to regret, and they wanted to cry without tears.

Originally, they heard that the leader of the Holy Fire was behind a super-class family, supported by Luoyin Valley, so they came to hug their thighs in a hurry.

But I never expected that as soon as this thigh was hugged, the Hehuan Sect of the super first-class family turned his face against him.

Thinking about what happened today, the leader Yang had the fault first, and the Hehuan Sect was in charge, and Luoyin Valley would definitely not be able to intercede.

When the Acacia Sect is going to clean up the Holy Fire Sect, they still have to pick up the subordinate branches that they just joined?

When it's over, the magpie turns into a crow. This time they are really stealing chickens.

What can I do?

Their wealth and life, oh oh oh! A group of Demon Dao leaders were as anxious as the ants on the hot pot, and the rest of the Demon Dao Sect Masters who were not selected by the Holy Fire Sect, at this time, instead looked at the excitement with a gleeful expression.

Whoosh! Suddenly, there was a cracking sound, and two dark shadows flew out of the misty smoke.

A gorgeous, slender lady, but a little embarrassed, only a few curtains clothed her body to hide her shame.

The other was green-haired, old and old, with a strong man behind his back.

Everyone looked into the distance, their eyes were certain, and shouted: "Isn't that the leader Yang, what's wrong with him?

Is it hurt? "

Looking at each other, everyone seemed to have guessed something.

"Yang Feng!"

At this moment, I don't know who shouted, and a group of dark shadows flew to the Poison King and the others in an endless stream, all fierce and evil: "You are so courageous, you dare to behave in the Hehuan Sect?

Today, I will wait until I have to take your head down and give it to the ancestors, so that I can vent my anger in waiting for my life. "

I rub, these people are so shameless.

I had to hug my thighs before, but when I turned my head, I fell into trouble. What a scumbag! Seeing this, the Sect Masters of the Demon Dao, after being stunned for a while, immediately understood that these guys wanted to use Yang Feng's head to make atonement.

Huh, how is this possible?

Such a great work can make you all deflated?

Have you considered whether we eliminated the sects?

Thinking about this, those people immediately rushed towards Yang Feng and the others in droves, with a naked and hideous look in their eyes, as if an earthling stared at 100 million US dollars.

In an instant, Yang Feng and others became public enemies of the whole people, and even the magical guests who came to celebrate their birthdays began to intercept and kill them...

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