Alien God System

Chapter 1291: Journey to find God

bump! An hour later, Yunying returned to her own courtyard. The more she thought about it, the more angry she threw the tea cup on the table to the ground.

At this time, a guard ran in anxiously and said: "Knowing the grandson, I will search for a hundred miles, but there is no trace of Liu Changgui."

"Find, keep looking for me, never let them talk nonsense outside!"

Glancing at the guard, Yunying roared: "If you can run, the monk can't run to the temple. Go to their mansion and keep it there. Unfortunately, the three of them won't go back."

"Then what?"

"Kill all, leave no one!"

A cold light flashed in his eyes, Yun Ying shouted coldly.

However, his plans were all within Yang Feng's expectations.

Half a month later, Yunying had already returned to Yuncheng, anxiously waiting for the following news, but the information waiting for him made him even more uneasy.

Report! A guard hurriedly ran to Yunying and bowed and said, "The trio of Liu Changgui has disappeared and they are missing!"


Yunying's body was shocked, and her face was so ugly and ugly.

At the same time, in the newly-built office building of Xiongfeng Mansion, Yang Feng had a discussion meeting with a group of cadres.

"Now that we are in charge of the territory has reached the boundaries of the five provinces, but the newly trained civil servants can maintain the modern management system of the land.

The other four provinces, from top to bottom, are still under the feudal management system... Uh no, it should be under slavery. Obviously this is no longer suitable for our increasing productivity. We must align productivity with production relations as soon as possible. . "

"Yes, our site is bigger, but there are more places to improve. There is a long way to go!"

Sima Changfeng also nodded and said: "Especially the obstruction of some local forces, it is impossible for them to let go of their arbitrary power. It requires some arbitrary means."

"What's the big deal?"

Hearing what he said, Ge Hong smiled non-committal: "Like before, ask the corpse king to help. Let's sing with black faces and one with white faces.

First kill it in all directions, destroy the foundation of those earth-headed snakes, and then rebuild.

In the past, Lord Palace, didn't you just take us to do this. "

"The words are good, but you have to make progress gradually.

It is not possible to destroy the old world before the ability to build a new world. "

"I know, can our military department cooperate with your education department and infrastructure department?

You say you can fight wherever you want. We will not fight until you give notice, hahaha! "

...Everyone was chatting and laughing, obviously already very experienced.

Yang Feng glanced at them and said with a smile: "It seems that everyone has already discovered that our site is too large now, and construction and education are a bit too big to keep up, so let's move forward slowly.

Once the five provinces have been established, they will march forward to take over Yunzhou and even the entire spiritual world. "


Determined to nod, everyone said solemnly, and then Ge Hong asked again: "Then...Where are the people like Liu Changgui?

Do you want...crack! "

Ge Hong stroked his neck, Yang Feng waved his hand, and smiled: "They are now in a semi-reclusive state, they have no rights and no duties. It doesn't matter whether they are killed or not.

Moreover, leaving their lives behind can also set an example for the remaining palace masters who submit.

Lest they feel that we kill the donkey and kill the donkey, the rabbit and the fox are sad, and give birth to two hearts. "

"Palace Master is well thought out!"

"And..." Then, Yang Feng said again: "Now my Yang family's entire governance machine is on the right track, and my palace owner doesn't need to do everything personally, so I want to take a vacation and leave Xiongfeng Mansion for a while."

"Palace Lord, are you leaving?"

"Yeah, I'm going out to relax, don't you mind."

With a grin, Yang Feng smiled innocently.

Everyone looked at each other, and they all shrugged. Only Ge Hong was a little worried: "If the palace lord leaves, what should the Yun family do against me?"

"Don't worry about this, the Yun Family has always been unable to let go of it, not our land of the five palaces, but the super-class forces behind the palace lord."

He smiled and shook his head, Sima Changfeng's eyes flashed with a gleam: "In other words, the Yun Family only targeted the Palace Master.

The palace lord is not in my Xiongfeng Fifth Mansion, and the Yun Family does not need to specifically target us; and before the palace lord's accident, the Yun Family dare not specifically target us.

Therefore, if the palace lord wants to relax, just go, there is no need to worry too much, I wish you a good time, ha ha ha! "

"You too, have fun!"

The corner of his mouth curled up, and after Yang Feng nodded and smiled at the crowd, he gently pushed open the window beside him, and flew out suddenly.

Looking at his far away back, Motogiro couldn't help but slapped his mouth and said: "The boss is the boss, completely throwing his hand at the shopkeeper, skipping work whenever he wants.

It's like us, and we have to work hard for the construction of the five houses. It's really hard work, oh! "

"No, you are wrong!"

However, as soon as he finished speaking, Sima Changfeng on the side couldn't help but shook his head and burst into laughter: "It is the old man, the palace lord, who is really bothering.

Those who are playing are us! "


We are playing, is he working hard?

Lord Sima, are you right?

Everyone is gone, are you still flattering here? "

The magic top was puzzled, Sima Changfeng smiled and shook his head, and sighed: "In short, it is the blessing of our life to meet the Palace Lord in this life!"

Whoosh! Above the nine sky, a figure flicked across the clouds, Yang Feng's eyes were a little confused, galloping aimlessly on the high blue sky.

"Brother Saint Ancestor, ask you something, how did you deal with the Demon God in the first place?"

"Why, you have to deal with that demon too?"


Nodding fixedly, Yang Feng's eyes flashed with a deep light: "Knowing that the end is coming, my employees are still working tirelessly.

As their boss, how can I bear to let their contributions be completely destroyed?

No matter what, I will protect them and the fruits of our victory. I cannot let the great judgment of the God Realm ruin everything! "

"Then you have to find the **** of the lower realm first!"

"Yeah, so I'm asking you now, where should I find it?"

"Where do I know?"

Rolling his eyes, the ancestor was noncommittal.

Yang Feng was taken aback: "You can't find it?

Then how did you make a deal with the Demon God to protect the original Ascendant? "

"If it is destined to meet, this is fate, and it is under the control of the destiny system.

If you are lucky, you can see it earlier, this is within the control of the fortune system. "

"Fate system, fortune system?

what is that? "

Yang Feng was puzzled, and the saint ancestor smiled dumbly: "This is a part of a big machine that controls the entire world. The fate and fortune of mankind is one of the local functions.

All things in the heavens and the earth run in this machine, including gods.

However, God's fortune and destiny are much higher than ordinary people, so it is easy to get what you want.

You are a god, if you want to see the demon **** of this world, you will probably see it soon, don’t worry, hahaha! "

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