Alien God System

Chapter 1352: So big face

Without saying anything, Yang Feng coldly turned and left the room.

Demon Chi Yan didn't do anything anymore, just staring at his back and gradually leaving, with a trace of pain and resentment underneath his hideous eyes.

When Yang Feng got out of the room, he happened to ran into Yuanhua who had hurriedly brought people here.

"What's wrong, what's wrong, what is going on?"

Looking at the guards of the other hospital who were seriously injured on the ground along the way, Yuan Hua's face was frightened and angry.

Although he was unwilling to conflict with Yang Feng because of his superb family status of one hundred thousand years of age, but seeing an outsider ramming on his own territory, lawless, and casually hitting his subordinates, he couldn't help but want a volcanic eruption. Up.

Where is the person who beat him? It is clear that he beat him in the face, and he doesn't put them in the eyes of the Hehuan Sect, right?

"Master Yuan, help, help!"

At this moment, Chai Yong, the lord of the Palace of Flames, who was tortured like a little chicken, couldn't help hissing when he saw his patron coming.

The immortal immortals shuddered in fright, immediately let go, let go of this girl, and bowed and bowed to Yuanhua tremblingly.

But Yuanhua didn’t even look at them. He just stared at Yang Feng and said: “Young Master Yang, my Hehuan Sect treats you with courtesy, but you trespassed into the forbidden area of ​​my house and beat my guards. My answer?"

Wow, kind words! Hearing his words, the immortal immortal and the others looked at each other, and the hearts that had been held tensely before immediately let go.

At this moment, the Yuan Gongzi was still so restrained and asked the other party to give an explanation. This is clearly a way of handling big things and small things.

This also shows how important our family leader Yang is in the opponent's heart, and the other party is not a last resort, and does not want to tear his face with our leader Yang.

Otherwise, if this kind of thing happened to someone else, the Hehuan Sect would not have so much nonsense to talk to you, and it would have sent someone to take your whole clan up and down, killing them all and destroying the nine tribes.

In the final analysis, we still have enough face for our Master Yang! It's just that, why is our Master Yang so much face?

Even super-class families like the Hehuan Sect have to accommodate, the Holy Fire Sect is not very prominent in the spiritual world! The immortal immortal and the others are puzzled, but they are not so entangled. Anyway, as long as the other party is not willing to pursue it, hehe.

Yang Feng also heard the easing meaning in Yuan Hua’s tone, and he had just been damaged by the Red Flame Demon Fairy. He felt that he had been in love again for more than ten years, and he was not in the mood to fight with others anymore. No longer insisting on being tough, he lightly sighed and said, "Yuan Gongzi, it is true that the woman inside is the one I was looking for.

I was eager to find someone, but suddenly abrupt, sorry! "

"What, is it such a coincidence?"

His body shook, Yuan Hua pretended to be shocked, and he also heard the easing meaning in Yang Feng's tone, and immediately led the source of the contradiction to the already prepared Back Pot Man, the Lord of the Flame Palace, Chai Yong, ruthlessly Staring at him and shouting: "Palace Master Chai, what is going on?

Why didn't you tell me that the person inside was the Red Flame Demon Fairy that Brother Yang was looking for?

Besides, didn't you mean that the Chi Yan Demon is in the main altar of your Flame Palace?

How dare you lie to me? "

Yeah, in the end this bad guy deserves to be me, alas.

With a secret sigh in his heart, Chai Yong understood the master's meaning, and immediately squatted in a mournful voice: "Mr. Yuan, Mr. Yang, forgive me, I also have no choice.

Little did not know that Young Master Yang had already taken a fancy to my family's Chi Yan, so he dedicated her to Master Yuan.

By the time I knew it, it was too late.

The little one was afraid that the two sons would blame him, so he made up a lie and asked for forgiveness. "

"Oh, Chai Yong, Chai Yong, what are you doing?

Are you trying to divorce the love between my son and brother Yang?

I really want to do it now..." Yuan Hua pretended to be anxious and raised his hand to fight, but after thinking about it for a while, he took it back, and persuaded Yang Feng painstakingly: "Brother Yang, it's all because of this slave's dishonesty and harm. You and I have caused such a big misunderstanding for a woman.

Originally, a gentleman didn't take the favor of others. Brother Yang saw this woman first, and I should have been an adult.

But it's a pity, alas, it's too late now, I just told my ancestors to offer her.

If there is no one by then, his old man will have a thousand years of life and sweep Yaxing, my head will be..." With that, Yuanhua secretly glanced at Yang Feng and saw that his expression was cold and nothing changed, so he immediately patted his shoulder again. He shouted: "Well, this time I owe Brother Yang a favor, you give me this woman.

I will select thousands of beautiful women in this sect and present them to Brother Yang to ensure that all of them will not be under this woman as compensation, okay? "

Without speaking, Yang Feng was still indifferent.

Yuan Hua held it with one heart, fearing that he would not be willing to trade, and then persuaded: "Brother Yang, where is there no fragrance in the end of the world, why do you have a single flower?

This woman is like a dress. You can just change one when it's worn out. What's more, now there are a thousand pieces for you to change. Why are you so persistent?

If the woman in the room is suitable for double cultivation and is helpful to my ancestor, even if she is my old mother, how about I give it to you?

You Sacred Fire doesn’t focus on double cultivation, then you care about what she does..." "Okay! "

Before he could finish speaking, Yang Feng waved his hand weakly, stopped him, and sighed: "Luohua deliberately runs water and ruthlessly, and the twisted melon is not sweet.

Since the woman inside is so important to the noble ancestors, I will leave it to you, and I won't need it.

As for Yuan Gongzi's giving me those thousand beauties, forget it, I'm not in the mood! "

After speaking, Yang Feng swayed and left here, Bai Lang hurriedly followed.

The rest of the undead old immortals and others, after repeatedly thanking Yuanhua, followed Yang Feng's pace, exhaled a long suffocating breath, and rejoiced.

After passing the customs, the Hehuan Sect did not pursue it. This matter was resolved peacefully. Our Master Yang has a great face! Phew... It's over! At the same time, Yuan Hua watched Yang Feng's back gradually disappear, and he couldn't help but breathe out, wiping the cold sweat on his head, rejoicing in his heart.

He was also afraid that after tearing his face with the Yang family, what disaster would it bring to the Hehuan Sect.

It is the best result to be able to save the medicine man as it is now, and to send away the super-first-class master of the 100,000 year-end accumulation.

Only that Chai Yong was aggrieved. After all, he was tortured from beginning to end.

After Yang Feng and the others completely left and disappeared, Chai Yong came to Yuanhua tremblingly, and finally asked the doubts in his heart: "Master Yuan, who is this Yang?

Are you so accommodating him? "

"Didn't he say that he is the leader of the Holy Flame... Uh no, I think he should be the future leader of the Holy Flame. He is just an heir now. He is still so young, just like me.

It's just that he has a good face and announced his identity in advance, ha ha ha. "

"Then where is this holy fire religion?"

Chai Yong asked again, puzzled.

With a scornful smile, Yuan Hua looked at him with a stern look: "This Holy Flame is a super-class family with a hundred thousand year-end accumulation in our spiritual world, and it is famous among our super-class family circles.

You are a second-rate demon sect, ignorant, and of course you have never heard of it.

You are also qualified to know the existence of the Holy Fire?

cut! "

Hearing this, Chai Yong couldn't help but opened his mouth in surprise. It turns out that Young Master Yang is so honorable, it's no wonder Master Yuan Hua has shown so much face...

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