Alien God System

Chapter 1299: Not easy to mess with

The man stared at Yang Feng's springy smiling face in surprise, and his eyes were about to stick out.

Since childhood, he has never seen such a brazen person.

Involuntarily, the man scratched his cheek, smiled and shook his head and said, "Sorry, I am also a villain. I don't intend to let this spiritual crystal record."

"That's up to you?"

Huh! Apart from anything else, Yang Feng acted first, took the record crystal in his hand, and shouted, "Boss, pay!"


The shop owner ran over in a hurry and said with a diligent look: "My son has good eyesight. This is our new arrival. The content is quite exciting.

Thanks for review, a thousand spirit stones! "

"I do double!"

However, as soon as he finished speaking, the man shouted.

The boss' eyes lit up and he was overjoyed: "Sir, take it seriously?"

"I tripled!"

But soon, Yang Feng raised the price again, and immediately made the boss happy.

"I am four times!"

The son refused to accept, and shouted again.

"Five times!"

"Six times!"

"Seven times!"

"Eight times!"

... Immediately afterwards, the two made a series of offers, and the battle was fierce.

The boss also burst into tears and danced with excitement.

How lonely these two fools are fighting for a romantic movie.

bump! Suddenly, at this moment, there was a loud noise, and the facade of the shop was kicked abruptly. A team of golden armored guards filed in, quickly surrounding everyone here.

A man with a serious face, 30 or so, with a long stature walked in, and there were several old men who followed him. At first glance, he looked bad and shouted: "Who is the boss?"

"Young Master Liang, why are you here?"

The body shook, the boss was taken aback.

When everyone in the shop saw them, they all knelt down, shaking with fright, and shouted, "Meet Young Master Liang!"

Only Yang Feng, Bai Lang, and the young master who competed for the film, were stuck there like three wooden stakes, without any movement and no respect at all.

Bailang still selects films in front of the various display stands, and Yang Feng and the competitor are still looking at each other, constantly reporting prices upwards, more than a hundred times.

The boss glanced at the three of them diagonally, and the big man was terrified and shivered.

These three masters really didn't have any eyesight to see. Even the master of the Golden State, Mr. Liang, didn't rush to salute when he arrived. Isn't this a court death?

The Young Master Liang also saw the abrupt three people, and a cold killing intent flashed in his eyes, but he seemed to have other important things, and he couldn't take care of these three rude people for now.

"Boss, come over here!"

Young Master Liang beckoned, and the boss hurriedly crawled over and pressed his ears.

After Young Master Liang whispered a few words in his ear, the boss immediately shook his body, and lightly poked Yang Feng in the direction of the two of them in horror.

When Young Master Liang saw him, he immediately understood.

"One hundred and twenty times!"

"One hundred and thirty times!"

The two were still arguing and roaring, the Young Master Liang suddenly came up to the two of them, and stretched out his hand and said, "Hand over the record of the spirit crystal."

"What record Lingjing?"

The argument between the two came to an abrupt end, Yang Feng glanced at the Liang surnamed and muttered.

Young Master Liang pointed to the place where the spiritual crystal was originally displayed: "This is the spiritual crystal, who of you took it?

Hand it over! "

"You mean this...I have something to do with my father-in-law?"

"Yes, that's it, hand it over!"


We saw it first! "

Almost in unison, Yang Feng shouted together with the young master.


Humph! With a cold smile, Young Master Liang curled his lips disdainfully: "You two blind dogs, how dare you not recognize me Liang Jinbao in Jinzhou?

Do you know that this Golden State belongs to our Liang family, and everything here belongs to our Liang family.

What do you dare to hand over what my son is interested in?

Looking for death..." Hey! However, before he could finish his words, a big ear scraper had already slapped his face severely, and he was stunned twice.

hiss! When the rest of the people saw this scene, they couldn't stop taking a breath, and they were dumbfounded.

That kid... how dare he... raising his head with a stiff face, Liang Jinbao looked at Yang Feng's disapproval, waving his wrist, his face twitched, and he couldn't believe it. I don't know where this horn came from. The Diao people dare to do something to him.

"" "What are you?

You have to come first to buy a movie. This is what we saw first. It's already annoying for two people to ask for a price. Let me add you?

Humph, the later ones are not eligible to bid, just go away! "

Yang Feng rolled his eyes and sneered.

Liang Jinbao's heart burst into anger, and his fists burst into a blast of bones: " dare to beat this young man?

Thinking the other way! Here comes..." Hey! But, just as his words were just spoken, another crisp slap sounded, knocking him around again.

It’s just that this time it’s not Yang Feng, but the young man competing with Yang Feng for the film.

At this moment, everyone present was shocked again, why this grandfather...Ah, how courageous young people are now! "This Xiongtai is right, don't rush to bid later, you are not qualified!"

The young man's eyes were full of indifference, and there was also an unparalleled arrogance.

Liang Jinbao couldn't help being stupid looking at these two people.

What kind of strange things he encountered today, dare to beat him, the Lord of the Golden State, in broad daylight?

"Mad, you are all crazy!"

Gritting his teeth fiercely, Liang Jinbao roared with red eyes: "Come here, slaughter these two madmen who dared to commit rebellion and beat my son, and chop them into dregs and feed them to the dogs. The place of burial."

Yes! With a loud shout, everyone gathered around, and the elders guarding Liang Jinbao's side were also a flash, and they came to Yang Feng's three in an instant with a raging momentum.

These people are all masters at the Wuwang level, but at this moment, Yang Feng, who has already tempered his physical strength to the point that he can spit out blood from the beast with a single punch, is not in his eyes.

Bai Lang also didn't care about these human powers at all, his face was calm as usual, and the corners of his mouth that licked from time to time made it even more clear that he wanted to eat.

As for the young master, there is no panic.

Just before a big battle was about to erupt, the young master suddenly took out a purple token and blocked everyone's eyes.

squeak! In a moment, all the people who were preparing to sharpen their knives did not dare to move, their pupils suddenly stunned and inexplicably shocked.

This is... Purple Emperor Order, a superb family identity card?

Yang Feng also took a deep look at the token, and Xindao met another super-class family.

But it's right to think about it, at this age there is such a cultivation level, besides the super-first-class family, which force can be cultivated?

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