Alien God System

Chapter 1295: Who eats who

Yang Feng didn't notice the hostility in Taotie's eyes. He just locked his focused gaze on the thunder armor, and was amazed: "Why haven't I noticed before, can the scale armor of the heavenly seven spirit elements be so hard?

It seems that the body of Lan Beast was not so hard at the beginning, right?

In other words, he is just a mass of air currents, but this thunder beast..." "The attributes of the heavenly seven spirit elements are different, and the natural external form is different. "

At this time, the saint ancestor You You explained: "The Lan Beast's attributes are decomposed, and it looks like mist.

The hardening of Thunder Beast's attributes is the hardest body in the world. "


Is this Thunder attribute? "

"Yes, the nature of the sky thunder, the masculine state of the wood, you can look at the plants in nature.

Grass is soft, wood is rigid, and the bark outside it is hardened.

In the heavenly seven spirit elements, the wood produces wind and thunder, the wind is soft, and thunder is rigid.

The wind attribute is piercing, which symbolizes that the roots and stems travel through the ground without any disadvantage; the thunder attribute is hardening, which protects the weak internal stems and leaves. This is the evolution of wood attributes. "

"That's it!"

Nodding clearly, Yang Feng understood, and then looked at the Thunder Armor beside him, raised his hand and placed it in his mouth, and continued to tear, like tearing a piece of squid.

Anyway, this stuff is a big supplement, don't eat white or eat it, hehe.

But before he had time to completely swallow this piece of armor, suddenly the top of his head went black, and Yang Feng was directly sucked into the endless black hole by a powerful air current with human armor.

When the reaction came over, the surrounding area was already out of sight, and there was still a gurgling stench on his face.

"What's the matter, why did I suddenly come to this place?"

Yang Feng looked around and roared.

"Hahaha...Human, you are in my stomach now!"

Suddenly, a playful laughter sounded, making Yang Feng's ears beep.

Yang Feng raised his eyebrows and heard the voice, and cursed: "Got, you bastard, I tore off this piece of thunder armor, it is considered a win, don't you kowtow and call Dad, how dare you eat me?"

"It's because you won that I eat you.

Want to make Lao Tzu, this dignified monster, beast gluttonous, kowtow to you, a little human being?

Dream, I can't afford to lose that person! "

"You can't afford to lose that person. Don't brag before. Didn't Lao Tzu force you to recognize your father?

This is your own banner! "

"I love to brag, but I just say nothing, what can you do to me, Jie Jie Jie."

Yang Tian laughed and raised his eyebrows proudly: "In fact, even if you can eat that piece of scale armor that I can't eat, you can be regarded as better than me.

But as long as I eat you again, it can prove that I can eat better than you, then I still win, hahaha! "

cut! He curled his lips in disdain, and Yang Feng shrugged dismissively after hearing these words: "You think you can eat me by swallowing me in my stomach, is it that easy?"

"Swallowing it in the stomach certainly doesn't count as eating it completely, it has to be digested, hahaha!"

With a treacherous smile, his gluttonous eyes condensed suddenly, and he patted his stomach fiercely.

boom! Suddenly, it was like a flood, Yang Feng hadn't realized what was going on, it was as if countless nine days of Milky Way fell from the top of his head, and instantly photographed him under the billowing waves.

Moreover, this huge wave was still corrosive, and Yang Feng's clothes almost melted in the blink of an eye.

Even his body is not bad, but he felt a needle-stick tingling sensation in the waves.

"Oh, this is gluttonous stomach acid."

Yang Feng just saw it, so he understood it, and hurriedly shook his body, and shouted, "Lan Qi protects the body."

call! The red air flow suddenly filled his whole body, forming a one-meter-diameter red sphere, enclosing his whole body.

As soon as those stomach acid encountered this red gas, they all disappeared.

Yang Feng nodded happily, and said with a smile: "Although this gluttonous gastric acid is strong, the Lan Qi is the energy of the Heavenly Seven Spirit Element, and even this sacred animal can't compare it.

Want to digest Lao Tzu?

Dream, cut! "

"the host!"

At this time, the Lan Beast's voice sounded: "Should I make a hole in his stomach, let's turn him into a pile of dust?"

"No need to!"

Shaking his head, Yang Feng grinned and said, "Isn't he going to be better than me?

I will let him know now, people and gluttony, who can eat whom?

Jie Jie Jie... Actually dare to provoke me, the world's number one food-eater race, looking for death! "

At the same time, the gluttonous patted his belly lightly. Seeing that there was no movement inside, he immediately laughed with satisfaction: "Lao Tzu's belly can digest all of your twelfth rank spiritual soldiers into dregs, you are a little human , The body of flesh and blood, it is estimated that it has been wiped out now, although your mouth is really good, it can be comparable to Lao Tzu.

But it’s a pity that the most edible thing in the world is our gluttonous food, hahaha..."Oh! Suddenly, he was laughing proudly, his stomach was painful, his face instantly turned pale, and his face was constantly changing. Twitching vigorously.

"What's the matter, why is it so painful in my stomach that it is overwhelming?"

"Have you eaten your stomach?"

"Impossible, Lao Tzu is gluttonous, devouring everything, how can it be eaten... Hey, who is talking?"

A voice was made leisurely, and the gluttonous wave of his hand abruptly, noncommittal, but suddenly stunned and froze.

Because this voice is so familiar to him, isn't it the human being who was just eaten into his stomach?

But how is this possible?

The person who was swallowed in his stomach and was overwhelmed by his strong stomach acid was not dead yet and could still speak?

"Hey, human, is that you?

Why are you still alive? "

"Yes, I'm still alive, how about you, do you need painkillers?"

Yang Feng spoke lightly, and his words were full of teasing.

Taotie couldn't help but shrank his pupils severely, and shouted, "How could you still be alive?

Haven't you been dissolved by Lao Tzu's stomach acid? "

"Well, no.

But your stomach acid has been completely broken down by me. "

"What, decomposition?"


Nodding his head, Yang Feng smiled evilly: "I didn't tell you just now that there is a Lan Beast hidden in my body, and it is of the same level as the Thunder Beast who fought with you.

You monster race sacred beasts are still one level behind the spirit creatures that are generated from heaven and earth.

So your stomach acid doesn't matter to me. "


His body shook, Glutton's mouth opened wide in shock.

"and also!"

Immediately afterwards, Yang Feng said again: "The meat on the surface of your stomach and noodles is very tender, and the taste is good, but I don't know how your heart, liver, kidneys and sewage are going, hehehe."


what did you say?

Could it be that you are now..." "Yeah, as a full-fledged foodie, how can you watch such a large food market without being moved? "

With a grin at the corner of his mouth, Yang Feng's face is full of evil smiles: "I am eating barbecue right now, first grill your stomach and eat your stomach piercing.

Eat your heart again, eat your myocardial infarction.

Then eat your kidneys, eat your kidney edema...until you eat it all over your body.

I have already said, "Compared to eating, your gluttony can't compare to our human beings, but we can eat your extinct existence, Jie Jie!" "

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