Alien God System

Chapter 1341: Into the Flame Palace

"We have nothing to do with the Hehuan Sect."

Glancing at each other, both of them laughed evilly, then Yang Feng raised his head proudly and said lightly: "But auntie, you should have this vision. I am a man with full of charm.

No matter where you go, you will dump a large number of fans, and men and women will kill you.

Even if this Yuanhua is the son of a superb family, it is hard to resist my domineering spirit, so naturally he treats each other with courtesy. "

Uh... She couldn't help but twitched twice, the jellyfish Yin Ji looked at him dumbfounded, and finally rolled her eyes and ignored her.

"If you don't want to say it, don't say it, what kind of brag?"

"The facts are in front of me, what can I brag about?

Ha ha. "

It didn't matter shrugged, Yang Feng stopped chatting, and said with a solemn expression: "By the way, Auntie, do you know where the people in Yanhuo Palace live?"

"Guru Yang is so supernatural, he finds it himself."

Jellyfish Yin Ji said lightly.

Yang Feng took a deep look at her, the corner of his mouth curled up, and he approached her ear and said: "If you tell me, I will let you use the single-door latrine in my Peak Villa for free.

"Cut, a latrine wants my palace to show you the way, what do you think?

This palace is the sect master of the second-rate demon sect at any rate, so would you be able to see your little interest? "

"Yes, although this latrine is nothing, but time has changed.

Under the current situation, it can be considered a short product.

Otherwise, do you plan to wake up early every morning to line up this long dragon? "

As he said, Yang Feng raised his finger and pointed at the scene where he couldn't see the end, like a train station during the Spring Festival transport, and made a long noise.

The jellyfish Yin Ji glanced at a distance, and her chest, which was originally tall and straight, suddenly buckled down.

Yang Feng glanced diagonally, sneered, and pointed to the grass not far away: "Why don't Auntie go over there for convenience, so as to save time."

"How can this be?

This palace is the master of the Demon Cloud Cave anyway, so how can it be solved casually, I don't want face?

Besides, what should I do if I am caught by a member of the Hehuan Sect? "

"Then you want to..." "I agree to your request, but there is another condition. I want to move to your peak house. You can make a few rooms for me."

"The deal, there are so many people, hehehe."

Snapped! Yang Feng laughed and agreed with the jellyfish Yin Ji to give a high five, and then gave Bai Lang a look and asked him to take the jellyfish Yin Ji and the crowd of people from Moyun Cave to his luxurious villa on the top of the peak.

As for Yuanhua, it is estimated that there is nothing to worry about before his face is even bigger than the Jade Emperor Tathagata.

After all, who has few poor relatives to help?

After everything was arranged, the jellyfish Yin Ji experienced the comfortable life above, and she felt comfortable and started to lead Yang Feng and the others personally.

It's just that along the way, the lord of the palace still beat Yang Feng from time to time to inquire about their relationship with the Hehuan Sect.

Yang Feng understood her thoughts and cleverly avoided the trap of her words.

The jellyfish Yin Ji asked for a long time, but she didn't get any information, and her heart was depressed.

But one thing she can be sure of is that Yang's surname is definitely not simple. There are great secrets hidden behind her, unfathomable and not easy to provoke! At a young age, he can catch the line of the Acacia Sect, and with such thick thighs, the future is really boundless.

And this is only on the surface, who knows what social background he secretly hides.

Gee, the posterity is awesome! No wonder my Shanhai admires it so much... Thinking about it this way, the jellyfish Yin Ji's attitude towards Yang Feng can't help being more diligent.

Half an hour later, after passing through the black crowds and the seats crowded with the yard of the major demon sect masters, Yang Feng and the two finally arrived in front of a courtyard with a detached courtyard under the leadership of Jellyfish Yin Ji.

Although this yard is not as generous as the two of them at the top of the peak, compared to the crowded scene of hundreds of people in other yards, this yard is much more spacious.

Moreover, there is a guard handle outside the door, which is not the same treatment system as the yard I have seen before.

"That's it, the station of Yanhuo Palace."

Jellyfish Yin Ji pointed inside and introduced.

Yang Feng hissed slightly, and asked, "Are a courtyard occupied by Yanhuo Palace?"


"But the other guests, aren’t several forces occupying a yard? Even the first-rate Demon Sect has to squeeze with those second-rate ones, and they are almost like dumplings in the pot. How can his family occupy one in Yanhuo Palace? Where is the big yard?"

"Who knows?"

Shrugging with a smile, the jellyfish Yin Ji murmured: "Who knows what method this Yanhuo Palace used to win the favor of the Hehuan Sect, so received such courtesy.

Among all the sects who came to celebrate birthday this time, except for you, they have the best accommodation conditions.

Some first-rate sects were dissatisfied, but they couldn't help but dare not speak.

Now, this Yanhuo Palace can be regarded as the number one celebrity of the Hehuan Sect, it's incredible! "

oh, I see! Nodding clearly, Yang Feng didn't say anything, and walked inward, but just when he came to the door, the two guards at the door immediately stopped him.

"Stop, who are you?

Dare to break into my Fire Palace residence? "

"I am Yang Feng, the leader of the Holy Fire cult. I have come to visit Guizong's Demon Chi Yan. Please inform me.

Yang Feng's words were very polite, which was enough to give Yanhuo Palace a lot of face.

Of course, this face is mainly for the Chi Yan Demon Fairy.

Otherwise, according to his previous temper, this kind of little girl would not be easy to care about.

However, there are people in this world who are shameless.

You give him a good face, he doesn't hurry up, instead he likes to pretend to be forced, not knowing how much he is worth.

Demon Chi Yan?

When they raised their brows, the two guards looked at each other and sneered at once.

"It's another pervert who covets the beauty of the lady of my family."

"That's, the kid who doesn't know what to do, is not good enough to take a **** and take his own virtues, and he is worthy to come to see our lady of the house?"

Hahaha! As they said, the eyes of the two of them flashed naked and fierce, and they threatened: "If you are acquainted, go to Laozi, otherwise..." Touch! However, they hadn't finished their words yet, but after hearing two loud noises, their entire bodies flew in upside down. They didn't even have a chance to react. They listened to the loud rumbling noise and crashed into a stone wall. , Buried it completely, and was unconscious.

Red blood dripped from the cracks in the ruins.

hiss! Unable to take two breaths, the jellyfish Yin Ji shuddered: "Palace Master Yang, fighting is forbidden in the Hehuan Sect, otherwise there will be a dead end.

There are so many first-rate and second-rate monsters gathered here, even if they are holding their stomachs, they dare not have any disputes, you..." "It doesn't matter! "

The corner of his mouth curled up, and Yang Feng smiled evilly: "Those who broke the rules of the Hehuan Sect are in charge of you, but not in Lao Tzu's head.

As long as Lao Tzu is willing, he can demolish his entire sect, but it's only a moment, what's the big deal, cut! "

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