Alien God System

Chapter 1328: Palace Lord Yanhuo

Startled, Yuanhua was dumbfounded: "Why?

It's just an ordinary skin injury, how can it not be cured?

The pill is not good, the spiritual method is not good, these are all ten products, why can't it work? "

"My son, it's not that pill and spiritual methods are not good, but it is not an ordinary skin trauma at all!"

"Not an ordinary skin trauma?

How can this be?

He just kicked it casually, how much can it weigh?

I have suffered more severe injuries in the past, and it will heal immediately after a pill of 7-pin pill is put down. Why doesn't it work this time? "

Yuan Hua was puzzled and roared.

The three of them shook their heads with bitter expressions and murmured: "My son, although his foot is not heavy, it just kicked you to pieces and didn't hurt the internal organs.

However, there is a strange energy entwined in the wounded area, and any medicine and spiritual magic will be eliminated by it.

Moreover, the collision of two energies will burst out a stronger impact, making you more injured.

So we really have no cure for your injury. We can at best bandage you and let it scab naturally. "

"Do not!"

Yuan Hua shook his body, knelt down on the ground with a grief, and roared, almost crying.

I don't know if God was infected by his sadness, and there was a heavy snowfall outside the car.

A group of subordinates looked at each other, and they all shook their heads helplessly.

Alas, the unique secrets of our Hehuan Sect are all double cultivation methods. Now the young master’s place is broken, how can we double cultivation in the future?

The Young Master of the Hehuan Sect cannot double cultivation, can he still be regarded as the descendant of the Hehuan Sect?

The surnamed Yang Ming knew that the young master was the heir of the Hehuan Sect. He couldn't break it even if he broke his arm or leg, but he wanted to kick it, breaking the young master's cultivation foundation. It was a naked humiliation.

Lamenting, everyone collectively mourned Yuanhua, his position as a descendant of the sect was not guaranteed.

Suddenly, an old man said: "Since ordinary spiritual methods and medicine can't heal the son's injury, the energy of heaven and earth should be OK?"


As soon as his eyes lighted up, Yuan Hua recovered from his grief: "Heaven and earth energy has healing properties, one is the earth-level wood element, and the other is the sky-level light element.

My injury can't be recovered by ordinary elixir and spiritual magic, so earth-level wood energy and sky-level light energy should be ok. "

"Young Master, the old man is the ground-level wood."

At this time, a spiritual saint who had just cured him smiled helplessly: "The old man is the earth fire, earth wood and earth gold three-line cultivator. He has just tried with the earth-level wood energy, but it is still better than But the red energy on the son's wound.

The only hope now is the energy of heavenly light.

The light attribute is activated, which can automatically recover any injuries on the wounded. "

"Then what are you waiting for, go to the old ancestor, isn't the old ancestor the powerhouse of heavenly light energy?"

Yuanhua saw hope again, but the rest of his men hesitated.

"My son, don't you know the situation of your ancestor?

Although his old man is a master of the sky-level light system, since he forcibly refined that light beast, the energy in his body has been tumbling.

In order to suppress this tyrannical energy, the ancestor has been practicing in retreat recently. Let's not bother. "

"I know!"

Nodding his head, Yuan Hua solemnly said: "In order to let our Acacia Sect enter the ranks of the super-class family as soon as possible, the ancestors forcibly refined the light beasts, causing great backlash, causing the balance of Yin and Yang in the body to be imbalanced, and the damage was extremely serious.

It is for this reason that I have to gather the primordial yin of 90 million young girls to calm the masculine heavenly light energy for the ancestors.

But who knows that I can run into trouble with the people of the Luo family. It's really a dog and a rat, nosy, alas. "

"Now, I was injured for my ancestors. The ancestors can't ignore me, right?"

As he said, Yuan Hua's eyes flashed: "Quick round of Huanzong, please leave the ancestor."

"Uh... yes!"

Looking at each other, everyone nodded and bowed deeply.

Then, a group of people drove the vehicle and drove in the direction of Hehuanzong at top speed.

A month later, Yuan Hua returned to the Hehuan Sect, but when he arrived at the door, he saw a humble man rushing up to him and bowing down to him respectfully.

"Little Palace Master of Yanhuo Palace, Huo Yan Luo Chaiyong, see Master Yuanhua."

"Yanhuo Palace?"

With a frown, Yuanhua raised the curtain to look over, and said contemptuously: "I remember it was a second-rate Demon Sect, right?"

"Yes, Master Yuan has a good memory. I didn't expect Master Yuan to remember our Yanhuo Palace. It's really three lives..." "Go!"

However, before he finished speaking, Yuan Hua pulled the curtain of the car and shouted coldly.

Rumble! The tens of feet-long vehicle rumbling, was dragged by the five tall monsters to move on, completely ignoring the little guy in front of him.

Chai Yong, the lord of the Yanhuo Palace, was taken aback for a moment, and hurried to catch up, and said with a smile: "Mr. Yuan, you have something important to tell you."

"There's something important, isn't it just sloppy, you kind of crap, this son has seen a lot of it, go, now this son has no time to talk to you."

"No, Master Yuan listened to me, this time the young one has a big gift for you."

"I knew that you, a second-rate little force, must be trying to flatter our Acacia Sect, it's useless!"

With a big smile, Yuan Hua said with an arrogant expression: "Our Hehuan Sect is a super first-class family. If there are no good things, you will be scared of your gifts?

Hum hum! Get out of here, my son is in a bad mood today and has no time to talk to you.

Don't leave, don't blame this son for being merciless. "

"My son, don't be too busy to refuse, you can talk about it after reading my gift!"

"Don't look at it, what kind of present can you, little bitch, come up with?

cut! "

"It's a medicine person, a double repair medicine person, don't you want to see it?"

Chai Yong roared, his face was eager, and his eyes were full of deep desire, just like a small clerk looking for a leader to evaluate his job title in an agency compound.

squeak! The vehicle that had been moving came to a halt, Yuanhua raised the curtain, and looked out coldly: "You just said...Shuangxiu medicine man?"

"Yeah, you are interested, hehehe."

With a grin, Chai Yong smiled like a pug.

The corners of Yuan Hua's mouth curled up slightly, and he smiled, but he smiled wickedly, and then...pop! For no reason, a big ear scraper directly slapped Chai Yong's face, turning the flame palace master ten times in a row, instantly stunned.

what happened?

Why are you hitting me?

Did I give the wrong gift?

Chai Yong looked puzzled. He looked at the glaring Yuan Hua inexplicably, and almost cried: "Master Yuan, what do you mean?"

"What do you mean?

Humph, scumbag, you are so brave, how dare you openly humiliate this son?

court death! "

"I humiliated you?

No, I just want to give you a big gift. When did you humiliate you? "

"Dare to mention your big gift?

My son now..." He clenched his fist tightly with anger, Yuan Hua's eyes were like jade breathing fire, and then he looked down at his body, even more so that [] was so angry that his lungs would explode. : "At this moment, you are humiliating me by mentioning double cultivation with Lao Tzu.

Come here, chop up this chopsticks for me to feed the dog! "


With a twitch of face, Chai Yong was immediately shocked.

Who did I provoke today?

I didn't read the almanac when I went out. It's so good. How could it be a disaster?

But how did he know that with Yuanhua’s current situation, what is the difference between you and him talking about brothels?

Isn't this a blatant insult?

Hell if they don't kill you...

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