Alien God System

Chapter 1308: Mute

Huh huh! The sword light was like white training, piercing through the crowd, with agile body.

Although the black shadow attack was only a woman, it had an unstoppable mighty aura. The sword was like a dragon, and it would kill with one blow, without the slightest drag.

However, before a while, a dead body was already stepped on, and a **** way was opened for Simon Jinlian.

"Good physical fitness, good sword intent.

This girl must be an assassin in the dark night, and she is the top one, otherwise there would never be such a sharp means. "

Seeing this, an old man stroked his long beard lightly, his eyes flashed brightly: "Let the old man meet her!"

Sa! As he said, the old man was already standing in front of Simon Jinlian and the others, a golden light group ignited in his hands, and ear-splitting thunders continued to burst on it.

Light system, thunder system double system repairer, or the second-tier pinnacle master of Wuwang?

The pupils of her eyes couldn't stop suddenly, and A Yue's heart tightened, and the cold light in her hands couldn't help tightening a lot.

"Ten-Rank Intermediate Martial Skill, Thunder Light Breaks the Sky!"

boom! At this time, the light ball in the old man's hand was pushed out suddenly, and it instantly turned into a sharp blade of gold and thunder.

Wherever it goes, even the space is shattered.

hiss! Ximen Jinlian, who was hiding behind A Yue, couldn't help taking a breath. Even if she couldn't see the old man's powerful strength, she could still feel the horror of this trick. She couldn't help but anxiously said: "Yue'er, be careful!"

Her brows were condensed into a lump, and A Yue's pale face sank as never before.

Now she is just a Tier 3 pinnacle military commander. With the weird physique that she had been coaching with the Holy Fire since she was a child, she was able to fight against the Wuwang powerhouse.

Now, the opponent is a second-order martial arts master, and the tricks she releases are tenth-grade martial skills, she is definitely not an opponent.

But even so, it is not impossible for her to escape this trick.

It's just that there is a Simon Jinlian behind her. This young lady can't keep up with her figure. If she dodges, this young lady will definitely be bombarded with scum. What should I do?

A Yue gritted her teeth, just thinking about her need, her eyes were certain, she raised her sword, and fought! Tenth-rank high-level martial arts, Baiyue Yunwu kill! call! In a short time, a thick and pale mist appeared on Ah Yue’s blade, which quickly spread, enveloping the two figures, and at the same time, the cloud and mist suddenly increased a lot of energy, which instantly turned into countless cold blades. Ready to fight.

"Yunwu dual system repairer?

This girl is very talented! "

Seeing this scene, the old man couldn't help but exclaimed.

He knew in his heart that although both clouds and fog were born of water, they had different attributes.

The fog attribute is confusion, which is used to confuse opponents and hide the figure; while the cloud attribute is proliferation, which can increase one's strength several times, even dozens of times, in a short period of time.

Although this girl has a weird figure, it depends on her strength, but she is only a Tier 3 pinnacle general.

But with this cloud attribute bonus, her power will be greatly increased, and the energy that bursts out in one breath is not much better than that of the first-order peak period.

Coupled with these tenth-rank high-level martial arts, compared to her own tenth-rank intermediate martial skills, the gap between her and herself has been further narrowed.

Under the collision of the two compartments, there may be a battle.

However, it is only the power of the first battle and cannot determine the outcome.

In any case, the difference in cultivation level between the two of them is really too big, and it can't be made up for by the multiplication power of mere cloud attributes.

But even so, I still have to admit that this girl is indeed extremely talented! The old man curled his mouth, nodded secretly, and then looked at his thunderous ball of light, hitting the opponent's cloud hard.

boom! With a blast, it shook for nine days, and a terrifying aura spread, and immediately forced all the fighting people around.

And that Lei Mang golden ball was also constantly evaporating the mist at the moment it collided with the white cloud.

It was as if Shirayuki encountered hot lava, melting at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Before a moment's notice, the second daughter, who was surrounded by thick clouds, appeared in shape.

Ayue gritted her teeth, holding her sword, her head was sweaty, and her clothes were soaked with sweat.

Simon Jinlian was behind her, already crying into tears.

Ayue looked back at her and kept winking at her, but Simon Jinlian kept shaking her head and choked up: "Yue'er, I want to go together, I can't leave you alone, woooo ......" "It turns out that this is the case, she is buying time for her master!"

Seeing this, the old man nodded clearly.

At first, he was a little suspicious. This girl had a unique body and was good at fighting, so why suddenly chose to fight him?

It turned out to be dedicated to protecting the Lord, and I can't get out of it.

Ha ha! In fact, if this girl wanders with her body and fog attributes, her combat power will have to be more than tenfold. Maybe it is not difficult for one person to break through, but unfortunately... there is a burden behind her! Yang Feng looked at all of this with scorching eyes, his eyes trembled.

This was also the first time he saw that Ah Yue gave up her strengths and wanted to respond to the enemy with weaknesses.

As a bright moon in the dark night, she has to walk in the sun and confront a powerful enemy head-on, which is unwise.

But Yang Feng can also understand that people sometimes have to commit a few silly things for some special things or emotions.

It seems that Ximen chick and Ah Yue have a good relationship... "Go!"

Suddenly, a piercing scream sounded, and Yang Feng was startled, and looked at it incredibly, only to see that Ah Yue actually spoke to Simon Jin Lian.

You know, although Ayue and Axing are not dumb, they have been trained in the Holy Fire Church since they were young, and have long been used to the silent environment. I am afraid that even they themselves have forgotten how to speak.

But never thought that at this time, Ah Yue actually spoke for this Simon Jinlian.

Suddenly, Yang Feng's face gradually became solemn.

Ximen Jinlian didn't expect the dumb maid who had been with her to speak, and she couldn't help being startled: "Yue'er, you... are you dumb?

Can you talk? "

"Hurry up!"

A Yue roared one last shout, her eyes flushed.

Ximen Jinlian was dumbfounded. He hadn't reacted yet, but only heard a crisp sound from Kara. All the clouds and mist displayed by Ayue were dispelled, and the blade in her hand was cut into two instantly.

The opposing party's ball of thunder light, like a hot sun, rolled over to the second girl mercilessly! That's it! Seeing this scene, Ayue's heart sank, her face showing despair.

Then he turned around abruptly and put Simon Jinlian in his arms.

The old man grinned and nodded with a chuckle: "Farewell, girl.

You are indeed very talented, but that's the end of it. "

Since then, the Ximen family has been completely extinct, Jie Jie Jie! Watching this scene, Liang Bo also smiled evilly, showing a gesture of victory.

Those Ximen family members who are still fighting are all distraught and distraught.

It seems that today, the ending of Simon's house is doomed! puff! Suddenly, just as Ayue and Simon Jinlian were helplessly closing their eyes and preparing to die together, a big hand suddenly blocked the progress of the Lei Mang golden ball, and the unstoppable golden ball could no longer be stopped in an instant. Moved……

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