Alien God System

Chapter 1363: Shuttle through the world

"My son, is your cheat book really so useful?"

In an exquisite and elegant room, Yuan Hua leaned against the main seat, closing his eyes and resting, as if waiting for something.

Chai Yong waited respectfully, and after rolling his eyes, he muttered.

Slowly opened his eyes and glanced at him, Yuan Hua sneered: "Palace Master Chai, that secret book is the treasure of our Hehuan Sect. If I have to use it to deal with this special envoy surnamed Yang, I can't bear to give it. Others have a look."


The treasure of Zhenzong? "


With a faint smile, Yuan Hua's eyes flashed, and he introduced: "This cheat book looks like a Fengyue novel, but it has a very powerful consciousness energy in it.

As long as anyone reads carefully, he will be immersed in it and get double cultivation.

I think that after my ancestor got this wonderful book by chance, he worked so hard to force out the exercises in this consciousness energy, and now it has become the supreme exercise that can only be practiced by the disciples of my Acacia Sect. "

That's it! Chai Yong nodded clearly, Yuan Hua pondered a little, and after Kuan Kuan stood up, he said: "However, practicing according to the formula is still not as good as taking this secret book directly, and has a deeper understanding of the exercises.

Therefore, this book has always been kept by the successor of the suzerain. Only the future successor of the suzerain can be qualified to practice directly with this cheat.

It's just..." At this point, Yuan Hua frowned again, seemingly regretful, shaking his head.

Chai Yong was puzzled: "Master, just what?"

"It's just that this exercise formula is very profound. Even if the ancestors have been enlightened for hundreds of years, it is still difficult to understand it, but it has also created this family business of the Albizia Sect.

In particular, the last chapter of the general formula of the exercises in this secret book is a string of mysterious and weird words. The ancestors once visited various learned people in the spiritual world, and did not understand what the last general formula was written.

But what is certain is that if that text is translated, the strength of the ancestors will be greatly increased, even in the face of those 100,000 year-end family masters, it will not be too much! "

"so smart?"

Chai Yong was startled, his face was full of admiration.

Yuan Hua smiled and waved his hand: "No matter how powerful it is, it's useless if you can't translate that paragraph.

Maybe the words that don't belong to our spirit world at all, let alone those three thousand lower realms.

Some people say that it belongs to the ancients, and the words of God have long since disappeared. "

"God's words?

Doesn't it mean that this is a technique handed down by gods?

If this exercise is practiced, wouldn't our ancestors be able to win the ranks? "

Unable to slap his lips twice, Chai Yong said anxiously: "Since this secret book is so important, why should I give it to that surname Yang to browse it, in case he..." "What if?

No one in the spiritual world knows a single word in this exercise, so you are afraid that he will crack it out and practice peerless magic? "

Rolling his eyes, Yuan Hua curled his lips noncommittal: "Furthermore, if I want to deal with his status as the special envoy of Luoyin Valley, shouldn't I give him strong medicine?

Now Chi Yan has been avoiding the Yang, even turning his face with Yang to protect him.

The treacherous and cunning surnamed Yang knew very well what his backing was, and was very good at taking advantage of the situation. It was almost impossible to design him and let him drill. "

"How can it be impossible?

Give them some medicine, get together, won't you just catch the **** in bed? "

"Idiot, the Red Flame Demon Fairy in your family is a medicine man. It is estimated that he will not invade a hundred poisons long ago. What kind of medicine can he give?

The depth of the scheming city surnamed Yang is also so deep that it is not easy to hide him.

The safest way is that this instinct affects the mind of the cultivator, my sect is unique. "

The corners of his mouth curled up with an arc of evil charm, Yuan Hua said with an arrogant expression: "This cheat book is originally one, but under the research of our ancestors, it is divided into two books, one yin and one yang, and it is more effective to practice.

Men practice yang, and women practice yin.

When two people practice at the same time, they will resonate, even if they are thousands of miles away, they will involuntarily rush together and unite.

At this time, the woman becomes the man's furnace, and the man's enhanced skill will be more than ten times stronger than the ordinary double cultivation. "

It turned out to be so! Everything is understood, Chai Yong nodded slightly: "That son of Zhao meant that as long as they practice together, they will definitely be in one place, so is it possible to fail?"

"It's impossible!"

He waved his hand fiercely, and Yuan Hua was very confident about it: "The conscious power of this ancient book, even our ancestors can hardly resist a single bit, and can only be allowed to guide them to double cultivation, let alone the two of them.

As long as they read that book at the same time, they will definitely wipe out all their consciousness and attract each other until the cultivation is completed.

During the period, even if you cut them a thousand times, they will not respond, hahaha! "

Wow, is it so evil?

Chai Yong was surprised to hear it secretly! Suddenly, a black shadow pushed the door in and bowed and bowed: "Master Qi, Yang Feng just rushed to the girl’s courtyard under the eyes of everyone, his eyes were dull, like crazy, no matter what the others called, there was nothing. reaction."

"Okay, it's a set!"

The corners of his mouth curled up with an arc of evil charm, Yuan Hua immediately slammed his chest, and shouted: "Come here, go with this son to catch the rape, Jie Jie... Yang Feng, Yang Feng, weren't you crazy last night?

Now that you have done such a filthy thing in someone else’s mansion, I think Luoyin Valley is so embarrassed to give you a head start! "

After that, Yuan Hua had already set off with great enthusiasm.

At the same time, Yang Feng and Chi Yan Demon Fairy were still hugging each other tightly, spinning in the air, a touch of green fluorescence entwined in front of them.

But they all closed their eyes tightly, their faces were calm, and they didn't know what was going on outside.

"98%, 99%, 100%..." Ding! The system sounds: "Congratulations to the players, the system upgrade package has been downloaded, and the installation begins!"

what! With a cry, Yang Feng burst into green light all over his body, and the powerful aura sent the Red Flame Demon Beng Beng flying out and fell to the ground, unconscious.

The nihility where Yang Feng Yuanshen was, at this moment, was quickly filled with green light, and the world that had previously disappeared, under the cover of these green light, returned to its original state.

"This...what's going on?"

Yang Feng was puzzled, looked around, but heard the system voice suddenly: "Congratulations, the system upgrade package has been installed, and the player's system data has been connected to the ten thousand world plane data.

From now on, players can get out of the body, travel through the world, and view the data information of the entire world! "

Shuttle through the world?

Is this the power conferred by the second part of the Yin Yang Sutra of Heaven and Earth?

With a heart shake, Yang Feng opened his mouth in disbelief.

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