Alien God System

Chapter 1282: Awakening

Yang Feng touched his nose resplendently, and muttered: "That... if you work hard, it should be okay, with our physique..." "What did you say?"

Linglong's sensitive ears gave him a harsh look.

Yang Feng hurriedly shook his head and said with a smile: "It's nothing, I said the sky is big, the lady is the biggest, hehehe!"

Ignoring him again, Linglong snorted and followed in the direction that Zi Ning was advancing.

After the two ladies had gone away, the magic top looked at Yang Feng cautiously: "Brother, do you want to clean up the beauties sent by the Yun family again?"

"What are you packing up? Don't let the two ladies clean up me with them, even if you are Amitabha, alas!"

Yang Feng smiled bitterly and shook his head, his expression gradually becoming solemn: "Order to go down, strengthen guard in the mansion tonight, and prepare to welcome guests!"


"Yes, Yunying called the three people surnamed Liu and said they were reprimanding, but they were actually looking for a new gun."

With a faint smile, Yang Feng said lightly: "Last time he asked Xiangjia to make his gun against me, he failed.

When he came to Tianfu this time, he would never come out in person, he needed to find a new gun.

Obviously, Liu Changgui and the three are the most suitable. After all, they are not in harmony with me this morning, as everyone knows.

Even assassinating me late at night is reasonable.

Afterwards, as long as these three people were silenced in our mansion, no one would suspect him of Grand Master Yun.

However, I don't want these three people to die! "

"yes, Sir!"

Determined to nod, the magic top smiled evilly.

And all this, unknowingly, was greeted by the guard who looked at the door of the mansion, and his eyes were quite deep.

Not only this Xiangtianfu, but also the entire Xiangtianfu realm, and even the entire spiritual world, some strange people appeared at this time.

Once these people changed their ordinary temperament, they became reticent, and the depths of their eyes looked like an endless sea, and they could never see what was hidden inside.

They don't communicate with others, they just watch the world quietly.

In the God Realm, in a shrine surrounded by layers of clouds and mist, a group of pale white light floats in the void. All the information that occurs in the spiritual realm is like a sea of ​​rivers and rivers. In the capital of Tianfu, Yang Feng and Yunying's private plots and Liu Changgui's helplessness.

Ugh! After a long sigh, there was a muffled sound that could not distinguish gender from the halo.

Hum! At this time, another black group of light appeared in the temple, with wicked smiles: "How is it, double-faced god, have you made the final judgment?"

"Di Ablo Demon Lord, you are very active every time this time!"

There was a sneer in the white light ball.

The black light group flashed a little halo, and laughed: "I am a demon, I want to destroy the world, of course I am excited, this is the nature of the deity.

Just like the nature of your creator god, who is always so soft-hearted, indecisive, and can't bear to erase the grass and trees in the lower realm.

Allow those stupid creatures in the lower realms to be lawless and indiscriminate to create evil karma! "

"Yes, all the lives in this interface are created by the deity himself, just like my own child, how can I bear to destroy it easily?"

"So, any interface in this world is managed by a righteous **** and a demon god.

Your lack of righteousness will be made up for by my devil.

If you don't want to take action, I will do it for you! "

The black light group flickered, and it came to ten meters before the white light group, and shouted: "One hundred thousand years ago, that group of insignificant things had been completely erased.

I think that the remaining group of humans from that year looks a little bit like, after 100,000 years of development, they should do a little better than the previous group of humans.

The result...hehe, not as good as the previous batch.

The last batch of humans was completely destroyed. How do you deal with this batch? "

"I'm still observing!"

"Still observing?"

Hearing these words, the Demon Lord Diablo couldn't help but sneered: "Can the bad karma accumulated over a hundred thousand years be changed in just a few decades?

This group of stupid low-level species is no longer saved, and if we delay it, we are just wasting our time. Let's destroy the world and recreate it.

I hope the next batch of experimental products can be a little promising. "

Without speaking, the two-faced **** seemed to be thinking about something.

"I'm also doing this for your own good. Knowing that these species have completely fallen, there is no hope of manifestation, and allowing them to occupy the spiritual materials you created is completely wasting your effort.

Do you think that their next generation will be better than the previous generation?

Don't be funny, human inheritance is all influenced by the previous generation.

Now that the entire human race is completely filthy and degenerate, no matter how many generations it reproduces, it is useless. Only by destroying and recreating can a new atmosphere emerge. "

Hmm... Two-faced God groaned, but still didn't answer.

"Okay, make a decision quickly, otherwise your performance this year will not be complete.

Look at Apollo in the temple next door. There are already three Manifestations in his interface. If you don't come up with another Manifestation, I'm afraid you can't even do it with God, you will enter the cycle again! "

In the end, Diablo Demon Lord roared, shaking the entire temple unceasingly.

After groaning for a while, the two-faced **** murmured: "According to the rules of the gods, before making the final results of the experiment, you must use thousands of dharmakaya gods to descend to the lower realm and make the final observations on the interface. This is the last chance for the creatures of this interface. Right."

"Give it back?

What can they change in just such a little time?

This is just killing our own time. "

Diablo Demon Venerable was a little frustrated and roared: "Listen to me, just go straight to the judgment to destroy the world, I will immediately report the judgment to the God Realm Committee for approval, so that we can destroy the world!

Uh, this... After thinking about it a little bit, he finally agreed: "Well, let the soul boy of the lower realm wake up."

As soon as the voice fell, a white light immediately pierced the void, slumped thousands of miles, and poured into a deep mountain full of blood mist in the spirit world.

A jealous figure was slashing in the blood pool continuously, practicing sharp knife skills, but was suddenly stunned by the white light entering the body.


At this time, a wisp of shadow suddenly appeared behind him, bowed and said: "The master asked the little one to ask, how is your blood shadow magic sword practiced now?"

Sa! With a slash, the man hadn't realized what was going on. The entire sky was instantly turned into two halves, and a white crack in the middle was so dazzling that even the void was cut apart.

Uhhhhh... the man was dumbfounded and speechless.

The young man in the blood pool withdrew the blade, lowered his head and muttered to himself: "The world is dying, and there is no spiritual world.

Third brother, you should never come to the spirit world at this juncture! "

As he said, there were already drops of blood and tears on the boy's cheeks, falling into the pool of blood...

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