Alien God System

Chapter 1280: Three more back pot men

What do you mean?

They exchanged glances, and the three of them were a little bit confused.

Why is the old man's tone not only bad, but also with a little killing intent?

Just who is this killing intent aimed at?

Doesn't it seem to point to us?

The three of them were puzzled, Yun Ying glanced at them diagonally and said: "Do you know how Yang Feng, this kid, got this Xiangtianfu?"

"I know, it's because Palace Master Yang is able to fight well, righteously, and help the danger [天籁 novel] to help the poor..." "Shut up!"

With a loud shout, they interrupted their flattery, Yunying said angrily: "I am not asking you to slap a horse and give him a high hat, but use your own brains to think about how this is good to the heavens, and just run. Is his Yang Feng in his pants pocket?"

Uh, this...the heart was stagnant, the three of them scratched their heads involuntarily, thinking about it a little, and then said: "Because Zoroastrianism invaded Xiangtianfu, Yang Feng took the people out of Zoroastrianism and took over it logically."

"Well, exactly!"

Nodding slightly, Yunying said again: "Then have you ever thought about why it is so good that Zoroastrianism suddenly invaded Tianfu?

With the power of the entire Tianfu government, it was impossible to stop those demon invasions. Before the Yunzhou government could react, they directly occupied the entire territory.

And the strength of the Xiongfeng Mansion drove them faster, and almost drove away all these evil spirits in the blink of an eye. Don't you think it's weird or strange? "

Uh, this... licked some dry lips, Liu Changgui thought a little, and tentatively said: "The big young man means that Palace Master Yang and that Zoroastrian have... Is he shouting to catch the thief?"

"Not bad!"

Determined to nod, Yun Ying said calmly: "We have long suspected that this kid was in collusion with Zoroastrianism. He performed such a double reed in order to take the opportunity to win Xiang Tianfu and expand his influence."

"In that case, why didn't the eldest son break him face to face and take him down?

Want to reward him? "

"I want to take it, but there is no evidence. How can I win the palace chief?"

Yunying couldn't help but sighed and said helplessly: "The so-called catching thief and taking stolen goods, catching the traitor and taking double.

As the head of Yunzhou, our Yun family, and the palace masters from all over the world, all regard us as the head of the horse. We must be fair and just to be convincing.

If you win a second-rate palace master for no reason, it will make other palace masters flustered. Who will manage this Yunzhou?

So in the absence of evidence, it is not appropriate for our Yun family to move the despicable Yang Feng casually. "

"What about?

Could it be that Yang Feng, a thief who deceives the world, can occupy the entire Xiangtian Palace? "

"Of course not!"

There was a flash of light in his eyes, and the corners of Yunying's mouth curled up with an arc of evil charm: "Although we can't take him down in an upright manner, it's okay to get rid of him secretly.

We must not let this shameless person who colluded with Mo Dao Xiao Xiaoxiao in private to occupy such an important territory as Xiangtian Palace and become the biggest hidden danger in Yunzhou. "

"Secretly get rid of?

Grand Master, what do you mean..." "Humph, assassination! "

The pupils condensed, and Yun Ying immediately focused the eyes of the three of them and shouted: "Your three territories are all adjacent to Xiangtian Palace. It stands to reason that now the Xiang family and the whole family have lost their lives. Xiangtian Palace should be taken over by the three of you.

As long as you kill Yang Feng, this little bastard, the entire Xiangtian Mansion will be your three worlds, I promise! "


You let us do it?

The body shook, and the three of them shuddered in terror. They glanced at each other and frowned.

Yunying squinted her eyes and hummed, "Why, are you scared?

Didn't you still clamor for a war with Yang Feng just now, why are you now shrinking from letting you assassinate someone? "

"Oh, grandpa.

A war is a war, and an assassination is an assassination. These are two different things! "

After a long sigh, Liu Changgui murmured: "The battle is a battle between the two sides, and we don't need to come out in person.

Regardless of victory or defeat, death is the cannon fodder ahead.

The big deal is lost, and the signing of a surrender agreement is over, and everyone is the head of Yunzhou Palace, even if the civil war is impossible to kill you and destroy your family.

But the assassination was different. Once the three of us missed our hands, Yang Feng would kill us in a rage. This was a brainstorming job.

And this is his place, how can we succeed? "

"Hmph, don't worry, I have already thought about this!"

With a grin, Yunying raised her head triumphantly: "You think, why did I give Yang Feng hundreds of beauties today?"

"Is it possible..." "Yes, it's a beauty trick!"

Yang Tian laughed, and Yunying proudly said: "Now that Yang Feng is proud of the spring breeze, I will put him in the gentle country again. He must be reluctant to think about Shu, and his vigilance is greatly reduced.

And this is Xiangtian Mansion, not his Xiongfeng Mansion.

He hasn't gotten a solid foundation here, and in terms of guards, it must be impossible to be invulnerable.

We will take advantage of him while he is happy and happy, and kill this despicable man with one blow.

In addition, I am also ready in terms of manpower, so you don't have to worry about fighting alone. "

Pop! With that said, Yunying clapped his hands, and immediately walked into a big man outside the door, behind him there were more than a hundred men with cold eyes and raging momentum.

Master! The three people only saw their faces serious.

They can feel how terrifying the strength of this group of assassins, I am afraid that none of them is below the three of them.

This is indeed the case. Yun Ying glanced at the trembling faces of the three of them and introduced: "The weakest of these people is the strength of the third-tier peak generals, and there are more than ten masters of the martial arts.

It can be said that with them following you, this battle will be foolproof. "

"What, so strong?"

Their bodies shook, and Liu Changgui and the others opened their mouths in shock, and then looked at Yunying unidentifiedly, and said, "My eldest son, since each of them is stronger than us, then it is enough for them to assassinate by themselves, why do they have to Shall we follow?"

Uh... Yunying was speechless for a while scratching her cheek.

This is of course to put the pot on your heads, idiot! However, this kind of remarks can't be told to them of course, so Yunying's expression is righteous: "Because they need someone to command, the three heads of the family are all heads of the family, and they have good command.

With your leadership and command, this operation will surely be able to get twice the result with half the effort, and there will never be anything wrong, and this young man will be at ease! "

"Oh, is it!"

Nodded with a dry smile, Liu Changgui and the others looked at each other, still a little worried, always felt that this was a pit.

Yunying saw that they were still suspicious, so he glared at them again and shouted: "Why, you don't want to go?

Humph! Let me tell you, this is the son of this son who upholds you and gives you a chance to do meritorious service.

After the success of this operation, not only in Tianfu, including the Xiongfeng Mansion, this son can also give you three points.

But if you don't go, you just won't give me face.

Humph, at your own risk! "

Sa! After all, Yunying flicked her sleeves and turned her back to them. She couldn't tell, but she kept playing drums in her heart.

What if they don't go yet?

Alas, people are becoming more and more savvy nowadays, it's not easy to find the Back Pot Man, rely on...

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